

BRAF binds TP53 and KRAS. 9 / 9
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"TP53, KRAS , and BRAF mutations were additionally independently associated with poor prognosis, although the association with BRAF and KRAS was restricted to MSI-negative tumours."

"However, p53, B-Raf V600E and K-Ras G13D proved dispensable for drug’s cytotoxic activity, thus rendering 3-BrPA a powerful therapeutic tool for the successful management of urothelial bladder tumors carrying either wild-type or mutant p53, B-Raf or K-Ras oncogenic forms."

"CRC molecular features including MSI, CIMP and mutations in BRAF , KRAS and TP53 were not associated with age-adjusted cRTL or cRTL:nRTL ratios (multivariate P>0.115 for all comparisons) (Table xref )."

"TP53, BRAF, and KRAS mutations are associated with differential lncRNA expression."

"For example, P53, KRAS, or BRAF mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer did not associate with bevacizumab-chemotherapy treatment outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer [ xref ]."

"In multivariable analysis incorporating known clinicopathological prognostic factors, we showed that low overall mutation burden and mutations in KRAS, BRAF , and TP53 were independently associated with decreased relapse-free survival after colorectal cancer treated with curative intent."

"In a larger subset of patients with mutated TP53 and KRAS as well as wt- BRAF , treatment with Cetuximab was associated with an increase in PFS [ xref ]."

"Furthermore, mutations in p53, K-Ras and BRAF are associated with the neoplastic changes of IECs during the sporadic colon cancer development; BRAF and K-Ras mutations have been considered as prognostic markers for MSI ( xref )."

"Multivariate analysis revealed that variant NOTCH3 was an independent prognostic factor for increased survival (hazard ratio 0.61, 95% confidence interval, 0.39-0.94; P = 0.03) besides poor prognostic factors associated with mutant TP53, KRAS, and BRAF, as well as amplified MYC."