

EGF increases the amount of EGF. 10 / 42
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"Both epithelialization stimulants, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF), significantly stimulated vascular EGF expression in gastric epithelial cells."

"In conjunction with this, molecules that enhance the gene expression of IL-1alpha epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) were also shown to enhance the expression of IL-1RI, but IL-1alpha did not increase the gene expression of IL-1RI."

"In contrast, intestinal EGF levels increased following CLP, and were further augmented by exogenous EGF treatment."

"Presence of EGF +61 A> G polymorphism in Brazilian subjects was associated with glioma risk and increased circulating EGF levels."

"Infusion of EGF from Alzet minipumps raised circulating EGF levels."

"The generation of mature EGF involves pro EGF gene transcription, translation of pro EGF mRNA to synthesize the EGF precursor and the posttranstational process of pro EGF to release mature EGF (2)."

"Furthermore, the area of EGF receptor positive cells in the wound surface of the EGF nanogroup was higher than that of the EGF group, with the results demonstrating that EGF nanoparticles upregulated the expression of EGF receptors in wound surface cells, promoted wound surface healing, and had better efficacy than EGF."

"Moreover, A431 cells express a high level of epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) activated by EGF, a nonheparin binding growth factor, which does not interact with CMDB7 (Bagheri-Yarmand et al, 1998b)."

"In contrast, intestinal EGF levels increased after CLP and were further augmented by exogenous EGF treatment."

"The immunofluorescence staining of EGF in mice corneal epithelium showed that the immunofluorescence luminance of EGF in diabetic group were weaker than normal group and netrin-1 treatment can effectively increase the expression of EGF in diabetic mice."
EGF bound to EGFR increases the amount of EGF bound to EGFR and RASA1. 1 / 1
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"Phospholipase C gamma 1 (PLC gamma 1) and p21ras guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) activating protein (GAP) bind to and are phosphorylated by activated growth factor receptors"
EGF bound to EGFR increases the amount of EGF bound to EGFR and GRB2. 1 / 1
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"In the present study the function of Ash/Grb-2 was investigated by microinjecting cells with an anti-Ash antibody. The antibody abolished both S phase entry and the reorganization of actin assembly to ruffle formation upon stimulation with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). On the other hand, anti-Ash antibody had no effect on S phase entry or actin stress fiber formation induced by either serum or lysophosphatidic acid. Since the induction of DNA synthesis, ruffle induction and stress fiber formation involve a function of Ras, Rac activation and Rho activation respectively, the findings strongly suggest that Ash plays a critical role in the signaling of both pathways downstream from growth factor receptors to Ras and Rac. Consistent with this, Ash co-precipitated with EGF receptor from EGF-stimulated cells."
Modified EGF increases the amount of EGF. 1 / 1
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"The presence of the tumor promoter increased the amount of EGF bound to mammary cells in culture and also decreased a loss in the amount of EGF in the culture medium."