

OTUD1 inhibits IFNB1. 3 / 3
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"Our data showed that overexpression of OTUD1 inhibited the production of IFNbeta in response to SeV infection, whereas knockdown of Smurf1 largely blocked the negative regulation of OTUD1 on IFNbeta production (XREF_FIG), indicating that Smurf1 is required for OTUD1 mediated inhibition of interferon antiviral response."

"During infection with SeV, overexpression of OTUD1-wild type obviously lowered the activity of IFNbeta promoter, whereas overexpression of OTUD1-CH mutant completely had no effect on the IFNbeta promoter activity (XREF_FIG), suggesting that the deubiquitinase activity of OTUD1 is important for OTUD1 mediated inhibition of IFNbeta production during viral infection."

"The result showed that knockdown of OTUD1 promoted SeV induced IFNbeta production (XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."