"Similar as the BRCA1 and BRCA2 tumor suppressors, expression of OTUD1 was significantly suppressed by wild-type HRAS in p53 null MCF10A cells, but not in the control MCF10A cells (p53-wt), indicating that gain of oncogenic RAS together with loss of p53 tumor suppressor could lead to decreased OTUD1 function (GSE81593)."
"Consistent with the notion that activation of HRAS inhibits OTUD1 expression in p53 mutant cells, we found that upon ectopic expression of constitutively active HRASV12, OTUD1 is downregulated in p53 mutant MDA-MB-231 (both the early passage and the bone-metastatic (BM) cell lines) but not in p53 wt MCF7 cells, TGF-beta and HRAS collaborate to promote EMT, invasion and cancer stem traits in breast cancer cells 36."