

ETS1 phosphorylated on T38 is active. 3 / 3
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"We found that hgf/sf activates the erk1 map kinase, leading to the phosphorylation of the threonine 38 residue of ets1"

"9-cis retinoid x receptor alpha (rxr alpha) interacted with erk2 but not erk5 in intact cells, whereas ets-1 interacted preferentially with erk5. Increased phosphorylation of rxr alpha and ets-1 was detected in response to 1,25d. Activated erk2 and erk5 specifically phosphorylated rxr alpha and ets-1, respectively.Mutagenesis of ets-1 (t38a) reduced cyp24 promoter activity to levels observed with the dominant-negative mek5(a) and inhibited erk5-directed phosphorylation. Mutated rxr alpha (s260a) inhibited 1,25d-induced cyp24 promoter activity and abolished phosphorylation by activated erk2."