

KCNMA1 activates p38. 7 / 7
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"Activation of p38 by SLO, PLY, ALO, and VLY leads to IL-8 production [ xref , xref , xref ]."

"While SLO reportedly activates p38 via ASK1 and ROS, we show that this pathway does not play a major role for p38 induction in alpha-toxin-treated cells."

"In mast-cells, low doses of SLO or listeriolysin (LLO) activates the MAPK p38 pathway resulting in up regulation of cytokines mRNA expression such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha)."

"S. pyogenes SLO perforates human PMNs and induces Ca 2+ influx and p38 MAPK activation, consequently inducing HBP release XREF_BIBR."

"It was also reported that activation of p38 by PFT is non dependent of TLR4 immune receptor since HlyA or SLO toxins are sufficient to activate p38 in epithelial cells or human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) lacking CD14, a coreceptor of TLR4 [XREF_BIBR]."

"While SLO reportedly activates p38 via ASK1 and ROS, we show that this pathway does not play a major role for p38 induction in alpha-toxin-treated cells."

"While streptolysin O (SLO) reportedly activates p38 MAPK via reactive oxygen species (ROS), we showed that this pathway did not play a major role in p38 phosphorylation in beta-toxin-treated cells."