

"50 Interestingly, ATXN3 has been reported to repress transcription through recruitment of HDAC3 to target promoters 38 or by inhibiting a histone acetyltransferase."

"Notably, ATXN3 depletion significantly decreased global transcription, repair of transcribed genes, and error-free double-strand break repair of a 3 '-phosphate-containing terminally gapped, linearized reporter plasmid."

"The lack of ATXN3 leads to abnormalities in nuclear and nucleolar morphology , alters DNA replication timing and increases transcription ."

"Similar to the polyQ-expansions of sizes> = 34 in the polysome associated protein ATXN2 causing Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 (SCA2), polyQ expansions of sizes> = 52 in the deubiquitinating transcript[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Ataxin-3 is thought to repress transcription via histone dependent chromatin remodeling [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR], and huntingtin modulates the expression of NRSE controlled genes [XREF_BIBR]."

"Since expanded ATX3 may disrupt normal gene transcription patterns, lithium may act as a protective factor by modulating gene expression."

"ATX-3 deletion destabilizes p53, resulting in deficiency of p53 activity and functions, whereas ectopic expression of ATX-3 induces selective transcription and expression of p53 target genes and promotes p53 dependent apoptosis in both mammalian cells and the central nervous system of zebrafish."

"In the present study we use cell transfections, in vitro binding, co-immunoprecipitations, and reporter assays to show that the polyglutamine disease protein, ataxin-3, interacts with the major histone acetyltransferases cAMP-response-element binding protein (CREB)-binding protein, p300, and p300 and CREB binding protein associated factor and inhibits transcription by these coactivators."

"Additionally, ataxin-3 also binds coactivators like CBP, p300, and CBP and p300 associated factor (PCAF) and represses the respective coactivator mediated transcription."

"Furthermore, microarray gene expression profiling in MJD and SCA3 transgenic mice revealed that expanded ATX3 may cause cerebellar dysfunction and ataxia by disrupting the normal pattern of gene transcription."