

TP53 binds MDM2 and azu. 4 / 4
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"The occurrence of specific binary interactions of both Azurin and Mdm2 with p53, as investigated more appropriately in their full-length conformation, is ascertained and the corresponding association and dissociation rate constants are measured."

"Furthermore, SPR analysis of the Azurin-p53-MDM2 ternary interaction, whose occurrence has been proposed by AFS experiments, was performed [ xref ]."

"Moreover, the apparent antagonist action of azurin against Mdm2, with respect of p53 regulation, might suggest the possibility that azurin binds p53 at the same site of Mdm2, preventing in such a way p53 and Mdm2 from association and thus p53 from degradation."

"Bizzarri et al. have previously reported a study on p53-MDM2 and p53-azurin interactions using such an approach xref , xref ."