

USP47 activates math-33. 2 / 2
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"Furthermore, depletion of these 22 DUBs in math-33 (tm3561) mutants revealed that depletion of T05H10.1, hereafter referred to as USP-47, caused synthetic lethality in the math-33 (tm3561) mutant by increasing embryonic lethality from 35% to 95% (XREF_FIG), and by increasing the lethality of a second probable null math-33 allele, ok2974, from 45% to 93%."

"We tested whether the major action of MATH-33 and USP-47 was to antagonize poly-ubiquitylation by asking whether compromising protein turnover could suppress the lethality and polarity defects of math-33 (tm3561); usp-47 (RNAi) worms."