

IFNA activates USP18. 11 / 11
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"The defect in the UBP43-mediated negative feedback control of IFN signaling that we have uncovered is in the IFN-α-induced expression of UBP43, either in the transcriptional activation of the UBP43 gene by IFN-α, or in a co- or post-transcriptional event that results in a specific reduction in UBP43 mRNA production."

"FIG 5 : IFN-alpha , LPS , and TNF-alpha do not induce type 1/2 IFN in primary murine hepatocytes but do induce USP18 ."

"Furthermore, knockdown of USP18 increases both ISG induction and anti-HCV activity of IFN-alpha, and data have shown that IFN-alpha treatment given to mice in vivo increases hepatic USP18 and blunts the effect of a subsequent dose of IFN-alpha."

"Supporting this idea , we could verify that USP18 was expressed in both Tregs and Tconvs and was strongly induced by IFNalpha in a time - and dose-dependent fashion , as measured by intracellular staining of the USP18 protein ( not shown ) ."

"IFNalpha induced beta cell apoptosis in USP18 silenced cells is mediated via three members of the BH3-only protein family."

"Interestingly, unlike the results shown in XREF_FIG for ISG15, ISG56 and ISG12, we observed little or no IFN-alpha induction of the ISG43 mRNA by northern blotting in A. 2 Akata cells (which exhibited high and prolonged ISG expression), whereas induction of ISG43 expression was easily detectable in A. 15 cells (data not shown)."

"Supporting this idea , we could verify that USP18 was expressed in both Tregs and Tconvs and was strongly induced by IFNa in a time-and dose-dependent fashion , as measured by intracellular staining of the USP18 protein ( not shown ) ."

"In our microarray analysis of IFN treated PHH, USP18 was induced preferentially by IFN-alpha."

"Indeed, USP18 was induced almost exclusively by IFN-alpha."

"Furthermore, knockdown of USP18 increases both ISG induction and anti-HCV activity of IFN-α (14), and data have shown that IFN-α treatment given to mice in vivo increases hepatic USP18 and blunts the effect of a subsequent dose of IFN-α (12)."

"In addition, we show that IFN-alpha upregulates ISG15 and USP18 via STAT1, and that, in turn, each of these 2 proteins alone can mimic the effects of IFN-alpha on neurogenesis."