

SLC7A11 increases the amount of BAP1. 2 / 2
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"p53 binds to the SLC7A11 promoter, directly suppressing its transcription; the nuclear deubiquitinase (DUB) BAP1 represses SLC7A11 transcription by removing histone 2A ubiquitination from the SLC7A11 promoter; and KEAP1 represses SLC7A11 transcription through degrading NRF2, a master transcription factor of antioxidant response and regulator of SLC7A11."

"A luciferase assay with the SLC7A11 promoter showed that overexpression of BAP1 WT, but not its C91A mutant, decreased luciferase activity, whereas BAP1 knockdown increased it, indicating that BAP1 regulates SLC7A11 transcription (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY - XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."