

PSMD14 activates E2F1. 14 / 19
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"Accordingly, depletion of Poh1 in poh1 f/f MEFs could cause an acceleration of E2F1 protein turnover that apparently was not due to the change in E2F1 mRNA levels (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"POH1 overexpression positively regulated E2F1 activity, as monitored by an E2F1 binding element-luciferase reporter, whereas POH1 deletion yielded an opposite effect (XREF_FIG)."

"Overexpression of the K63 resistant form of ubiquitin (K63R) attenuated POH1 knockdown induced E2F1 downregulation, indicating that K63 linked polyubiquitination is important for POH1 mediated E2F1 turnover (XREF_FIG)."

"XREF_BIBR proposed that the aberrant upregulation of nuclear POH1 mediated E2F1 stabilization promotes tumor formation in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)."

"In summary, we propose that the aberrant upregulation of nuclear POH1 mediated E2F1 stabilization is an important event in the development of liver cancer and that targeting POH1 might serve as a promising strategy for cancer treatment."

"The results indicate that forced POH1 expression significantly potentiates E2F1 protein stability (XREF_FIG)."

"Furthermore, we generated different siRNA resistant (siR-R) POH1 constructs for rescue assays, and the results showed that restoration of POH1 expression with the C120S-, H113Q- and DeltaJAMM POH1 mutants did not attenuate the inhibition of E2F1 caused by the deletion of endogenous POH1 (XREF_FIG)."

"Moreover, PSMD14 mediated E2F1 stabilization could promote tumor formation in liver cancer XREF_BIBR."

"Therefore, our data indicate that PSMD14 mediated increase of E2F1 directly promotes the transcription activation of SOX2."

"Through immunoblotting assay , we confirmed that PSMD14 blocking inhibited the expression of E2F1 ( Figure 5A ) , while no obvious change was found in E2F1 mRNA level ( Figure S5 ) ."

"Briefly, PSMD14 suppressed the degradation of E2F1, and then E2F1 promoted AKT and SOX2 positive feedback loop."

"Although POH1 overexpression caused the deubiqutination of E2F1, the approach did not have an appreciable impact on levels of total polyubiquitin modified proteins (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), suggesting that POH1 mediated deubiquitination of E2F1 can take place in cells in absence of a noticeable alteration in global proteasome activity."

"The deubiquitination of E2F1-K63 polyubiquitin chains appears to be important for POH1 mediated stabilization of E2F1 because Ub-K63R overexpression showed a dominant negative effect that rescued E2F1 expression in cells with POH1 inhibition (XREF_FIG)."

"Then, we validated that the ubiquitination level of E2F1 was greatly elevated in HNSCC cells stably transfected with shPSMD14, indicating that PSMD14 prevented the degradation of E2F1 through ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS)."