

COPS5 activates AP1. 14 / 18
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"Furthermore, overexpression of hAPH2 could increase apoptosis of COS-7 cells and negatively regulate JAB1-induced activation of AP-1 in a concentration dependent manner."

"In this study, we found that hAPH2 could antagonize the activation of AP-1 induced by JAB1 in COS-7 cells, but we are not able to find whether this negative effect on AP-1 activity is JAB1 dependent o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"MIF would thereby inhibit Jab1 enhanced AP-1 transcriptional activity [XREF_BIBR]."

"Interestingly, JAB-1 does not appear to potentiate AP-1 activity after TCR stimulation (unpublished data)."

"Furthermore, the data indicated that E9730 appeared to enhance Jab1 induced AP-1 activity in a concentration dependent manner and Jab1 may be involved in the intracellular signaling transduction from E9730 to AP-1."

"In addition, LFA-1 engagement is followed by an increase of the nuclear pool of a transcriptional coactivator Jun activation domain binding protein 1 that modulates AP-1 activity."

"As an intracrine factor, the intracellular function of HPO is to increase c-Jun phosphorylation independent of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) -1 and -2, and leads to potentiation of JAB1 mediated AP-1 activation."

"Furthermore, overexpression of hAPH2 could increase apoptosis of COS-7 cells and negatively regulate JAB1 induced activation of AP-1 in a concentration dependent manner."

"Given that hAPH2 could interact with JAB1, we further investigated whether hAPH2 could modulate JAB1 induced AP-1 activity."

"The binding of MIF with JAB1 / CSN5 also modulates AP-1 activity and cell proliferation by inactivation of p53 [ 8] ."

"HPO site directed mutants (Cys and Ser) at active sites, which lost sulfhydryl oxidase activity, could not increase c-Jun phosphorylation and failed to potentiate JAB1 mediated AP-1 activation."

"MIF inhibits JAB1 and CSN5 mediated AP-1 activity and reduces JNK activity stimulated by JAB1 and CSN5."

"MIF inhibits Jab1- and stimulus enhanced AP-1 activity, but does not interfere with the induction of the transcription factor NFkappaB."

"In this study, we found that hAPH2 could antagonize the activation of AP-1 induced by JAB1 in COS-7 cells, but we are not able to find whether this negative effect on AP-1 activity is JAB1 dependent o[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"