

Modified INS increases the amount of INS. 16 / 16
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"On the one hand, E2 group has significantly higher insulin levels than others at any days of treatment, and E group has significantly higher insulin levels at day 6 and significantly lower insulin lev[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"In IR, insulin levels are abnormally high, increasing the amount of insulin competing with Abeta for IDE in the brain XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"The decrease in Pdx1 and MafA DNA binding activity is associated with the loss of insulin driven reporter activity and insulin mRNA levels, with the change in MafA occurring earlier and correlated more closely with the loss in expression than Pdx1 XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"An increase in fasting insulin levels and glucose stimulated insulin levels during GH treatment has been previously reported in children with short stature born SGA who received long-term GH treatment, suggesting that relative insulin resistance may develop during long-term GH treatment."

"Infusion of the same amount of insulin into a peripheral vein raised peripheral insulin levels to 14 +/- 1 microU/ml and portal vein concentrations to 12 +/- 1 microU/ml."

"In contrast, serum insulin levels increased during the first treatment year in all groups, resulting in a more marked elevation of integrated insulin levels in transplant (1402 +/- 179 pM) and dialysis (1025 +/- 114 pM) patients compared with conservatively treated patients (829 +/- 94 pM), and control subjects (719 +/- 89 pM) (p < 0.01)."

"A reduction in the lipid moiety ceramide, a known inhibitor of insulin transcription, may enhance insulin transcription and content in lipid depleted INS-1 cells [XREF_BIBR]."

"Under arterial isoglycemia across the groups, the physiological GLP-1 infusion in Sham augmented promptly and markedly arterial insulin levels, approximately twofold the levels in glucose alone infusion (P < 0.005), and insulin levels in Vagox diminished apparently (P < 0.05)."

"This study clearly demonstrated that expression of insulin as oleosin fusion protein in plant allow accumulation of large amount of recombinant insulin within the seed and also provide simple downstream purification by centrifugation i.e. oilbody purification."

"These mutants fall into three major phenotypic classes displaying severely reduced insulin expression, reduced insulin expression with abnormal islet morphology, or abnormal islet morphology with relatively normal number of insulin expressing cells."

"On the other hand, as it effectively sensitizes peripheral tissues to insulin, the levels of blood insulin are remarkably decreased, thereby reducing insulin levels in brain."

"Reduced serum insulin levels and/or reduced expression of insulin receptors on NK cells prevents NK cell activation and induces their impairment by apoptosis."

"In support of this model, we find TGF-beta signaling regulates the expression of several insulin genes with DAF-3 and PDP-1 negatively modulating insulin gene expression."

"Thus, it may be assumed that the suppressed endogenous insulin levels may have contributed a relatively lower amount to the total plasma insulin level during the higher dose glargine clamp studies."

"Pancreatic insulin I mRNA levels were increased 7.4 +/- 0.5-fold, and plasma insulin levels 20.0 +/- 5.0-fold, in these rats (LA/N-lean, 308 +/- 84 pM; LA/N-cp 6,120 +/- 1,540 pM; p less than 0.0001)."

"More complete release of insulin from single vesicles could enhance the overall amount of insulin released without changing the total number of fusion events per cell."