

USP7 activates ECT2. 5 / 5
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"Consistent with the observation that enzymatic inhibition of USP7 resulted in ECT2 destabilization , treatment of HeLa cells with USP7 inhibitor GNE-6640 for 4 h resulted in a marked increase in the level of ubiquitinated ECT2 species and a decrease of total ECT2 ( Figure 5J and S4C ) ."

"These results indicated that USP7 targets ECT2 for deubiquitination, indicating that ECT2 is a bona fide substrate of USP7."

"To further support this deduction, the potential of USP7 to modulate the steady-state level of ECT2 protein was assessed by cycloheximide (CHX) chase assays."

"To gain molecular insights into the functional connection between USP7 and ECT2, we examined whether USP7 promoted ECT2 stabilization is dependent on its ubiquitin specific protease activity."

"Given that ECT2 is an ubiquitinated protein XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR and USP7 promotes the stabilization of ECT2, we next asked the question whether USP7 functions to deubiquitinate ECT2."