

"This could account for how the SLO activation of EGFR reported here produces significant inhibition of MDA-MB-231 cell invasion, whereas in previous reports EGF added to MDA-MB-231 cells had no effect, or produced some increase in invasion [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"On the other hand, in the metastatic breast cancer cell lines MCF7, MDA-MB-231, and MDA-MB-361, KCNMA1 promotes cell invasiveness and transendothelial migration, which could be attenuated by siRNA knockdown or inhibition with Iberiotoxin [XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, intraperitoneal injection of SLO to tumor bearing mice could increase T-cell infiltration into the tumor and lower the increasing rate of tumor 's volume."

"Further research is required to understand exactly how the loss of KCNMA1 activity and resultant changes in Ca 2+ flux reduces migration and invasion without impacting apoptosis, and is beyond the scope of the current study."

"Addition of SLO increased host cell invasion by T. cruzi trypomastigotes in a dose dependent manner (XREF_FIG)."

"KCNMA1 amplification favors human prostate cancer proliferation whereas siRNA block of KCNMA1 significantly reduces breast cancer invasion."

"The KCa1.1 channel agonist phloretin increased PIA-FLS invasiveness in the absence of siRNA and in the presence of control siRNA."

"Studies on brain specific breast metastasis reveal that increased expression of KCNMA1, a gene encoding for a big conductance type potassium channel (BKCa) that is upregulated in breast cancer, leads to greater invasiveness and transendothelial migration [XREF_BIBR]."

"In vitro studies proved that knockdown of KCNMA1 inhibited cell proliferation or invasiveness in different types of cancer, such as glioblastoma, breast and prostate cancer, although this not seemed to apply to all [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, BK channel is also reported to promote breast cancer and glioma invasion and migration; however, there is limited evidence of the role of BK channel in OS invasion and metastasis."

"Furthermore, KCa1.1 blockers and siRNA inhibited the invasiveness of PIA-FLS, suggesting that KCa1.1 plays a major role in the regulation of PIA-FLS function, regardless of the possible expression of other potassium channels."