

STUB1 activates ATXN3. 8 / 8
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"It was recently shown that CHIP promotes the degradation of polyQ expanded ataxin-3 and, together with Hsc70 protein, suppresses the aggregation and cytotoxicity mediated by huntingtin (Jana et al., 2[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Although in this case, the E3 ligases that are acting redundantly to CHIP have not been identified, overexpression of either CHIP or parkin promotes the degradation of nNOS and polyglutamine expanded ataxin-3."

"However, further analysis revealed certain discrepancies in the CHIP 's effects on different polyQ proteins; for example, CHIP increases the degradation of polyQ expanded ataxin-3 while it does not af[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Transient overexpression of CHIP increases the ubiquitination and the rate of degradation of polyglutamine expanded huntingtin or ataxin-3."

"It was previously reported that overexpression of CHIP increases the ubiquitination and degradation rates of polyQ expanded Atx3, which is also enhanced by HSP70 XREF_BIBR."

"The possibility of redundancy in E3 ligase action is suggested by reports that overexpression of either CHIP or Parkin increases ubiquitination of polyglutamine expanded ataxin-3 and reduces its cellular toxicity."

"XREF_FIG - XREF_FIG demonstrate that CHIP promotes degradation of two signaling proteins, GR and nNOS, and two poly Q expanded proteins, AR112Q and Q78 ataxin-3."

"Our findings and recent reports lead us to favor a model in which mono-ubiquitination of CHIP promotes recruitment of ataxin-3 to the complex before chain formation on substrates."