

USP6 activates CTNNB1. 3 / 3
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"In these models, activation of STAT3, NF-κB, and β-catenin by USP6 was essential for tumorigenesis, as genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of these pathways significantly attenuated xenograft growth ( xref , xref , xref )."

"In these models , activation of STAT3 , NF-kappaB , and beta-catenin by USP6 was essential for tumorigenesis , as genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of these pathways significantly attenuated xenograft growth ( 16 , 23 , 24 ) ."

"Contrary to RNF43, ubiquitin specific protease 6 (USP6) is a deubiquitylase; ectopic expression of USP6 increases cell surface abundance of Fzds and Lrp6 and activates beta-catenin pathway in tumor cells XREF_BIBR."