

TP53 binds MDM2 and p2. 9 / 9
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"A two-way ANOVA indicated that any TP53 mutation was significantly associated with lower P2-MDM2 mRNA levels ( P =0.014, two-way ANOVA, xref ) and did not affect the activity of the P1 promoter ( P =0.575, two-way ANOVA)."

"Conversely, p53 specifically binds to the MDM2 P2 promoter and activates its transcription, thus forming an autoregulatory feedback loop ( xref )."

"It has also been demonstrated that p53 binds to the P2 promoter of MDM2 and transcriptionally upregulates MDM2 expression [ xref ]."

"Upon activation, p53 binds to the P2 promoter of the MDM2 gene and transcriptionally induces MDM2 protein expression."

"When DNA is damaged, p53 binds to the P2 promoter of Mdm2 , which leads to increased Mdm2 levels and subsequent decreased p53 levels. xref generated point mutations in the P2 promoter that disrupt interactions with p53 ( Mdm2 P2/P2 mice) to examine the significance of the Mdm2-p53 feedback loop (Figure xref A) ( xref )."

"We have utilized ligation mediated PCR genomic footprinting in order to investigate the intra-nuclear binding of p53 to the mdm2 P2 promoter."

"In addition, MDM2 also promotes the interaction of the SUMO E3 ligase PIASy with p53 and induces the sumoylation and nuclear export of p53, xref , xref consequently inhibiting the binding ofp53 to transcriptional coactivators and decreasing p53-mediated transcription of the downstream target genes, including MDM2 . xref On the other hand, p53 directly binds to the p53-responsive P2 promoter of MDM2 and mediates transcription of the MDM2 gene. xref The increased MDM2 protein, in turn, binds to p53 and promotes its degradation and inhibits its transcriptional activity, therefore forming the MDM2p53 negative feedback loop ( xref )."

"The p53 protein binds to the P2 promoter of the MDM2 gene and increases the rate of MDM2 transcription."

"P53 binds to the P2 promoter of the MDM2 gene and promotes MDM2 gene expression."