

RUNX1 decreases the amount of RUNX1. 10 / 25
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"RUNX1 downregulation using non variant selective siRNA decreased expression of RUNX1 and PCTP mRNA and protein (XREF_FIG)."

"Moreover, our preliminary experiment showed that the knockdown of Runx1 expression by Runx1 siRNA decreased the level of Xlr5c like mRNA in granulosa cell cultures, suggesting that RUNX1 is involved in Xlr5c like expression (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Importantly, RUNX1 knockdowns in THP-1 cells did not reduce target gene expression, and in some cases actually increased expression of RUNX1 target genes (XREF_FIG D)."

"We investigated whether the RUNX1 siRNA cocktail (siRUNX1) could effectively suppress the expression of RUNX1 in UT-7/GM cells."

"In contrast, kidneys of Runx1 cKO mice had significantly decreased mRNA expression levels of Runx1, Col1a1, Col3a1, Pai-1 and Fibronectin after UUO induction when compared to those in WT mice (XREF_FIG b)."

"RUNX1 gene silencing induces p53-promoted core binding factor-beta (CBFB) expression, and upregulated CBFB stabilizes RUNX1 expression in acute myeloid leukaemia cells, resulting in a compensatory RUNX1-p53-CBFB feedback loop (Morita et al., 2017)."

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"Unlike Ptgs2 expression, we found that reduction (~ 45%) of Runx1 expression by Runx1 siRNA had no effect on Tnfaip6 expression in preovulatory granulosa cell cultures (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Our data suggests that the RUNX1 L472X mutant may inhibit the transcription or translation of wild type RUNX1 protein, possibly leading to the type of dominant negative effect that has been associated with a higher risk of leukemia in some FPDMM families."

"Injection of AML1 and MTG8 RNA and ribozyme RNA into Xenopus eggs or oocytes causes a specific reduction of AML1 and MTG8 protein expression."
Mutated RUNX1 decreases the amount of RUNX1. 1 / 1
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"It is readily apparent that these mutations impair the capacity of DNA binding without affecting the overall folding architecture of AML1 or AML1-PEBP2beta heterodimerization [61,63,234], which could [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"