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"Meanwhile, knockdown EIF3F, which directly binds to EIF3H and could function as deubiquitinase, has no effect on YAP expression and cytosol and nuclear ratios (XREF_FIG - XREF_FIG and XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"To test whether eIF3f and eIF3h actually interact with the eIF4GI682-1130-MS2 fusion protein, we co-expressed both factors transiently in HEK 293T cells, immunoprecipitated the eIF4G core domain via its MS2 fusion in presence of RNase A and tested for its association of eIF3f and eIF3h ( xref )."

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"Our results show that At eIF3f interacts with eIF3h."

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"In fact, interactions between DTrc8 and eIF3f or eIF3h were stronger than observed with Csn5."

"xDnd1 directly binds eIF3f and in IP experiments, brings down eIF3m and eIF3h, which associate with eIF3f ( xref )."

"Based on the convincing fit of the eIF3a and eIF3c structure into the EM density, we attempted to dock the recently solved paralogs of eIF3e (CSN1) and the eIF3h and eIF3f heterodimer (Rpn8 and Rpn11) into the eIF3.IRES EM density along with older models for eIF3k, eIF3m, and eIF3l (XREF_FIG A)."

"In fact, interactions between DTrc8 and eIF3f or eIF3h were stronger than observed with Csn5."

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"Meanwhile, knockdown EIF3F, which directly binds to EIF3H and could function as deubiquitinase, has no effect on YAP expression and cytosol/nuclear ratios ( xref – xref and xref )."

"In vitro GST-pulldown experiments confirmed that DTrc8 specifically interacted with eIF3f and eIF3h in addition to Csn5 ( xref )."

"Moreover, both eIF3f and eIF3h interact directly with each other, supporting a possible scaffolding role for these subunits ( xref )."

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"Moreover, both eIF3f and eIF3h interact directly with each other, supporting a possible scaffolding role for these subunits (Zhou et al., 2008)."