

KCNMA1 activates SPARC. 4 / 4
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"These results are consistent with the hypothesis that slo-1 and slo-2 promote AWC ON in a cell-autonomous manner."

"To shed light on how slo-1 and slo-2 promote AWC ON, we investigated where they are located within the AWC asymmetry pathway by generating double and triple mutants of slo-1, slo-2, and other genes previously implicated in AWC asymmetry (XREF_FIG)."

"This observation suggests that SPARC produced by SLO mesenchymal cells takes part in peripheral B-cell development,."

"Specifically, we determined if retention of the slo-1 (OE) or slo-2 (OE) array in only a single AWC cell causes a bias of AWC ON choice in that cell when the mosaic animals exhibited a wild-type 1AWC ON / 1AWC OFF phenotype."