

"The higher sensitivity of Cyld -/- mice to DSS induced inflammation indicates a role for CYLD in the negative regulation of the mucosal innate immune response to microorganisms."

"CYLD inhibits activation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and innate immune response."

"For example, CYLD has been shown to downregulate the inflammatory response following bacterial infection with Escherichia coli by negatively regulating the innate immune response via inhibition of NF-kappaB signalling."

"Cellular proteins DUBA and CYLD also negatively regulate the innate immune response."

"Interestingly, CYLD is reported to negatively regulate the innate immune response to infection by Listeria monocytogenes, an intracellular bacterial pathogen recognized by NOD1 and NOD2."

"Three human DUBs, CYLD, A20 and DUBA, have been shown to negatively regulate the innate immune response by removing K63-based chains [55, 56] , and USP15 inhibits the NFkB pathway by removing K48-Ub from IkBa, preventing its degradation [57] ."

"Three human DUBs, CYLD, A20 and DUBA, have been shown to negatively regulate the innate immune response by removing K63-based chains [55], [56], and USP15 inhibits the NFκB pathway by removing K48-Ub from IκBα, preventing its degradation [57]."

"Three human DUBs, CYLD, A20 and DUBA, have been shown to negatively regulate the innate immune response by removing K63 based chains XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, and USP15 inhibits the NFkappaB pathway by removing K48-Ub from IkappaBalpha, preventing its degradation XREF_BIBR."