

RAS increases the amount of TP53. 11 / 13
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"Thus, we identify a mechanism by which Ras and NORE1A can modulate p53 protein levels."

"Although oncogenic Ras may increase p53 levels, it is not clear whether this increase is sufficient to explain the induction of senescence."

"RAS induces p53 expression in the absence of p19ARF."

"Ras functions via a MAPK signal transduction pathway to increase p53 expression, serine 15 phosphorylation, p53-DNA binding and p53 dependent apoptosis in papillary thyroid, follicular thyroid carcino[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Down-regulation of RPL23 significantly attenuated RAS induced p53 expression in p19Arf -/- MEFs (XREF_FIG) as well as in Mdm2 m/m; p19Arf -/- compound MEFs (XREF_FIG), suggesting that in the absence of p19ARF, RPL23 is a major mediator of p53 expression induced by oncogenic RAS."

"It should be noted that the induction of p19 Arf and p53 protein levels in Skp2 -/- MEFs by Ras was comparable if not lower than that of wild-type MEFs (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Oncogenic Ras upregulates p53 expression through p19 ARF [39]."

"In primary (IMR-90) human fibroblasts, constitutively activated forms of Ras or MEK induce p53 expression whereas a conditionally active form of Raf fails to do so [45,86]."

"A simple explanation for these differences could be that in rodent cells the levels of either p53 and p21CiPl or plb induced by Ras or during senescence are individually insufficient to arrest the cel[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Expression of p53 in ras+ myc Transformed Carcinoma and ras- Induced Hyperplasia Cells The expression of p53 protein in the nine transformed carcinoma RM cell lines, four hyperplastic R cell lines, an[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"We have recently found that the Ras effector and RASSF (Ras Association Domain Family) family member RASSF5 and NORE1A enhances the levels of nuclear p53."