

EGFR increases the amount of RAS. 1 / 2
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"The change in morphology was accompanied by up-regulation of PD-L1 expression and activation of EGFR and its downstream pathway, independently to RAS mutation status."
EGFR increases the amount of RAS bound to GTP. 1 / 1
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"Whereas the expression of either EML4-ALK or the PM localized oncogenic EGFR increased wild-type RAS-GTP levels (XREF_FIG A, XREF_FIG C, S3E, S3G, S3I, and S3K), only EML4-ALK increased RAS-GTP levels of cytosolic RAS mutants (XREF_FIG B, XREF_FIG D, S3F, S3H, S3J, and S3L)."
Kinase-active EGFR increases the amount of RAS. 1 / 1
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"Modified assertion"