

TNF inhibits CYLD. 3 / 3
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"Another protein, CYLD which deubiqitinates TRAF6, and is negatively regulated by specific TNF receptors, might play a role of a silencer of EDAR signaling, since mutations in CYLD predispose not only to skin tumors (cylidromatosis), but also to the development of tumors of eccrine sweat glands and hair follicles."

"This model is consistent with the recent discovery that caspase 8 mediated cleavage of CYLD limits TNF induced programmed necrosis [XREF_BIBR], since caspase 8 is present in the necrosome, but not the TNFR-1 complex."

"Inhibiting CASPASE-8 leads to CYLD dependent necroptosis caused by the TNF produced in response to TLR4 ligation."