

USP15 activates IFNB1. 5 / 5
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"However, we also found that co-expression of increasing amounts of USP15-HA and USP15-Myc further enhanced the IFN-β promoter activation stimulated by RIG-I-N and TRIM25 as a function of the dose, in line with the result described by Pauli (Supplementary Fig. S5)."

"However, we also found that co-expression of increasing amounts of USP15-HA and USP15-Myc further enhanced the IFN-beta promoter activation stimulated by RIG-I-N and TRIM25 as a function of the dose, in line with the result described by Pauli."

"Through the comparison we found under the condition that co-expressed with TRIM25, USP15 enhanced the activation of IFN-beta."

"Coexpression of increasing amounts of Myc tagged USP15 further enhanced the IFN-beta and NF-kappaB promoter activation stimulated by GST-RIG-I (2CARD) and TRIM25 in a dose dependent manner (XREF_FIG)."

"Through the comparison we found under the condition that co-expressed with TRIM25, USP15 enhanced the activation of IFN-β."