

PAN3 affects PAN2
4 2 | 128 87
PAN3 binds PAN2.
4 2 | 125 87
4 1 | 125 73

"Deadenylation is triggered by deadenylases, which include the CCR4 and NOT complex, the PAN2 and PAN3 complex and PARN in mammals."

"A previous study using Pan3 mutants defective in dimerization suggested that a single Pan3 chain could bind Pan2 (Christie etal, 2013)."

"Moreover, interactions between eIF4G and the poly [A] binding protein Pab1 are capable of mediating interactions between the 5 ' and 3 ' ends of mRNA [XREF_BIBR], whereby Pab1 stimulates both translation initiation [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR] and deadenylation by the Pan2 and Pan3 complex [XREF_BIBR]."

"Furthermore, these results are consistent with previous observations indicating that the CCR4, CAF1, and NOT complex takes over cytoplasmic deadenylation in the absence of the PAN2 and PAN3 complex (T[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Taken together, these data demonstrate that Cid1 and Ccr4, but neither the Pan2 and Pan3 complex nor PARN, are important for mRNA decay, as judged by the increased stability of urg1 transcripts in the corresponding deletion strains."

"The role of the PAN2 and PAN3 complex in silencing was also analyzed by determining the effects of PAN3 and NOT1 depletion on silencing that was mediated directly by tethering the GW182 protein."

"Two protein complexes account for the major cytoplasmic deadenylation activities in eukaryotes: Pan2-Pan3 and Ccr4-Not ( xref )."

"Although Pan3 and Caf1 associate with Pan2 and Ccr4 poly (A) nucleases, respectively, their in vivo roles in mammalian mRNA turnover remain unclear."

"POP2, like PARN and PAN2, the catalytic subunit of the Pan2 and Pan3 complex, is a member of the DEDD nuclease family."

"However, it is still possible that the PAN2 and PAN3 complex may be important for the silencing of a subset of miRNA targets.Thus far, our data indicate that GW182 proteins recruit deadenylase complex[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, and ccr4. 6 / 6
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"Additionally, Pan2-Pan3 can form a super complex with Ccr4-Caf1, which provides an opportunity to coordinate the two phases of deadenylation [ xref ]."

"Since ARE/ARE-BP complexes have not yet been reported to directly interact with either the Pan2-Pan3 or Ccr4-Caf1 complex, one possibility is that the binding of ARE-BPs to AREs may interfere with the interaction between the 5′ cap/eIF4F complex and the 3′ poly(A)/PABP complex, thus preventing the formation of a closed-loop structure ( xref )."

"Although Pan3 and Caf1 associate with Pan2 and Ccr4 poly(A) nucleases, respectively ( xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ; xref ), their in vivo roles in mammalian mRNA turnover remain unclear."

"It appears that these two proteins do not directly interact with Pan2-Pan3 or the Ccr4-Caf1 deadenylase complex."

"The notion that the Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 complexes can associate with each other was further confirmed by the results showing that Pan3-V5, endogenous Caf1, and a modest amount of endogenous PABP were coprecipitated with HA-Pan2 by an anti-HA antibody when HA-Pan2 and Pan3-V5 were coexpressed ( xref )."

"Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 complexes can interact with each other in vivo."
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Thus, where the Pan2-Pan3 complex can interact directly with the PABP, this interaction is indirect in case of the Ccr4-Not complex."
PKC binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"When we tested the interaction of the ct Pan2Pan3 PKC complex with polyA RNA, the binding was comparable to ct Pan3 PKC alone (Fig  xref B)."
PAN2 binds PAN3 and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, interactions between Pan2-Pan3 and Ccr4-Not can be detected suggesting that both deadenylase complexes can reside in a higher order complex that may include other components ( xref )."
PAN2 binds MARF1 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"Next, we tested whether MARF1 binds Pan2 and Pan3, components of the Pan2Pan3 deadenylase complex, and found that they did not co-immunoprecipitate with MARF1 (Supplementary Fig.  xref , D)."
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
PAN2 binds PAN3 and MTA2. 1 / 1
| 1

"In summary, we found that it was difficult to disrupt the Pan2Pan3 interaction by deletion of substantial regions of ct Pan2 PID and show that a core region (residues 343–406) makes a major contribution to the association of ct Pan2 and ct Pan3."
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABPC1. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
RNPC3 binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"We concluded that Pan2-Pan3 does not stably interact with short poly(A) RNPs containing a single Pab1 but requires longer poly(A) RNPs containing two or more Pab1 protomers."
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."
PAN3 inhibits PAN2.
| 1
PAN3 inhibits PAN2. 1 / 2
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"It is therefore a possibility that PAN3 depletion prevents USP52 localization to P-bodies and thus contributes to the destabilization of AMD substrates, as we have observed in the case of HIF1A."
PAN3 activates PAN2.
| 2
PAN3 activates PAN2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Because Pan3 is able to enhance localization of Pan2 to P-bodies (XREF_FIG), we then tested whether Pan3 also helps Ccr4 and Caf1 localize to P-bodies."

"Instead, Pan3 may modulate the activity of Pan2 poly (A) nuclease or link deadenylation to subsequent decay of the mRNA body."
CNOT7 affects ETF1, PAN2, PAN3, ccr4, and eRF3
| 2
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, ETF1, ccr4, and eRF3. 2 / 2
| 2

"Interestingly, translation termination complexes eRF1-eRF3, Pan2-Pan3, and Caf1-Ccr4 competitively interact with polyadenylate-binding protein PABPC1."

"Recent studies showed that translation termination complexes eRF1eRF3, Pan2Pan3, and Caf1Ccr4 competitively bind to PABPC1via the PAM2 motifs of eRF3, Pan3, and Tob."
Nuclease affects ccr4
| 1
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."
Exonuclease affects ccr4
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
Ccr4 affects nuclease
| 1
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."
Ccr4 affects exonuclease
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
RNPC3 affects PAN3
| 1
RNPC3 binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"We concluded that Pan2-Pan3 does not stably interact with short poly(A) RNPs containing a single Pab1 but requires longer poly(A) RNPs containing two or more Pab1 protomers."
PKC affects PAN3
| 1
PKC binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"When we tested the interaction of the ct Pan2Pan3 PKC complex with polyA RNA, the binding was comparable to ct Pan3 PKC alone (Fig  xref B)."
PAN3 affects nuclease
| 1
CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."
PAN3 affects exonuclease
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
PAN3 affects RNPC3
| 1
RNPC3 binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"We concluded that Pan2-Pan3 does not stably interact with short poly(A) RNPs containing a single Pab1 but requires longer poly(A) RNPs containing two or more Pab1 protomers."
PAN3 affects PKC
| 1
PKC binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
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"When we tested the interaction of the ct Pan2Pan3 PKC complex with polyA RNA, the binding was comparable to ct Pan3 PKC alone (Fig  xref B)."
PAN3 affects PABPC1
1 |
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABPC1. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
PAN3 affects PABP
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Thus, where the Pan2-Pan3 complex can interact directly with the PABP, this interaction is indirect in case of the Ccr4-Not complex."
PAN3 affects MTA2
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3 and MTA2. 1 / 1
| 1

"In summary, we found that it was difficult to disrupt the Pan2Pan3 interaction by deletion of substantial regions of ct Pan2 PID and show that a core region (residues 343–406) makes a major contribution to the association of ct Pan2 and ct Pan3."
PAN3 affects MARF1
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PAN2 binds MARF1 and PAN3. 1 / 1
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"Next, we tested whether MARF1 binds Pan2 and Pan3, components of the Pan2Pan3 deadenylase complex, and found that they did not co-immunoprecipitate with MARF1 (Supplementary Fig.  xref , D)."
PAN2 affects nuclease
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CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."
PAN2 affects exonuclease
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
PAN2 affects RNPC3
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RNPC3 binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"We concluded that Pan2-Pan3 does not stably interact with short poly(A) RNPs containing a single Pab1 but requires longer poly(A) RNPs containing two or more Pab1 protomers."
PAN2 affects PKC
| 1
PKC binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"When we tested the interaction of the ct Pan2Pan3 PKC complex with polyA RNA, the binding was comparable to ct Pan3 PKC alone (Fig  xref B)."
PAN2 affects PAN3, ccr4, and exonuclease
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3, exonuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Of note, Ago2 is also known to regulate mRNA silencing through interacting with exonuclease complexes, the Ccr4-Not and Pan2-Pan3 complexes xref , in a miRNA-independent manner, which likely contributes to suppression of protein translation and energy metabolism in the liver."
PAN2 affects PAN3, and ccr4
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3 and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, interactions between Pan2-Pan3 and Ccr4-Not can be detected suggesting that both deadenylase complexes can reside in a higher order complex that may include other components ( xref )."
PAN2 affects PAN3, and RNPC3
| 1
RNPC3 binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
| 1

"We concluded that Pan2-Pan3 does not stably interact with short poly(A) RNPs containing a single Pab1 but requires longer poly(A) RNPs containing two or more Pab1 protomers."
PAN2 affects PAN3, and PKC
| 1
PKC binds PAN2 and PAN3. 1 / 1
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"When we tested the interaction of the ct Pan2Pan3 PKC complex with polyA RNA, the binding was comparable to ct Pan3 PKC alone (Fig  xref B)."
PAN2 affects PABPC1
1 |
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABPC1. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
PAN2 affects PABP
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Thus, where the Pan2-Pan3 complex can interact directly with the PABP, this interaction is indirect in case of the Ccr4-Not complex."
PAN2 affects MTA2
| 1
PAN2 binds PAN3 and MTA2. 1 / 1
| 1

"In summary, we found that it was difficult to disrupt the Pan2Pan3 interaction by deletion of substantial regions of ct Pan2 PID and show that a core region (residues 343–406) makes a major contribution to the association of ct Pan2 and ct Pan3."
PAN2 affects MARF1
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PAN2 binds MARF1 and PAN3. 1 / 1
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"Next, we tested whether MARF1 binds Pan2 and Pan3, components of the Pan2Pan3 deadenylase complex, and found that they did not co-immunoprecipitate with MARF1 (Supplementary Fig.  xref , D)."
PABPC1 affects PAN3
1 |
PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABPC1. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
PABP affects PAN3
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PAN2 binds PAN3 and PABP. 1 / 1
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"Thus, where the Pan2-Pan3 complex can interact directly with the PABP, this interaction is indirect in case of the Ccr4-Not complex."
MTA2 affects PAN3
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PAN2 binds PAN3 and MTA2. 1 / 1
| 1

"In summary, we found that it was difficult to disrupt the Pan2Pan3 interaction by deletion of substantial regions of ct Pan2 PID and show that a core region (residues 343–406) makes a major contribution to the association of ct Pan2 and ct Pan3."
MARF1 affects PAN3
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PAN2 binds MARF1 and PAN3. 1 / 1
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"Next, we tested whether MARF1 binds Pan2 and Pan3, components of the Pan2Pan3 deadenylase complex, and found that they did not co-immunoprecipitate with MARF1 (Supplementary Fig.  xref , D)."
CNOT7 affects nuclease
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CNOT7 binds PAN2, PAN3, nuclease, and ccr4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, our data support that Pan2Pan3 and Ccr4Caf1 poly(A) nuclease complexes can associate with each other to form a supercomplex in vivo."