

MTORC1 binds TSC1 and TSC2. 5 / 5
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"While in our experiments relatively acute mTORC1 activation (< 24 hrs) did not alter postsynaptic function directly, there is evidence to suggest that longer, chronic hyperactivation of neuronal mTORC1, via knockdown of TSC1 or TSC2, is associated with morphological and functional changes in the postsynaptic compartment ( xref ; xref )."

"In the unstimulated condition, TSC1 forms a complex with TSC2, inhibiting mTORC1 [ xref , xref , xref – xref ]."

"Likewise, inactivating mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes cause hamartoma syndromes associated with elevated mTORC1 activity ( xref , xref )."

"PKB, by inhibiting the mTORC1 negative regulator tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), a heterodimer composed by TSC1 and TSC2, finally activates mTORC1 [ xref , xref ]."

"The TSC1 and TSC2 proteins form a complex that negatively regulates the mTORC1 signaling pathway, a central signaling hub controlling cellular metabolic processes such as protein and lipid synthesis and autophagy ( xref )."