

USP7 affects USP11
7 | 8 30
USP7 binds USP11.
7 | 6 30
7 | 6 19

No evidence text available

"In both cases, USP7 binding by USP11 was greatly decreased by the S687A mutation but not the S562A and S671A mutations."

"A previous study showed that USP11 and USP7 interact, and this interaction is lost in USP7 D164AW165A and USP11 S687A mutants ( xref )."

"USP11 forms a complex with USP7 to deubiquitinate the oncogenic lymphocyte cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK) and enhance its activity."

"The above experiments showed that USP11 binds USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."

"However, it is not clear whether they bind simultaneously within the same complex and the situation is complicated by the fact that USP7 and USP11 also interact with one another ( xref ; xref )."

"MYCN de-ubiquitylation and hence stabilization by USP11USP7 enables it to recruit the tumor suppressor BRCA1to promoters ( xref )."

"Our finding that USP7 and USP11 physically interact raise the possibility that they function as a complex to regulate the levels and activities of their shared binding partners."

"Sowa and colleagues indeed confirmed the interaction between USP11 and USP7."

"Notably, USP7 interacts with USP11 through the P/A/ExxS motif in USP11, regulates USP11 stability [ xref ], and USP7 and USP11 act cooperatively in modulating Polycomb regulation of the INK4a tumor suppressor [ xref ]."
USP11 binds USP7 and PRC1. 6 / 6
| 6

"USP7 and USP11 are bound to chromatin and form part of the PRC1 complex."

"Both USP7 and USP11 interact with PRC1 [ xref ], and these USPs might form a complex [ xref ], suggesting possible inter-USP regulation, the implications of which would be interesting for USP biology."

"Our data strongly suggest that USP7 and USP11 bind directly to several components of the PRC1 complex, as confirmed using purified recombinant proteins."

"In humans, USP7 and USP11 physically interact with members of PRC1 in vivo , such as Mel18, Bmi1 and Ring1."

"USP7 and USP11 associate with other PRC1 components."

"To assess whether USP7 and USP11 associate with bona fide PRC1 complexes, nuclear extracts from FDFs ( xref ) and 293T cells (not shown) were subjected to size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 6 10/300 column, and individual fractions were analysed by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."

"USP7 and USP11 bind directly to multiple PcG proteins."
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
USP7 inhibits USP11.
| 1
USP7 inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, knockdown of USP7 caused a concomitant decrease in the levels of chromatin bound USP11, underscoring the close association between these two proteins (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
USP7 activates USP11.
| 1
USP7 activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although we saw some evidence of USP7 mediated stabilization of USP11 in AGS cells, the results in CNE2Z and HCT116 cells suggest that USP7 does not consistently stabilize this protein."
USP11 affects NFKBIA
1 | 1 15 10
USP11 binds NFKBIA.
| 4 9
| 4 9

"The association between USP11 and IkappaBalpha were also confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of endogenous IkappaBalpha and USP11 in HeLa cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Together, these results demonstrate that USP11 is specifically and constitutively associated with IκBα in the cells and both USP11 N-terminal regulatory domain and C-terminal USP domain are required for its association with IκBα."

"In conclusion, our data provide evidence of the physical and functional interaction between IκBα and USP11."

"These results suggest that binding of USP11 with IkappaBalpha is required for USP11 mediated IkappaBalpha deubiquitination."

"To determine whether the binding of USP11 with IkappaBalpha is required for its deubiquitinase activity toward IkappaBalpha, we co-transfected Flag-IkappaBalpha with Myc-USP11 full-length, Myc-USP11-NT or Myc-USP-CT into HEK 293T cells."

"In addition, we found that only USP domain failed to mediate the association of USP11 with IκBα and deubiquitination of IκBα."

"To rule out the possibility that association of USP11 with IκBα is through other proteins, we co-incubated recombinant His-USP11 with either recombinant GST-Control or GST-IκBα in vitro and found that GST-IκBα but not GST-Control pulled down His-USP11 ( xref )."

"In conclusion, our data provide evidence of the physical and functional interaction between IkappaBalpha and USP11."

"To determine whether the binding of USP11 with IκBα is required for its deubiquitinase activity toward IκBα, we co-transfected Flag-IκBα with Myc-USP11 full-length, Myc-USP11-NT or Myc-USP-CT into HEK 293T cells."

"These results suggest that binding of USP11 with IκBα is required for USP11-mediated IκBα deubiquitination."
USP11 deubiquitinates NFKBIA.
1 | 7
USP11 deubiquitinates NFKBIA. 7 / 7
1 | 6

"Once it is ubiquitinated, IkappaBalpha can be deubiquitinated by its associated USP11 in collaboration with USP15 to prevent excessive NF-kappaB activation induced by TNFalpha."

"In this assay, we found that USP11-WT but not -C318A mutant abrogated ubiquitination of Flag-IkappaBalpha (XREF_FIG)."

"In this assay, we found that only USP11 full-length wild type abrogated ubiquitination of Flag-IkappaBalpha (XREF_FIG)."

"However, we found that overexpression of USP11 C318A mutant only partially rescued the inhibitory effect of USP11-WT on TNFalpha induced IkappaBalpha ubiquitination (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY) as well as TNFalpha- and IKKbeta induced NF-kappaB activation (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Moreover, knockdown of USP11 expression enhances TNFalpha-induced IkappaBalpha ubiquitination and NF-kappaB activation."

"Subsequently we analyzed the effect of USP11 knockdown on the TNFalpha induced IkappaBalpha ubiquitination and NF-kappaB activation."

"These results demonstrate that USP11 deubiquitinates IkappaBalpha."
Modified USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of NFKBIA. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of USP11 inhibits IkappaBalpha ubiquitination."
USP11 inhibits NFKBIA.
| 1
USP11 inhibits NFKBIA. 1 / 7
| 1

"For example , USP11 negatively regulates TNFalpha-induced NF-kappaB activation associated with IkappaBalpha and attenuates IkappaBalpha degradation [ 34 ] ; USP20 deubiquitinates TRAF6 and suppresses interleukin 1beta ( IL-1beta ) - and Tax-induced NF-kappaB activation [ 40 ] ; Katrin et al. showed that USP15 regulates IkappaBalpha / NF-kappaB by deubiquitinylation IkappaBalpha [ 44 ] ; and USP31 inhibits TNFalpha , CD40 , TRAF2 , TRAF6 and IKKbeta-mediated NF-kappaB activation [ 45 ] ."
USP11 ubiquitinates NFKBIA.
| 2 1
USP11 leads to the ubiquitination of NFKBIA. 3 / 3
| 2 1

"In contrary, another study found no interaction between USP15 and IkappaBalpha, and it was proposed that USP11 inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of IkappaBalpha in the early stage while USP15 functions at a later time point in the TNFalpha induced NF-kappaB activation XREF_BIBR."

"However, Sun et al. found no interaction between USP15 and IkappaBalpha, and proposed that USP11 inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of IkappaBalpha in the early stage, whereas USP15 functions at a later time point in the TNFalpha induced NF-kappaB activation XREF_BIBR."

"In this assay, we found that only USP11 full-length wild type abrogated ubiquitination of Flag-IκBα ( xref )."
USP11 activates NFKBIA.
| 2
USP11 activates NFKBIA. 2 / 2
| 2

"Interestingly, knockdown of both USP15 and USP11 expression leads to an increased basal protein level of IkappaBalpha, suggesting that USP11 and USP15 cooperatively modulate IkappaBalpha turnover."

"USP11 is able to modulate TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation through regulation of nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor alpha (IkappaBalpha) stability."
USP11 affects NONO
| 1 17 11
USP11 binds NONO.
| 5 11
| 5 10

"USP11 interacts with NONO."

"Taken together, these results suggest there is a direct interaction between USP11 and NONO in vivo."

"Furthermore, we investigated the interaction of endogenous USP11 and NONO in melanoma cells SK‐Mel‐28 and A375 using co‐IP."

"We demonstrated that USP11 interacted with NONO, removed poly‐ubiquitin chains conjugated onto NONO."

"Based upon the observed interaction between NONO and USP11 described above, we speculate that USP11 may affect NONO levels in melanoma cells."

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GST‐USP11, but not the GST control, could bind to Myc‐NONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."

"Furthermore, we investigated the interaction of endogenous USP11 and NONO in melanoma cells SK-Mel-28 and A375 using co-IP."

"Thus, our study shows that USP11NONO signalling axis plays a critical role in melanoma proliferation."

"Previous studies have demonstrated that there is the possibility that USP11 and NONO may interact with each other. xref In order to ascertain the hypothesis, we transfected Flag‐USP11 and Myc‐NONO into HEK293 cells, collected total proteins and used the antibodies against Flag/Myc and the isotype‐matched control IgGs to perform coimmunoprecipitation (co‐IP)."

"USP11 interacted with NONO and reversed its poly-ubiquitination."
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
USP11 increases the amount of NONO.
| 6
USP11 increases the amount of NONO. 5 / 5
| 5

"Whereas, overexpression of USP11 increases NONO levels in a dose dependent manner."

"By contrast, knockdown of USP11 decreased NONO levels, which was accompanied by increased ubiquitination."

"As a result, the knockdown of USP11 decreases NONO levels."

"As a result, exogenous USP11 increased NONO levels by preventing its ubiquitination."

"As a result, USP11 positively regulated NONO levels by protecting it from ubiquitin dependent degradation."
Modified USP11 increases the amount of NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"Whereas, overexpression of USP11 increases NONO levels in a dose dependent manner."
USP11 deubiquitinates NONO.
| 4
USP11 deubiquitinates NONO. 4 / 4
| 4

"Conversely, USP11 silencing with two independent shRNAs increased endogenous NONO poly-ubiquitination in A375 and SK-Mel28."

"Overexpression of WT-USP11, but not mutant USP11, reduced NONO ubiquitination."

"30 Here, we further revealed that NONO ubiquitination could be reversed by USP11 to avoid its degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway."

"3.4 USP11 deubiquitinates NONO."
USP11 activates NONO.
| 1 2
USP11 activates NONO. 3 / 3
| 1 2

"Neither USP11 overexpression nor depletion in SK-Mel-28 and A375 cells had significant influence on NONO mRNA levels, indicating that USP11 positively regulates NONO at the protein levels, but not at the transcriptional levels."

"As a result , the knockdown of USP11 decreases NONO levels ."

"As anticipated, overexpression of USP11 could up-regulate NONO in the absence of MG132, whereas MG132 pretreatment effectively eliminated USP11 mediated change of NONO levels."
USP11 affects TP53
3 1 | 1 1 11 6
USP11 binds TP53.
3 | 2 4
3 | 2 3

"Co-immunoprecipitation (coIP) was performed to verify the interaction between USP11 and p53, and the results demonstrated the binding of USP11 to p53 (Figure 3C)."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Co-immunoprecipitation (coIP) was performed to verify the interaction between USP11 and p53, and the results demonstrated the binding of USP11 to p53 ( xref C)."

"To better understand the regulation of p53, we tested the interaction between p53 and USP11 using co-immunoprecipitation."

"In concert with these results, silencing of USP11 is associated with transcriptional attenuation of the p53-responsive genes, such as p21 or Bax."

"To better understand the regulation of p53, we tested the interaction between p53 and USP11 using co-immunoprecipitation."

No evidence text available
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"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
USP11 activates TP53.
| 1 3 2
USP11 activates TP53. 6 / 8
| 1 3 2

"A pro-inflammatory mediator USP11 enhances the stability of p53 and inhibits KLF2 in intracerebral hemorrhage."

"Further, rescue experiments were conducted invivo to validate the function of the USP11/p53/KLF2/NF-kappaB axis in ICH induced inflammation, which confirmed that USP11 silencing blocked the release of pro inflammatory cytokines following ICH by downregulating p53, thus protecting against neurological impairment."

"Also, the combination of USP11 knockdown and restoration of p53 or KLF2 knockdown elevated the mNSS value (Figure 5B) and brain water content (Figure 5C) reduced by USP11 knockdown alone in rats with ICH-like symptoms."

"Post DNA damage, USP11 activates p53 and its target genes such as Puma, Bax , and p21 [ xref ]."

"Inhibition of USP11 expression reduces p53 levels and IKKalpha expression , as well as increasing the response of the NF-kappaB pathway to TNFalpha ( 197 ) ."

"USP11 stabilizes and activates p53 following DNA damage by targeting ubiquitinated p53."
USP11 deubiquitinates TP53.
1 | 1 3
USP11 deubiquitinates TP53. 5 / 5
1 | 1 3

"USP11 regulates p53 stability by deubiquitinating p53."

"Similarly, it was found that USP11 deubiquitylates p53 in response to genotoxicity induced by etoposide."

"OTUD1, OTUD5 and USP11 directly deubiquitinating p53 and functional proteins were required for p53 stabilization [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"The above results convinced us that USP11 could deubiquitinate and stabilize p53 in microglial cells to repress KLF2 transcription."
USP11 inhibits TP53.
| 2
USP11 inhibits TP53. 2 / 2
| 2

"Moreover, down-regulation of USP11 dramatically attenuated p53 induction in response to DNA damage stress."

"As expected, USP11 overexpression indeed inhibited the degradation of p53 and hence stabilized p53 expression (Figure 3D)."
USP11 increases the amount of TP53.
| 1
Modified USP11 increases the amount of TP53. 1 / 1
| 1

"Inhibition of USP11 expression reduces p53 levels and IKKalpha expression, as well as increasing the response of the NF-kappaB pathway to TNFalpha."
USP11 affects PML
4 1 | 1 17 3
USP11 deubiquitinates PML.
1 | 1 8
USP11 deubiquitinates PML. 8 / 8
1 | 1 6

"USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes PML, thereby counteracting the functions of PML ubiquitin ligases RNF4 and the KLHL20-Cul3 (Cullin 3) and Roc1 complex."

"Remarkably, USP11 was able to antagonize RNF4- and Roc1-Cul3-KLHL20-mediated PML ubiquitination in 293T cells and GBM cell line U87 (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"Next, we determined whether USP11 could deubiquitinate PML in vitro."

"USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes PML, thereby counteracting the functions of PML ubiquitin ligases RNF4 and the KLHL20-Cul3 (Cullin 3)-Roc1 complex."

"By contrast, USP11 promotes deubiquitination and stabilization of PML [XREF_BIBR]."

"USP11 deubiquitinates PML."

"We demonstrated that USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes PML."
Modified USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of PML. 2 / 2
| 2

"Importantly, the NIC induced PML ubiquitination was abrogated by Hey1 depletion or USP11 overexpression (XREF_FIG)."

"In the reciprocal experiment, overexpression of USP11, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, reduced PML ubiquitination (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 binds PML.
4 | 3 3
4 | 2 2

"Interaction between endogenous USP11 and endogenous PML was also detected by reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and the specificity of this interaction was confirmed by using lysates derived from PML-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs; XREF_FIG)."

"USP11 interacts with and stabilizes PML."

No evidence text available

"Furthermore, purified USP11 and PML-I interacted in vitro ( xref )."

"Interaction between endogenous USP11 and endogenous PML was also detected by reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and the specificity of this interaction was confirmed by using lysates derived from PML -null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs; xref )."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
USP11 binds PML and USP domain. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 activates PML.
| 3
USP11 activates PML. 3 / 3
| 3

"Recent studies have demonstrated the pivotal roles of ubiquitination in PML stability mediated by an E3 ligase UHRF1 or deubiquitinase USP11 in cancers XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR."

"USP11 also increased PML half-life (XREF_FIG)."

"These data indicate that USP11 upregulates PML by preventing its proteasomal degradation."
USP11 inhibits PML.
| 2
USP11 inhibits PML. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 mediated PML stabilization blocks GBM malignant traits."

"While USP40 shRNAs did not affect PML expression (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), knockdown of USP11 by three independent shRNAs induced downregulation of PML protein but not PML messenger RNA (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 increases the amount of PML.
| 1
Modified USP11 increases the amount of PML. 1 / 1
| 1

"This overexpression of USP11 increased PML levels (XREF_FIG) and decreased several GBM malignant traits, such as cell proliferation, migration and invasion (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects XIAP
4 1 | 9 8
USP11 binds XIAP.
4 | 5 8
4 | 5 8

"As shown in XREF_FIG D-F, replacing Leu207 with proline, but not mutation of Cys203 or Lys206 to alanine, significantly destabilizes XIAP, presumably, due to the perturbation of the interfacial interaction between USP11 and XIAP and reduced deubiquitylation capacity of USP11."

"In addition, expression of wild-type XIAP leads to the inhibition of anoikis, we observed that disruption of interaction between XIAP and USP11 by expression of XIAP L207P mutant (interaction deficient) significantly attenuates the inhibition of anoikis by XIAP (Supplemental Fig. 6)."

"The interaction of XIAP with USP11 was confirmed by blotting complexes having endogenous USP11 precipitated with XIAP specific antibodies ( xref C) or complexes of overexpressed tagged USP11 with antibodies against Myc tag ( xref D) and probing for XIAP."

"C-terminus of USP11 interacts with the BIR2 domain of XIAP and deubiquitinates it leading to inhibition of apoptosis (Zhou et al., xref ; Table xref )."

No evidence text available

"Based on protein complex purification coupled with mass spectrometry, we have demonstrated that XIAP is a target of USP11, wherein USP11 directly binds to XIAP through Leu207 on XIAP and stabilizes it by deubiquitylation of XIAP."

No evidence text available

"As shown in xref D–F, replacing Leu207 with proline, but not mutation of Cys203 or Lys206 to alanine, significantly destabilizes XIAP, presumably, due to the perturbation of the interfacial interaction between USP11 and XIAP and reduced deubiquitylation capacity of USP11."

"To validate the impact of Cys203 and Leu207 as well as Lys206 on XIAP in mediating the interaction of XIAP with USP11, we performed a multiple sequence alignment at that particular region (residues 200–210), using the aligned the amino acid stretch from 200 to 210 of human XIAP with mouse, rat and xenopus XIAP sequences as well as the human CIAP1 and CIAP2."

"XIAP is directly bound to USP11 as shown here by both experimental and computational examinations."
USP11 deubiquitinates XIAP.
1 | 2
USP11 deubiquitinates XIAP. 3 / 3
1 | 2

"3.5 Identification of Molecular Motifs on USP11 and XIAP that Mediate Deubiquitylation of XIAP by USP11."

"Our identification of deubiquitylation of XIAP by USP11 adds up a novel layer for XIAP regulation."
USP11 activates XIAP.
| 2
USP11 activates XIAP. 2 / 3
| 2

"While we have identified the critical role of UPS11 in mammary tumorigenesis and further dissected the mechanism by which USP11 catalyzes XIAP for deubiquitylation, the mechanism that initiates the accumulation of USP11 in breast cancer tissue and its subsequent regulation during the tumor development still remains unknown."

"We observed that the XIAP expression levels were tightly regulated by USP11, and that elevated expression of USP11 led to significant upregulation of both endogenous and exogenous XIAP, while as the mRNA level of XIAP has no change (XREF_FIG A & B, Supplemental Figs. 1 & 2A)."
USP11 affects TGFB
| 3 18
USP11 activates TGFB.
| 3 15
USP11 activates TGFB. 10 / 21
| 3 15

"USP11, a ubiquitous protein in various human cells, has been shown to enhance TGFbeta receptor (ALK5) stability and regulate DNA repair."

"While wild-type (wt) USP11 significantly enhanced TGFbeta induced transcriptional reporter activity, the catalytically inactive mutant USP11 (C318S) had no effect (see XREF_FIG d and the electronic supplementary material, figure S3)."

"Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 11 (USP11) has been reported to promote transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) signaling which plays essential role underlying RIPF."

"Despite its interaction with SMAD7, we found that USP11 enhanced TGFbeta signalling and bound the TGFbeta R1 receptor (ALK5)."

"USP11 overexpression in T EFF cells enhanced the activation of the TGF-beta pathway and promoted T REG or T H 17, but not Th1, cell differentiation in vitro and in vivo, an effect abrogated by USP11 gene silencing or the inhibition of enzymatic activity."

"USP11 knockdown inhibits TGFbeta pathway signalling."

"The DUBs USP4, USP11, USP15, and UCH37 have previously been demonstrated to modulate TGF-beta pathway activity by directly deubiquitinating the TbetaRI, resulting in increased TbetaRI stability (XREF_FIG) XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR XREF_BIBR."

"High levels of USP11 have been detected in lung tissues from patients with IPF and bleomycin-induced mice , whereas inhibition of USP11 expression attenuates TGF-beta signaling ( 57 ) ."

"USP11 Enhances TGFbeta Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity and Human Breast Cancer Metastasis."

"USP11 enhances TGFbeta pathway signalling."
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFB.
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFB. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 interacts with and deubiquitylates the type I TGFbeta receptor (ALK5), resulting in enhanced TGFbeta induced gene transcription."

"For example, the closely related DUBs USP4, USP11 and USP15 have been reported to modulate TGFbeta signalling by deubiquitylating the type I TGFbeta receptor ALK5 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 binds TGFB.
| 1
TGFB binds USP11 and R1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Despite its interaction with SMAD7, we found that USP11 enhanced TGFbeta signalling and bound the TGFbeta R1 receptor (ALK5)."
USP11 affects SPRTN
| 16 8
USP11 binds SPRTN.
| 2 8
| 2 7

"We next confirmed SPRTN-USP11 interaction by immunoprecipitation in HEK 293T cells expressing either SFB-USP7, SAMHD1, or SPRTN."

"Moreover, we observe SPRTN interaction with USP11 in the absence and upon DNA damage."

"Based on our observation that SPRTN and USP11 interact ( xref and xref ) and because USP11 is a deubiquitinase ( xref , xref , xref ), we investigated whether SPRTN is a substrate for USP11 deubiquitinase."

"We observed a slight increase in SPRTN-USP11 interaction following treatment with etoposide (VP16), a TOP2 crosslinking agent ( xref D , xref ), camptothecin (CPT), TOP1 cross-linking agent, formaldehyde (nonspecific cross-linking agent), and hydroxyurea (non-cross-linking agent) ( xref )."

"To gain insight into the functional relevance of SPRTN-USP11 interaction, we first examined whether USP11 functions in response to DNA damage caused by DPC-inducing agents."

"Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) of Myc-USP11 with SFB-SPRTN full-length (FL) or ΔSprT, ΔSH, ΔPIP, ΔUBZ, E112A catalytic inactive, and Y117C (SPRTN mutation identified in RJALS patients) mutant constructs showed that SPRTN-USP11 interaction was lost with deletion of the N-terminal SprT domain of SPRTN ( xref A )."

"VCPIP1 and USP11 interact weakly with SPRTN in co-immunoprecipitating experiments, but show no (VCPIP1) or only weak (USP11) preference for SPRTN-Ub (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"USP11 interacts with SPRTN and cleaves monoubiquitinated SPRTN in cells and invitro."

"USP11 interacts with SPRTN and cleaves monoubiquitinated SPRTN in cells and in vitro ."
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
USP11 deubiquitinates SPRTN.
| 9
USP11 deubiquitinates SPRTN. 8 / 8
| 8

"Neither VCPIP1 nor USP11 induce SPRTN deubiquitylation when overexpressed, while USP7 does (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"USP11 deubiquitinates SPRTN in cells and invitro."

"However, we observe that lack of SPRTN deubiquitination by USP11 and VCPIP1 did not affect recruitment on chromatin."

"USP11 deubiquitinates SPRTN upon DPC induction."

"To show that deubiquitination of SPRTN by USP11 is direct, we purified SFB-SPRTN, Myc-USP11, and Myc-USP11 C318S proteins from HEK 293T cells and performed an invitro DUB reaction by incubating SFB-SPRTN alone or with Myc-USP11 or Myc-USP11 C318S purified proteins."

"We observed that USP11, but not USP11 C318S catalytic mutant, deubiquitinated SPRTN (XREF_FIG E, anti-Ub blot) and reduced SPRTN auto-cleavage products (XREF_FIG E, IP blot)."

"Upon formaldehyde treatment and other yet to be identified signals, SPRTN is deubiquitinated by USP11 (this study), USP7, and VCPIP1."

"USP11 mediates repair of DNA protein cross-links by deubiquitinating SPRTN metalloprotease."
USP11-C318S deubiquitinates SPRTN. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11, but not USP11 C318S catalytic mutant, deubiquitinated SPRTN (XREF_FIG E, anti-Ub blot) and reduced SPRTN auto-cleavage products (XREF_FIG E, IP blot)."
USP11 ubiquitinates SPRTN.
| 3
USP11 leads to the ubiquitination of SPRTN. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP11 depletion impairs SPRTN deubiquitination and promotes SPRTN auto-proteolysis in response to formaldehyde induced DPCs."

"These observations show that depletion of USP11 and VCPIP1 inhibits SPRTN deubiquitination, but in contrast to previous reports, monoubiquitination does not restrict SPRTN access to chromatin."

"Similarly, USP11 depletion in HCT116 inhibited SFB-SPRTN deubiquitination (XREF_FIG B, lane 4) compared with negative control (XREF_FIG B, lane 2) upon formaldehyde treatment, suggesting that USP11 depletion inhibits SPRTN deubiquitination upon DPC induction."
USP11 activates SPRTN.
| 2
USP11 activates SPRTN. 2 / 2
| 2

"Depletion of USP11 increased SPRTN auto-proteolysis and sensitized cells to DPC inducing agents leading to increased accumulation of DPCs."

"We observed that USP11 depletion also promotes SPRTN auto-cleavage, and auto-proteolysis of SPRTN is exacerbated in the combined absence of USP11 and USP7."
USP11 affects TGFBR1
1 1 | 15 6
USP11 binds TGFBR1.
1 | 6 6
1 | 6 5

"USP11 may bind ALK5 and prevent the SMAD7-E3 ligase complex access to ubiquitylate the receptor."

"In the case of USP11, SMAD7 does not appear to act exclusively as a scaffold for as SMAD7 does not appear to mediate the interaction between USP11 and TbetaRI, despite the fact that SMAD7 and USP11 be[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 (XREF_FIG a)."

"However, because USP11 interacts with ALK5 and positively regulates the TGFbeta pathway dependent on its catalytic activity, ALK5 appeared to be a strong candidate for deubiquitylation by USP11."

"USP11 interacts with ALK5."

"However, because USP11 interacts with ALK5 and positively regulates the TGFβ pathway dependent on its catalytic activity, ALK5 appeared to be a strong candidate for deubiquitylation by USP11."

"USP11 interacts with ALK5."

"When bound to ALK5, USP11 deubiquitylates and protects ALK5 from proteasomal degradation resulting in enhanced TGFbeta signalling."

"USP11 binds and deubiquitinates Alk5, a type I TGF-β receptor, which results in enhanced TGF-β-induced gene transcription."

No evidence text available

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFBR1.
1 | 9
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFBR1. 10 / 10
1 | 9

"USP11 deubiquitylates ALK5."

"It has been revealed that the DUBs, UCH37, USP11, and USP15, de-ubiquitinate and stabilize TbetaRI."

"XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR In this study, we show that USP11 has no effect on TbetaRI stability in human lung fibroblast cells, though Al-Salihi et al. 21 showed that USP11 de-ubiquitinates TbetaRI."

"USP11 augments TGFbeta signalling by deubiquitylating ALK5."

"USP11 was able to reduce ALK5 polyubiquitylation, although not to basal levels."

"UCHL37, USP11, and USP15 de-ubiquitinate TbetaRI, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR while USP15, CYLD, and USP9X target SMAD4 or SMAD7."

"For example, the closely related DUBs USP4, USP11 and USP15 have been reported to modulate TGFbeta signalling by deubiquitylating the type I TGFbeta receptor ALK5 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"Over-expressed wt USP11 was able to deubiquitylate ALK5."

"Likely, USP11 is also involved in the TGF/BMP signaling pathway by deubiquitylating ALK5 [98]."
USP11 affects LPAR1
1 | 9 4
USP11 activates LPAR1.
| 1
USP11 activates LPAR1. 1 / 8
| 1

"Here we report that a deubiquitinating enzyme, USP11, promotes LPA1 stability by reduction of LPA1 ubiquitination, resulting in enhanced LPA-LPA1 signal pathway."
USP11 binds LPAR1.
| 2 4
| 2 3

"To develop small molecules specific for destabilization of LPA1, future studies will focus on drug throughput screening of small molecules to interrupt the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 interaction, thereby leading destabilization of LPA1 and lessening endotoxin induced inflammatory lung injury."

"LPA1 is associated with USP11 in quiescent cells, while LPA treatment triggers LPA1 dis-association with USP11 and in turn binding to Nedd4L. Knockdown or inhibition of USP11 reduces LPA1 stability, levels of LPA1, and LPA1-CD14 interaction complex; thereby diminishing both LPA- and LPS-induced inflammatory responses and lung injury in preclinical murine models."

"In contrast to the LPA increased in the association between LPA1 and Nedd4L, LPA treatment reduced the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 (XREF_FIG d)."

"To develop small molecules specific for destabilization of LPA1, future studies will focus on drug throughput screening of small molecules to interrupt the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 interaction, thereby leading destabilization of LPA1 and lessening endotoxin-induced inflammatory lung injury."

"In contrast to the LPA-increased in the association between LPA1 and Nedd4L, LPA treatment reduced the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 ( xref d)."
| 1

"An important discovery in this study is that a change of association of LPA1 with USP11 to Nedd4L is triggered by ligand binding."
USP11 deubiquitinates LPAR1.
1 | 5
USP11 deubiquitinates LPAR1. 6 / 6
1 | 5

"The stability of lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) is up-regulated by ubiquitin-specific protease 11 (USP11), which deubiquitinates LPA1 and enhances LPA1-mediated proinflammatory effects [33,36,37,38,39]."

"3.4 Deubiquitination of LPA1 by USP11 Increases its Stability."

"Taken together, USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes LPA1, and LPA induced switching LPA1 association with USP11 to Nedd4L plays a critical role in LPA1 ubiquitination and degradation (XREF_FIG e)."

"The stability of LPA1 is up-regulated by ubiquitin specific protease 11 (USP11), which deubiquitinates LPA1 and enhances LPA1 mediated pro inflammatory effects."

"USP11 reverses LPA1 ubiquitination, thereby stabilizing LPA1 and promoting LPA/LPA1-mediated signaling pathways and inflammatory responses [62]."

"The stability of LPA1 is up-regulated by ubiquitin-specific protease 11 (USP11), which deubiquitinates LPA1 and enhances LPA1-mediated pro-inflammatory effects."
USP11 inhibits LPAR1.
| 1
USP11 inhibits LPAR1. 1 / 2
| 1

"3.7 USP11 Inhibitor, Mitoxathrone, Reduces LPA1 Stability and Protects LPS Induced Lung Injury."
SMAD7 affects USP11
3 | 8 8
SMAD7 binds USP11.
3 | 6 8
3 | 6 8

"One, we hypothesized that USP11 binds and deubiquitylates SMAD7, thereby inhibiting the TGFbeta pathway."

"To confirm the specificity of the USP11SMAD7 interaction, SMADs carrying an N-terminal FLAG tag were transiently transfected into HEK293 cells with or without the N-terminal HA-tagged USP11."

"USP11 but not USP15 binds specifically to SMAD7."

"USP11SMAD7 interaction and potential complex formation raised two distinct possibilities for USP11 targets within the TGFβ pathway."

"One, we hypothesized that USP11 binds and deubiquitylates SMAD7, thereby inhibiting the TGFβ pathway."

"USP11 binds to Smad7, which then recruits USP11 to TGFβ receptor I where it interacts, deubiquitinates and stabilizes TGFβ receptor I to sustain Smad-mediated TGFβ signaling [ xref ]."

No evidence text available

"USP11 binds to Smad7, which then recruits USP11 to TGFbeta receptor I where it interacts, deubiquitinates and stabilizes TGFbeta receptor I to sustain Smad mediated TGFbeta signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"Conversely, a SMAD7 and USP11 complex would deubiquitylate the receptor, preventing its degradation and allow continued signalling (XREF_FIG)."

"TGFβ stimulation did not alter the SMAD7USP11 interactions (see the electronic supplementary material, figure S1)."
SMAD7 activates USP11.
| 2
SMAD7 activates USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"We therefore hypothesized that USP11 directed by SMAD7 plays a role in balancing receptor ubiquitylation."

"Two, we hypothesized that SMAD7 could direct USP11 DUB activity to other pathway proteins it interacts with, such as the type I TGFbeta receptors, thereby enhancing pathway signalling."
USP11 affects mgl-1
| 22
USP11 binds mgl-1.
| 13
| 13

"In this study, we demonstrated a direct interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"These data indicate that USP11 interacts with Mgl-1, and Mgl-1 has multiple binding sites to USP11."

"To reconfirm the interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11, we investigated the interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11 in a Glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down in vitro assay."

"We next evaluated the endogenous interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11."

"The USP11 protein was retained by GST-Mgl-1 but not by GST alone, indicating that Mgl-1 binds to USP11."

"Immunoprecipitation assay was performed with an anti-USP11 antibody and the result showed that interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1 was decreased in knockdown of RanBPM."

"Mgl-1 interacts with USP11."

"This result indicates that RanBPM mediates the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"We next investigated the functional consequence of interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11."

"The results demonstrate both in vitro and in vivo interactions between Mgl-1 and USP11."
USP11 deubiquitinates mgl-1.
| 4
USP11 deubiquitinates mgl-1. 3 / 3
| 3

"Endogenous depletion of RanBPM inhibited the stabilizing action of USP11 on Mgl-1, indicating the crucial role of RanBPM in controlling the deubiquitination of Mgl-1 by USP11."

"With the presence of RanBPM, USP11 deubiquitinates Mgl-1 to stabilize, indicating that RanBPM is essential for Mgl-1 stabilization."

"USP11 deubiquitinates and stabilizes Mgl-1 protein."
Modified USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of mgl-1. 1 / 1
| 1

"The result showed that dose dependent expression of USP11 gradually decreased the level of Mgl-1 ubiquitination."
USP11 decreases the amount of mgl-1.
| 2
USP11 decreases the amount of mgl-1. 2 / 2
| 2

"Previously, we confirmed that depletion of USP11 decreases the expression level of Mgl-1 and increases the tumor cell growth."

"As expected, the depletion of USP11 decreased Mgl-1 expression and increased ubiquitination level of Mgl-1, but the mRNA level of Mgl-1 was decreased by the depletion of USP11."
USP11 activates mgl-1.
| 2
USP11 activates mgl-1. 2 / 2
| 2

"Interestingly, the expression of USP11 increased the stability of Mgl-1 protein to some extent."

"Interestingly, RanBPM knockdown by RanBPM shRNA prevented USP11 induced Mgl-1 cell migration in the MDCK cells."
USP11 increases the amount of mgl-1.
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of mgl-1. 1 / 1
| 1

"As expected, the depletion of USP11 decreased Mgl-1 expression and increased ubiquitination level of Mgl-1, but the mRNA level of Mgl-1 was decreased by the depletion of USP11."
USP11 affects SMAD7
3 | 7 8
USP11 binds SMAD7.
3 | 6 8
3 | 6 8

"One, we hypothesized that USP11 binds and deubiquitylates SMAD7, thereby inhibiting the TGFbeta pathway."

"To confirm the specificity of the USP11SMAD7 interaction, SMADs carrying an N-terminal FLAG tag were transiently transfected into HEK293 cells with or without the N-terminal HA-tagged USP11."

"USP11 but not USP15 binds specifically to SMAD7."

"USP11SMAD7 interaction and potential complex formation raised two distinct possibilities for USP11 targets within the TGFβ pathway."

"One, we hypothesized that USP11 binds and deubiquitylates SMAD7, thereby inhibiting the TGFβ pathway."

"USP11 binds to Smad7, which then recruits USP11 to TGFβ receptor I where it interacts, deubiquitinates and stabilizes TGFβ receptor I to sustain Smad-mediated TGFβ signaling [ xref ]."

No evidence text available

"USP11 binds to Smad7, which then recruits USP11 to TGFbeta receptor I where it interacts, deubiquitinates and stabilizes TGFbeta receptor I to sustain Smad mediated TGFbeta signaling [XREF_BIBR]."

"Conversely, a SMAD7 and USP11 complex would deubiquitylate the receptor, preventing its degradation and allow continued signalling (XREF_FIG)."

"TGFβ stimulation did not alter the SMAD7USP11 interactions (see the electronic supplementary material, figure S1)."
USP11 deubiquitinates SMAD7.
| 1
USP11 deubiquitinates SMAD7. 1 / 1
| 1

"UCHL37, USP11, and USP15 de-ubiquitinate TbetaRI, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR while USP15, CYLD, and USP9X target SMAD4 or SMAD7."

"We also demonstrated that USP11 promoted the melanoma cells proliferation and tumorigenesis via NONO."

"Taken together, these results indicate that the E2F1 and USP11 signal axis promotes HCC proliferation and metastasis and inhibits autophagy, which provides an experimental basis for the treatment of HCC."

"In congruence with previous report, 11 USP11 knockdown inhibited the proliferation of A375, which could be reversed by the introduction of ectopic NONO."

"Functionally, USP11-mediated stabilization of cytoplasmic p21 induced breast cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo ."

"Additionally , USP11 could promote cell proliferation and metastasis via regulating nuclear factor 90 ( NF90 ) in hepatocellular carcinoma [ 37 ] ."

"Similar results were yielded from a CCK-8 assay, indicating that USP11 mediated the proliferation of melanoma cells through NONO."

"11 In congruence with this, our results indicate that USP11 acts as an oncogene, because USP11 overexpression promotes the proliferation of melanoma cells, whereas knockdown of USP11 exhibits the opposite function."

"3.5 USP11 promotes melanoma cell proliferation via NONO."

"Furthermore, we demonstrate that USP11 mediates the proliferation of melanoma cells via NONO because the effect of USP11 knockdown on melanoma cells could be rescued by introducing NONO."

"For example, the aberrant expression of USP11 was found to interact with nuclear factor 90 and promote its deubiquitination, to promote the proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma."

"Altogether, these results indicate that USP11 is a KLF4‐specific deubiquitinase that promotes KLF4 degradation.3.3 USP11 mediates cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting KLF4 instability."

"Functionally, USP11 mediated melanoma cell proliferation via the regulation of NONO levels because ablation of USP11 inhibits the proliferation which could be rescued by ectopic expression of NONO protein."

"Physiologically, USP11 depletion suppresses cell proliferation and wound healing in lung epithelial cells, and these effects are reversed by E2F1 and PEG10 overexpression."

"USP11 depletion decreases DLBCL cell proliferation."

"Ablation of USP11 or RAE1 reduces cell proliferation of U2OS cells."

"Our observation that depletion of USP11 or inhibition using a non specific inhibitor such as Mitoxantrone significantly reduces DLBCL proliferation further supports the need for the development of USP11 specific inhibitors for targeting DLBCL."

"Functionally, USP11 mediated stabilization of p21 inhibits cell proliferation and tumorigenesis in vivo."
XIAP affects USP11
4 | 5 8
4 | 5 8

"As shown in XREF_FIG D-F, replacing Leu207 with proline, but not mutation of Cys203 or Lys206 to alanine, significantly destabilizes XIAP, presumably, due to the perturbation of the interfacial interaction between USP11 and XIAP and reduced deubiquitylation capacity of USP11."

"In addition, expression of wild-type XIAP leads to the inhibition of anoikis, we observed that disruption of interaction between XIAP and USP11 by expression of XIAP L207P mutant (interaction deficient) significantly attenuates the inhibition of anoikis by XIAP (Supplemental Fig. 6)."

"The interaction of XIAP with USP11 was confirmed by blotting complexes having endogenous USP11 precipitated with XIAP specific antibodies ( xref C) or complexes of overexpressed tagged USP11 with antibodies against Myc tag ( xref D) and probing for XIAP."

"C-terminus of USP11 interacts with the BIR2 domain of XIAP and deubiquitinates it leading to inhibition of apoptosis (Zhou et al., xref ; Table xref )."

No evidence text available

"Based on protein complex purification coupled with mass spectrometry, we have demonstrated that XIAP is a target of USP11, wherein USP11 directly binds to XIAP through Leu207 on XIAP and stabilizes it by deubiquitylation of XIAP."

No evidence text available

"As shown in xref D–F, replacing Leu207 with proline, but not mutation of Cys203 or Lys206 to alanine, significantly destabilizes XIAP, presumably, due to the perturbation of the interfacial interaction between USP11 and XIAP and reduced deubiquitylation capacity of USP11."

"To validate the impact of Cys203 and Leu207 as well as Lys206 on XIAP in mediating the interaction of XIAP with USP11, we performed a multiple sequence alignment at that particular region (residues 200–210), using the aligned the amino acid stretch from 200 to 210 of human XIAP with mouse, rat and xenopus XIAP sequences as well as the human CIAP1 and CIAP2."

"XIAP is directly bound to USP11 as shown here by both experimental and computational examinations."
USP11 affects autophagy
| 4 14
USP11 activates autophagy.
| 4 9
| 4 9

"In our study, we found that USP11 could induce resistance to chemotherapy by activating autophagy."

"Collectively , these findings suggest that USP11 could promote autophagy via AMPK / Akt / mTOR signaling pathway dependent on VCP ."

"The above experimental results have confirmed that USP11 could not only mediate the resistance to 5-Fu, but also induce autophagy in colorectal cancer cells."

"USP11 promotes autophagy through AMPK/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in a VCP dependent manner."

"In conclusion, this study shows that ferroptosis is closely associated with SCIRI, and that USP11 plays a key role in regulating ferroptosis and additionally identifies USP11-mediated autophagy-dependent ferroptosis as a promising target for the treatment of SCIRI."

"Our previous experiments have confirmed that USP11 can promote autophagy in colorectal cancer cells, however, the underlying mechanisms were still unknown."

"USP11 promotes 5-Fu resistance through inducing autophagy dependent on VCP The above experimental results have confirmed that USP11 could not only mediate the resistance to 5-Fu , but also induce autophagy in colorectal cancer cells ."

"A series of in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that USP11 promoted autophagy through AMPK/Akt/mTOR pathway via stabilizing valosin containing protein (VCP)."

"USP11 promotes autophagy through AMPK / Akt / mTOR signaling pathway in a VCP-dependent manner Our previous experiments have confirmed that USP11 can promote autophagy in colorectal cancer cells , however , the underlying mechanisms were still unknown ."

"Taken together these data, we hypothesized that USP11 might mediate resistance to 5-Fu by inducing autophagy in colorectal cancer cells and verified the hypothesis in follow-up experiments."
USP11 inhibits autophagy.
| 5
| 5

"Here, we show that the deubiquitinase USP11 restricts autophagy and that knockout (KO) of USP11 in mammalian cells results in elevated autophagic flux."

"Moreover, E2F1 and USP11 inhibited autophagy by regulating ERK and mTOR pathway."

"We also demonstrate that depletion of the USP11 homolog H34C03.2 in Caenorhabditis elegans triggers hyperactivation of autophagy and protects the animals against human β-amyloid peptide 42 aggregation-induced paralysis."

"The E2F1 and USP11 positive feedback loop promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and inhibits autophagy by activating ERK and mTOR pathway."

"Taken together, these results indicate that the E2F1 and USP11 signal axis promotes HCC proliferation and metastasis and inhibits autophagy, which provides an experimental basis for the treatment of HCC."
USP11 is modified
9 | 8 1
USP11 is phosphorylated.
9 | 7 1
USP11 is phosphorylated. 8 / 8
| 7 1

"Further, FASN activity induced PI3K-mTORC-S6Kinase signaling phosphorylates USP11."

"It also important to note that the activity of phosphorylated USP11, under experimental conditions, was more or less equivalent to the wild-type protein revealing phosphorylation plays an important role in stabilizing DUBs substrate interaction( xref )."

"Similarly, the Gartenhaus lab using both pharmacological and genetic approaches, reported that FASN induced S6Kinase signaling to phosphorylate USP11 enhancing its interaction and stability of eIF4B in DLBCL consequently promoting oncogenic translation( xref )."

"p70-S6Kinase phosphorylated USP11 regulates eIF4B stability."

"Employing both pharmacological and genetic approaches, we establish that FASN-induced PI3K-S6Kinase signaling phosphorylates USP11 enhancing its interaction with eIF4B and thereby promoting oncogenic translation."

"To examine whether USP11 is indeed S6Kinase substrate in tissue culture, we overexpressed USP11 and assessed the phosphorylation of USP11 using phospho-specific antibody that recognizes the optimal pSer substrate."

"Employing both pharmacological and genetic approaches, we establish that FASN-induced PI3K-S6Kinase signaling phosphorylates USP11 enhancing its interaction with eIF4B and thereby promoting oncogenic translation."

"We found that TGF β -1 has no effect on the expression of USP11, while it increases tyrosine phosphorylation of USP11 in lung fibroblast cells (data not shown)."
USP11 is phosphorylated on S948. 3 / 3
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 is phosphorylated on S648. 3 / 3
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 is phosphorylated on S953. 2 / 2
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 is phosphorylated on Y195. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 is ubiquitinated.
| 1
USP11 is ubiquitinated. 1 / 1
| 1

"In this assay, we found that only USP11 full-length wild type abrogated ubiquitination of Flag-IκBα ( xref )."
USP11 affects KLF4
| 2 1 14
USP11 inhibits KLF4.
| 2 4
USP11 inhibits KLF4. 6 / 6
| 2 4

"Furthermore, our results also showed that high USP11 levels inhibit KLF4 stability and expression."

"USP11 degrades KLF4 via its deubiquitinase activity in liver diseases."

"We also provide mechanistic insights into KLF4 degradation and show that USP11 depletion inhibits growth and chemoresistance of HCC cells by enhancing KLF4 stability."

"USP11 degrades KLF4 via its deubiquitinase activity in liver diseases ."

"USP11 destabilizes KLF4 through the removal of K63-dependent polyubiquitination , thereby inhibiting KLF4 expression ."

"Altogether, these results indicate that USP11 is a KLF4‐specific deubiquitinase that promotes KLF4 degradation.3.3 USP11 mediates cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting KLF4 instability."
USP11 decreases the amount of KLF4.
| 1 4
USP11 decreases the amount of KLF4. 5 / 5
| 1 4

"USP11 degrades KLF4 via its deubiquitinase activity in liver diseases."

"Deletion of USP11 led to up‐regulation of KLF4 expression (Figure 4A) and longer KLF4 half‐life (Figure 4B)."

"The USP11 negatively regulating KLF4 expression in HCC patients was on average augmented by 4.3‐fold (USP11: 207 and KLF4: 48)."

"USP11 inhibits KLF4 expression by cleaving K63-linked polyubiquitin chains in HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cells [34]."

"These findings suggest that USP11 negatively regulates KLF4 expression in HCC patients.In summary, this is the first study describing USP11 as a modulator of KLF4 in liver dysfunction."
USP11 deubiquitinates KLF4.
| 4
USP11 deubiquitinates KLF4. 4 / 4
| 4

"25 , 26 , 27 Recently, USP11 was shown to promote HCC development, 28 but the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in this pathogenic process remain poorly understood.In this study, we used a proteomic approach to identify KLF4‐interacting DUBs and firstly discovered that USP11 was responsible for deubiquitinating KLF4 in HCC cells."

"These results demonstrate that the ID domain of KLF4 and the catalytic domain of USP11 are responsible for KLF4USP11 interaction.Next, we investigated whether USP11 could deubiquitinate KLF4 as a DUB."

"USP11 deubiquitinates K63‐dependent polyubiquitination of KLF4 and suppresses its stability."

"The results suggested that coexpression of USP11 and KLF4 significantly prevented the ubiquitination of KLF4 mediated by WT‐Ub, but not from KO‐Ub (Figure 2A)."
USP11 binds KLF4.
| 2
| 2

"39 , 43 Interestingly, we also found that KLF4/USP11 interaction occurred mainly in the nucleus."

"Since USP11 has been previously reported as an oncogene in HCC, but its underlying molecular mechanisms in hepatic disease are not entirely understood, we decided to further explore its activity as KLF4‐binding partner.We started by assessing the interaction between KLF4 and USP11 through co‐immunoprecipitation (co‐IP) analysis in transfected HEK293 cells."
USP11 affects BRCA2
4 1 | 2 7 3
USP11 binds BRCA2.
4 | 1 1 2
4 | 1 1 2

No evidence text available

"BRCA2 is ubiquitinated in vivo and interacts with USP11, a deubiquitinating enzyme that exhibits prosurvival function in the cellular response to DNA damage."

"BRCA2 is ubiquitinated in vivo and interacts with USP11, a deubiquitinating enzyme that exhibits prosurvival function in the cellular response to DNA damage."

"Mitoxantrone, a PARPi that targets the USP11 key enzyme that interacts with BRCA2, has been shown to be 40- to 20,000-fold more potent than the current gemcitabine first-line treatment in 2 PDAC cell [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Another DUB, USP11, forms a complex with BRCA2."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 deubiquitinates BRCA2.
1 | 5
USP11 deubiquitinates BRCA2. 6 / 6
1 | 5

"USP11 was shown to interact with and deubiquitinates BRCA2 and as well counteracts RNF4 induced SUMO-ubiquitin hybrid chains, suggesting the pleiotropic roles at DSBs sites [XREF_BIBR]."

"Several lines of evidence point towards a critical role for USP11 in regulating BRCA2 stability : USP11 interacts and co-purifies with BRCA2, USP11 deubiquitylates BRCA2, USP11 depletion sensitises cells to DNA damaging agents and finally, mitomycin C (MMC) regulates the stability of BRCA2 in a USP11 dependent manner [XREF_BIBR]."

"While BRCA2 could be deubiquitinated by USP11 in transient overexpression assays, a catalytically inactive USP11 mutant had no effect on BRCA2 ubiquitination or protein levels."

"Several lines of evidence point towards a critical role for USP11 in regulating BRCA2 stability: USP11 interacts and co-purifies with BRCA2, USP11 deubiquitylates BRCA2, USP11 depletion sensitises cells to DNA damaging agents and finally, mitomycin C(MMC) regulates the stability of BRCA2 in a USP11-dependent manner [117]."

"Although when overexpressed USP11 can deubiquitinate BRCA2 in vivo, it does not antagonize the MMC-induced ubiquitination and degradation of BRCA2 [185]."
USP11 ubiquitinates BRCA2.
| 1 1 1
USP11 ubiquitinates BRCA2. 3 / 3
| 1 1 1

"At the protein level, BRCA2 is ubiquitinated by USP11 to undergo subsequent degradation [ xref ]."

"While BRCA2 could be deubiquitinated by USP11 in transient overexpression assays, a catalytically inactive USP11 mutant had no effect on BRCA2 ubiquitination or protein levels."

"At the protein level, BRCA2 is ubiquitinated by USP11 to undergo subsequent degradation [XREF_BIBR]."
NONO affects USP11
| 5 11
| 5 10

"USP11 interacts with NONO."

"Taken together, these results suggest there is a direct interaction between USP11 and NONO in vivo."

"Furthermore, we investigated the interaction of endogenous USP11 and NONO in melanoma cells SK‐Mel‐28 and A375 using co‐IP."

"We demonstrated that USP11 interacted with NONO, removed poly‐ubiquitin chains conjugated onto NONO."

"Based upon the observed interaction between NONO and USP11 described above, we speculate that USP11 may affect NONO levels in melanoma cells."

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GST‐USP11, but not the GST control, could bind to Myc‐NONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."

"Furthermore, we investigated the interaction of endogenous USP11 and NONO in melanoma cells SK-Mel-28 and A375 using co-IP."

"Thus, our study shows that USP11NONO signalling axis plays a critical role in melanoma proliferation."

"Previous studies have demonstrated that there is the possibility that USP11 and NONO may interact with each other. xref In order to ascertain the hypothesis, we transfected Flag‐USP11 and Myc‐NONO into HEK293 cells, collected total proteins and used the antibodies against Flag/Myc and the isotype‐matched control IgGs to perform coimmunoprecipitation (co‐IP)."

"USP11 interacted with NONO and reversed its poly-ubiquitination."
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
USP11 affects TGFBR2
1 | 14
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFBR2.
1 | 8
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFBR2. 7 / 7
1 | 6

"The novel finding in this study is that USP11 de-ubiquitinates and stabilizes TbetaRII."

"USP11 de-ubiquitinates and stabilizes TbetaRII."

"Together, these data suggest that deubiquitination of TGFBR2 by USP11 effectively spares TGFBR2 from proteasomal degradation to promote EMT and metastasis."

"Usp11 promotes the development of renal fibrosis by deubiquitinating Tgfbr2, reducing Tgfbr2 ubiquitination degradation, and then facilitating the activation of downstream senescent signaling pathway."

"We demonstrate that knockdown of USP11 increases the ubiquitination of TbetaRII, whereas overexpression of USP11 greatly decreases ubiquitination of TbetaRII."

"Together, these data suggest that deubiquitination of TGFBR2 by USP11 effectively spares TGFBR2 from proteasomal degradation to promote EMT and metastasis."

"We conducted Co-IP experiments, which revealed that Usp11 was able to interact with Tgfbr2, and inhibition of Usp11 increased the ubiquitination of Tgfbr2."
Modified USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of TGFBR2. 2 / 2
| 2

"We demonstrate that knockdown of USP11 increases the ubiquitination of TbetaRII, whereas overexpression of USP11 greatly decreases ubiquitination of TbetaRII."

"Overexpression of USP11 reduces TbetaRII ubiquitination and increases TbetaRII stabilization, thereby elevating phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 and the ultimate expression of FN and SMA."
USP11 ubiquitinates TGFBR2.
| 2
USP11 leads to the ubiquitination of TGFBR2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Inhibition or knockdown of USP11 increases poly-ubiquitination of TbetaRII, thereby reducing TbetaRII stability and impairing TGFbeta-1 signaling in lung fibroblast cells (XREF_FIG)."

"As shown in XREF_FIG, USP11 shRNA increased TbetaRII ubiquitination, whereas the level of ubiquitination was reduced by overexpression of USP11-HA (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 activates TGFBR2.
| 2
USP11 activates TGFBR2. 2 / 2
| 2

"To investigate whether USP11 promotes TbetaRII stability through de-ubiquitinating TbetaRII, USP11 was downregulated by USP11 shRNA lentivirus infection prior to in vivo ubiquitination assay."

"Inhibition of USP11 promotes TbetaRII proteasomal degradation, suggesting that USP11 is a pro fibrotic DUB."
USP11 increases the amount of TGFBR2.
| 1
Modified USP11 increases the amount of TGFBR2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Next, we determined whether overexpression of USP11 with an HA tag (USP11-HA) in MRC5 cells would enhance the expression and activation of TbetaRII."
USP11 binds TGFBR2.
| 1
| 1

"Taken together, these results suggest that USP11 interacts and stabilizes TbetaRII."
USP11 affects RAE1
1 1 | 10 2
USP11 binds RAE1.
1 | 4 2
1 | 4 1

"Since knock-down of SPRYD3 or PAM in U2OS cells had no significant effect on cell proliferation, we chose to focus on the interaction between USP11 and its substrate RAE1."

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

"Since knock-down of SPRYD3 or PAM in U2OS cells had no significant effect on cell proliferation, we chose to focus on the interaction between USP11 and its substrate RAE1."

No evidence text available

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
USP11 deubiquitinates RAE1.
1 | 2
USP11 deubiquitinates RAE1. 3 / 3
1 | 2

"USP11 deubiquitinates RAE1 and plays a key role in bipolar spindle formation."

"We show here that deubiquitination of RAE1 by USP11 does not regulate RAE1 protein levels nor the SAC."

"USP11 deubiquitinates RAE1 and plays a key role in bipolar spindle formation."
USP11 ubiquitinates RAE1.
| 2
USP11 leads to the ubiquitination of RAE1. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 modulates RAE1 ubiquitination at the mitotic spindle."

"We speculated that ubiquitination of RAE1, modulated by USP11, could possibly regulate its function at the mitotic spindle."
USP11 activates RAE1.
| 2
USP11 activates RAE1. 2 / 2
| 2

"As USP11 does not regulate the RAE1 protein levels (XREF_FIG) we wondered whether USP11 modulates the association of RAE1 with the mitotic spindle."

"We show here for the first time that upon USP11 knock-down a ubiquitinated form of RAE1 is present on the mitotic spindle resulting in a phenotype similar to RAE1 ablation, which can be partially restored by combined NuMA and USP11 knock-down."
USP11 affects EIF4B
2 | 12
USP11 binds EIF4B.
2 | 6
2 | 6

"Significantly, it was established that USP11 is bonafide substrate of S6Kinase and phosphorylation of USp11 at Ser 453 regulates the recruitment of USP11 on cap complex as well as its interaction with eIF4B, thus increasing the eIF4B driven oncogenes expression."

No evidence text available

"USP11 interacts and deubiquitinates eIF4B."

"Fatty Acid Synthase induced S6Kinase facilitates USP11 and eIF4B complex formation for sustained oncogenic translation in DLBCL."

"In light of this apparently conflicting observation based on in vitro and cell based deubiquitination assays, we next examined whether the interaction between USP11 and eIF4B was S6Kinase dependent."

No evidence text available

"We showed before that fatty acid synthase is involved with DLBCL progression in part by inducing PI3K-Akt-S6Kinase signaling to enhance interactions a USP11-eIF4B complex ."

"Finally, the interaction between eIF4B and USP11 is directly modulated by FASN mediated S6Kinase activity."
USP11 increases the amount of EIF4B.
| 3
Modified USP11 increases the amount of EIF4B. 2 / 2
| 2

"Furthermore, to buttress our findings, we overexpressed USP11 in a panel of DLBCLs and observed that ectopic expression of USP11 indeed increased basal protein levels of eIF4B."

"To understand the functional consequences of USP11-eIF4B interaction, we first examined whether expression of USP11 modulates eIF4B protein levels."
USP11 increases the amount of EIF4B. 1 / 1
| 1

"Based on RNAi and in vitro deubiquitination data, we found that USP11 but not USP7 was able to enhance protein levels of eIF4B, confirming eIF4B as a bona fide substrate of USP11."
USP11 deubiquitinates EIF4B.
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates EIF4B. 2 / 2
| 2

"Furthermore, while embarking on the molecular characterization, we noted that USP11 in a FASN-S6kinase dependent manner deubiquitinates eIF4B to enhance its protein level(11)."

"Next, to demonstrate whether USP11 can directly deubiquitinate eIF4B, we performed in vitro deubiquitinase assays."
USP11 activates EIF4B.
| 1
USP11 activates EIF4B. 1 / 1
| 1

"A sequential co-inhibition of PI3K signaling (PI3K, Akt, mTOR, and p70-RSK) along with C75 indicated that constitutively active PI3K signaling regulates USP11 mediated eIF4B protein stability."
NFKBIA affects USP11
| 4 9
| 4 9

"The association between USP11 and IkappaBalpha were also confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation of endogenous IkappaBalpha and USP11 in HeLa cells (XREF_FIG)."

"Together, these results demonstrate that USP11 is specifically and constitutively associated with IκBα in the cells and both USP11 N-terminal regulatory domain and C-terminal USP domain are required for its association with IκBα."

"In conclusion, our data provide evidence of the physical and functional interaction between IκBα and USP11."

"These results suggest that binding of USP11 with IkappaBalpha is required for USP11 mediated IkappaBalpha deubiquitination."

"To determine whether the binding of USP11 with IkappaBalpha is required for its deubiquitinase activity toward IkappaBalpha, we co-transfected Flag-IkappaBalpha with Myc-USP11 full-length, Myc-USP11-NT or Myc-USP-CT into HEK 293T cells."

"In addition, we found that only USP domain failed to mediate the association of USP11 with IκBα and deubiquitination of IκBα."

"To rule out the possibility that association of USP11 with IκBα is through other proteins, we co-incubated recombinant His-USP11 with either recombinant GST-Control or GST-IκBα in vitro and found that GST-IκBα but not GST-Control pulled down His-USP11 ( xref )."

"In conclusion, our data provide evidence of the physical and functional interaction between IkappaBalpha and USP11."

"To determine whether the binding of USP11 with IκBα is required for its deubiquitinase activity toward IκBα, we co-transfected Flag-IκBα with Myc-USP11 full-length, Myc-USP11-NT or Myc-USP-CT into HEK 293T cells."

"These results suggest that binding of USP11 with IκBα is required for USP11-mediated IκBα deubiquitination."
Mgl-1 affects USP11
| 13
| 13

"In this study, we demonstrated a direct interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"These data indicate that USP11 interacts with Mgl-1, and Mgl-1 has multiple binding sites to USP11."

"To reconfirm the interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11, we investigated the interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11 in a Glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down in vitro assay."

"We next evaluated the endogenous interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11."

"The USP11 protein was retained by GST-Mgl-1 but not by GST alone, indicating that Mgl-1 binds to USP11."

"Immunoprecipitation assay was performed with an anti-USP11 antibody and the result showed that interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1 was decreased in knockdown of RanBPM."

"Mgl-1 interacts with USP11."

"This result indicates that RanBPM mediates the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"We next investigated the functional consequence of interaction between Mgl-1 and USP11."

"The results demonstrate both in vitro and in vivo interactions between Mgl-1 and USP11."
TGFBR1 affects USP11
1 | 6 6
1 | 6 5

"USP11 may bind ALK5 and prevent the SMAD7-E3 ligase complex access to ubiquitylate the receptor."

"In the case of USP11, SMAD7 does not appear to act exclusively as a scaffold for as SMAD7 does not appear to mediate the interaction between USP11 and TbetaRI, despite the fact that SMAD7 and USP11 be[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 (XREF_FIG a)."

"However, because USP11 interacts with ALK5 and positively regulates the TGFbeta pathway dependent on its catalytic activity, ALK5 appeared to be a strong candidate for deubiquitylation by USP11."

"USP11 interacts with ALK5."

"However, because USP11 interacts with ALK5 and positively regulates the TGFβ pathway dependent on its catalytic activity, ALK5 appeared to be a strong candidate for deubiquitylation by USP11."

"USP11 interacts with ALK5."

"When bound to ALK5, USP11 deubiquitylates and protects ALK5 from proteasomal degradation resulting in enhanced TGFbeta signalling."

"USP11 binds and deubiquitinates Alk5, a type I TGF-β receptor, which results in enhanced TGF-β-induced gene transcription."

No evidence text available

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
HEY1 affects USP11
| 13
HEY1 inhibits USP11.
| 8
HEY1 inhibits USP11. 8 / 8
| 8

"Overexpression of Hey1 in GBM cell lines U87 decreased USP11 mRNA and protein (XREF_FIG)."

"Hey1 represses USP11 to downregulate PML."

"Thus, Hey1 functions as a transcriptional corepressor in USP11 transcription regulation and a complex crosstalk among transcriptional factors, histone modifiers and DNA methylation is involved in Hey1 mediated repression of USP11."

"In the reciprocal experiments, Hey1 knockdown in U87 and U251 cells upregulated USP11 mRNA, USP11 protein and PML protein, but not PML mRNA (XREF_FIG)."

"We have elucidated the mechanism by which Hey1 represses USP11 promoter activity (XREF_FIG)."

"Importantly, Hey1 induced repression of USP11 was abrogated partially by mutating either of the first two Sp1 sites and completely by disrupting both (XREF_FIG), suggesting that Hey1 acts through Sp1 binding sites to repress USP11."

"Using luciferase reporter assay, we found that Hey1 repressed the USP11 promoter activity and that the +171/+335 (0.16 K) region of USP11 promoter was responsible for this repression (XREF_FIG)."

"We further showed that USP11 is transcriptionally repressed by the Notch effector Hey1."
HEY1 activates USP11.
| 3
HEY1 activates USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Consistent with the regulation of PML protein stability by USP11, Hey1 induced USP11 downregulation resulted in a concomitant reduction of PML protein but not mRNA."

"These findings support the idea that Hey1 induced USP11 and PML downregulation mediates the chemoresistant effect of Notch."

"To explore the mechanism of Hey1 induced USP11 downregulation, we analysed the 5 '-regulatory region of USP11 (XREF_FIG)."
HEY1 decreases the amount of USP11.
| 2
HEY1 decreases the amount of USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"However, it was recently demonstrated that Notch and Hey1 transcriptionally represses the expression of the PML deubiquitinase USP11, thereby down-regulating PML protein levels."

"We show that Notch acts through Hey1 to repress the expression of USP11, a deubiquitinating (DUB) enzyme for PML."
PML affects USP11
4 | 5 3
PML binds USP11.
4 | 3 3
4 | 2 2

"Interaction between endogenous USP11 and endogenous PML was also detected by reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and the specificity of this interaction was confirmed by using lysates derived from PML-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs; XREF_FIG)."

"USP11 interacts with and stabilizes PML."

No evidence text available

"Furthermore, purified USP11 and PML-I interacted in vitro ( xref )."

"Interaction between endogenous USP11 and endogenous PML was also detected by reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations and the specificity of this interaction was confirmed by using lysates derived from PML -null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs; xref )."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
USP11 binds PML and USP domain. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain (XREF_FIG)."
PML inhibits USP11.
| 2
PML inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"Our study uncovers a PML degradation mechanism through Notch and Hey1 induced repression of the PML deubiquitinase USP11 and suggests an important role for this pathway in brain tumour pathogenesis."

"Remarkably, this PML knockdown completely abrogated these tumour suppressing effects of USP11 (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects USP11
| 8
USP11 decreases the amount of USP11.
| 2
USP11 decreases the amount of USP11. 2 / 4
| 2

"To investigate whether down-regulation of USP11 exhibits protective effects against LPS induced lung injury, USP11 levels in the mouse lungs were down-regulated by usp11 shRNA in a lentiviral vector delivery system (XREF_FIG d)."

"To investigate whether USP11 modulates LPS induced signaling, USP11 expression was down-regulated by usp11 shRNA transfection."
USP11 deubiquitinates USP11.
| 3
USP11 deubiquitinates USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Several lines of evidence point towards a critical role for USP11 in regulating BRCA2 stability: USP11 interacts and co-purifies with BRCA2, USP11 deubiquitylates BRCA2, USP11 depletion sensitises cells to DNA damaging agents and finally, mitomycin C(MMC) regulates the stability of BRCA2 in a USP11-dependent manner [117]."

"Since USP11 is known to auto-deubiquitylate , it is plausible that ectopic USP11 could deubiquitylate endogenous USP11 leading to increased stability."

"Several lines of evidence point towards a critical role for USP11 in regulating BRCA2 stability : USP11 interacts and co-purifies with BRCA2, USP11 deubiquitylates BRCA2, USP11 depletion sensitises cells to DNA damaging agents and finally, mitomycin C (MMC) regulates the stability of BRCA2 in a USP11 dependent manner [XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 activates USP11.
| 2
USP11 activates USP11. 2 / 3
| 2

"Furthermore, we revealed that ERK1/2 phosphorylated USP11 at the Ser905 site, which promoted the cytoplasmic localization of USP11."

"Hence, the methylation of USP11 appears to direct USP11 activity towards a particular stage of HR repair, namely DNA end-resection and RPA loading, rather than the formation of the BRCA1–PABL2–BRCA2 complex."
USP11 inhibits USP11.
| 1
USP11 inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore, there is a rapid loss of USP11 upon DNA damage induction, specifically in G1 phase (XREF_FIG and XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects PCGF2
3 | 7 1
USP11 binds PCGF2.
3 | 2 1
3 | 2

No evidence text available

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."

No evidence text available

"In view of the co-precipitation and size fractionation data, it was of interest to know whether USP7 and USP11 interact directly with MEL18 and BMI1 or other PRC1 components."

No evidence text available
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
USP11 activates PCGF2.
| 3
USP11 activates PCGF2. 3 / 3
| 3

"Importantly, knockdown of either USP7 or USP11 reduces the total and chromatin bound pool of BMI1 and MEL18, and the effects can be mitigated by inhibiting proteasome function."

"Knockdown of USP7 or USP11 causes increased turnover of chromatin bound MEL18 and BMI1, whereas over-expression of the USPs reduces the levels of mono- and poly-ubiquitination of these proteins."

"Knockdown of USP7 or USP11 causes increased turnover of chromatin bound MEL18 and BMI1, whereas over-expression of the USPs reduces the levels of mono- and poly-ubiquitination of these proteins [XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 deubiquitinates PCGF2.
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates PCGF2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Nevertheless, MEL18 and BMI were deubiquitylated by USP7 and USP11, two chromatin bound components of polycomb and repressive complex 1 complex components that influence the transcriptional regulation of p16INK4a [XREF_BIBR]."

"Importantly, over-expression of HA tagged USP7 or USP11 reduced the overall ubiquitination of MEL18 (XREF_FIG, lanes 2 and 4)."
USP11 affects PALB2
2 1 | 7 1
USP11 deubiquitinates PALB2.
1 | 5
USP11 deubiquitinates PALB2. 6 / 6
1 | 5

"PALB2 ubiquitylation suppresses its interaction with BRCA1 and is counteracted by the deubiquitylase USP11"

"USP11 deubiquitinates PALB2 and promotes BRCA1, PALB2, and BRCA2 complex formation."

"If USP11 antagonizes PALB2 ubiquitylation by CRL3-KEAP1, then removal of KEAP1 (or CUL3) should reverse the phenotypes imparted by loss of USP11."

"These mechanisms might be of therapeutic importance in cancer, because defective HR renders cells susceptible to inhibition of base excision repair (BER) mediated by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR : the deubiquitylating enzyme (DUB) ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 11 (USP11) deubiquitylates partner and localizer of BRCA2 (PALB2) during S and G2 phases following DNA damage, allowing the formation of the BRCA1, PALB2, and BRCA2 complex and HR repair to advance in these phases of the cell cycle 64."

"USP11 (Ubiquitin specific peptidase 11) deubiquitinates PALB2 ubiquitination to promote HR repair."

"Since recombinant USP11 can de-ubiquitylate PALB2 (1-103) in vitro (XREF_FIG), these results suggest that USP11 promotes the assembly of the BRCA1, PALB2, and BRCA2 complex by reversing the inhibitory ubiquitylation on the PALB2 Lys20/25/30 residues."
USP11 binds PALB2.
2 | 2 1
2 | 1 1

"Conversely, PALB2 also associates with the Deubiquitinase (DUB) USP11 which can antagonize RNF168 ubiquitylation at chromatin and promote PALB2 interaction with BRCA1, which is essential for proper HR to occur at DNA damage sites ."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Conversely, PALB2 also associates with the Deubiquitinase (DUB) USP11 which can antagonize RNF168 ubiquitylation at chromatin and promote PALB2 interaction with BRCA1, which is essential for proper HR to occur at DNA damage sites xref ."
USP11 binds PALB2 and G1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11 turns over rapidly in G1 cells and interacts poorly with PALB2 in this phase of the cell cycle (XREF_FIG)."
| 1 10

"More importantly, USP11 could promote cell growth and metastasis in colorectal cancer [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"For example, the aberrant expression of USP11 was found to interact with nuclear factor 90 and promote its deubiquitination, to promote the proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma."

"USP11 promoted tumor growth and metastasis in CRC via the ERK and MAPK pathway by stabilizing PPP1CA, suggesting USP11 is a potential prognostic marker."

"Namely, USP11 has been shown to promote the proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but the underlying molecular basis is poorly understood."

"Overall, we suggest that USP11 promotes HCC cell metastasis, and we provide the first evidence of the prognostic significance of USP11 expression in HCC, which suggests that USP11 is a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of HCC."

"Taken together, these results indicate that the E2F1 and USP11 signal axis promotes HCC proliferation and metastasis and inhibits autophagy, which provides an experimental basis for the treatment of HCC."

"Additionally, USP11 could promote cell proliferation and metastasis via regulating nuclear factor 90 (NF90) in hepatocellular carcinoma [XREF_BIBR]."

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."

"The E2F1 and USP11 positive feedback loop promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and inhibits autophagy by activating ERK and mTOR pathway."

"Additionally , USP11 could promote cell proliferation and metastasis via regulating nuclear factor 90 ( NF90 ) in hepatocellular carcinoma [ 37 ] ."
USP11 affects MYC
| 11
| 10

"Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) of Myc-USP11 with SFB-SPRTN full-length (FL) or ΔSprT, ΔSH, ΔPIP, ΔUBZ, E112A catalytic inactive, and Y117C (SPRTN mutation identified in RJALS patients) mutant constructs showed that SPRTN-USP11 interaction was lost with deletion of the N-terminal SprT domain of SPRTN ( xref A )."

"Indeed, we found that overexpression of Myc-USP11 FL, but not C318S catalytic inactive mutant was able to deubiquitinate SFB-SPRTN in HEK 293T cells ( xref A )."

"We further corroborated this observation in a similar in vitro DUB reaction by incubating SFB-HA-Ub-SPRTN alone or with Myc-USP11 or Myc-USP11 C318S purified proteins and immunoblotted for HA-Ub ( xref B )."

"We next confirmed deubiquitination of monoubiquitinated SPRTN by performing deubiquitination assays in HEK 293T cells expressing SFB-SPRTN either alone or in combination with Myc-USP11 FL or C318S mutant ( xref C ) and SFB-SPRTN and HA-Ub constructs expressed either alone or in combination with Myc-USP11 FL and C318S mutant ( xref A )."

"As shown in Figure 4A , PB2, PA, and NP specifically co-precipitated with Myc-USP11 (lanes 3, 9, and 12, respectively)."

"To examine the effect of USP11 on SPRTN protein stability, we expressed SFB-SPRTN E112A in combination with increasing concentrations of either Myc-USP11 or Myc-USP11 C318S mutant."

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL and internal deletion constructs of the USP domain showed that the SPRTN interaction site resides within the 480 to 505 aa region of USP11 ( xref C )."

"PB2-HA and Myc-USP11 were transiently co-expressed (lane 4) or singly expressed (lanes 2 and 3) in 293T cells."

"To show that deubiquitination of SPRTN by USP11 is direct, we purified SFB-SPRTN, Myc-USP11, and Myc-USP11 C318S proteins from HEK 293T cells and performed an in vitro DUB reaction by incubating SFB-SPRTN alone or with Myc-USP11 or Myc-USP11 C318S purified proteins."

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
EGFR-vIII affects USP11
| 11
EGFR-vIII increases the amount of USP11.
| 4
Mutated EGFR-vIII increases the amount of USP11. 4 / 4
| 4

"CONCLUSIONS: EGFR-vIII mutation downregulates H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC, inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis."

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity by upregulating expression of the tumour suppressor USP11 in GBM cells.Conclusions: EGFR-vIII mutation downregulates H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC, inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis."

"EGFR-vIII mutation can downregulate H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC, inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis."

"We demonstrated that the EGFR-vIII mutation downregulated H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC, inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis."
EGFR-vIII decreases the amount of USP11.
| 4
EGFR-vIII decreases the amount of USP11. 4 / 4
| 4

"e EGFR-vIII activation significantly upregulated the expression of P-AKT, HDAC1 and HDAC2 and downregulated H2AZK4/7AC, H3K27AC and USP11 expression."

"IHC staining showed that EGFR-vIII activation significantly upregulated the expression of P-AKT, HDAC1 and HDAC2 and downregulated H2AZK4/7AC, H3K27AC and USP11 expression (Fig. 7e)."

"IHC staining showed that EGFR-vIII activation significantly upregulated the expression of P-AKT, HDAC1 and HDAC2 and downregulated H2AZK4/7AC, H3K27AC and USP11 expression."

"EGFR-vIII activation inhibited USP11 expression through a PI3K and Akt mediated epigenetic pathway."
EGFR-vIII inhibits USP11.
| 2
EGFR-vIII inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"In addition, EGFR-vIII enhanced silencing of the USP11 promoter through the PI3K and AKT-HDAC 1/2 axis."

"In addition, EGFR-vIII enhanced silencing of the USP11 promoter through the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis.A dynamic balance between histone acetylation and deacetylation is maintained to regulate gene expression appropriately; a disturbance in this balance in cancer though altered gene expression can accelerate cell cycle progression [47]."
EGFR-vIII activates USP11.
| 1
EGFR-vIII activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"These results indicated that activation of EGFR/EGFR-vIII might promote the malignant progression of GBM through downregulating USP11, SELK, HIP1R, CYFIP2 and ALAD.USP11 is a deubiquitinase that binds several substrates maintains their stability though their deubiquitination [44]."
| 5 4
| 5 4

"Burkhart et al., using a fluorescent based high-throughput assay, screened more than 2000 FDA approved chemical entities and reported that mitoxantrone inhibits USP11 activity under in-vitro conditions."

"We first determined whether mitoxantrone inhibits USP11 deubiquitinase activity."

"Mitoxantrone (MX), an anti-cancer drug, was reported to inhibit USP11."

"Interestingly, we found that in Panc1 cells that have previously been shown to have high amounts of USP11 mRNA and to undergo dose-dependent cell death upon treatment with mitoxantrone that inhibits USP11 ( xref ), cell viability is highly affected by FYLIR peptide exposure."

"Moreover, inhibition of USP11 by Mitoxantrone (It was original developed as type II DNA topoisomerase inhibitor."

"Indeed, depletion of USP11 or inhibition of USP11 by a non-specific inhibitor Mitoxantrone led to significantly sensitization of triple negative breast cancer cells to the chemo-therapeutic agent cisplatin further confirming the therapeutic value of targeting USP11."

"Moreover, inhibition of USP11 by Mitoxantrone (It was original developed as type II DNA topoisomerase inhibitor."

"Our observation that depletion of USP11 or inhibition of USP11 by a non-specific USP11 inhibitor Mitoxantrone significantly sensitized triple negative breast cancer cells to the chemo-drug cisplatin further supports USP11 as a potential target for anti-cancer treatment."

"Mitoxantrone inhibits USP11 thus offering opportunities for targeting the BRCA1-MYCN interaction [148]."
USP4 affects USP11
3 | 2 5
3 | 2

"Importantly, USP4 could bind to itself and also interact with USP11 and USP15, and thus may be part of a DUB complex when exerting its function."

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal "domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases" (DUSP) and "ubiquitin-like" (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
USP11 affects VCP
| 1 5 4
USP11 binds VCP.
| 5 4
| 5 4

"The results revealed that USP11 can form a complex with VCP in HCT116 cells (Figure xref B)."

"USP11 might interact with and stabilize VCP."

"These findings suggested that USP11 could interact with VCP and prevent its degradation."

"These findings confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP."

"These findings confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP."

"The results revealed that USP11 can form a complex with VCP in HCT116 cells."

"The endogenous and exogenous Co-IP assays confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP in our research."

"The endogenous and exogenous Co-IP assays confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP in our research."

"These findings suggested that USP11 could interact with VCP and prevent its degradation."
USP11 activates VCP.
| 1
USP11 activates VCP. 1 / 1
| 1

"We found that USP11 upregulated VCP expression in a dose-dependent manner ( Figure 3C ) ."
USP11 affects USP4
3 | 2 5
3 | 2

"Importantly, USP4 could bind to itself and also interact with USP11 and USP15, and thus may be part of a DUB complex when exerting its function."

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal "domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases" (DUSP) and "ubiquitin-like" (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
USP11 affects TGFB1
| 5
USP11 activates TGFB1. 5 / 10
| 5

"Three examples of deubiquitinating enzymes for TbetaR-I are ubiquitin specific peptidase-4 (USP4), -11 (USP11) and -15 (USP15), all of which antagonize the effect of SMAD7 and strongly induce TGF-beta1 signalling [XREF_BIBR]."

"As USP11 promotes TGFbeta-1 signaling through stabilization of TbetaRII, we hypothesize that USP11 may have a critical role in the development of lung fibrosis."

"De-ubiquitinating enzyme, USP11, promotes transforming growth factor beta-1 signaling through stabilization of transforming growth factor beta receptor II."

"Here we reveal that a de-ubiquitinating enzyme, USP11, promotes TGFbeta-1 signaling through de-ubiquitination and stabilization of TbetaRII."

"Consistent with their findings, we also revealed that USP11 promotes TGFbeta-1 signaling."
USP11 affects SOX11
| 10
USP11 activates SOX11.
| 5
USP11 activates SOX11. 5 / 5
| 5

"This Sox11 down-regulation was rescued by re-expression of wild-type Usp11, but not Usp11 R241Q (XREF_FIG)."

"Whereas expression of wild-type Usp11 increased Sox11 abundance, this mutant did not up-regulate Sox11 (XREF_FIG)."

"In summary, our study identifies the functions of Usp11 mediated Sox11 stabilization in cortical development, provides an explanation for the association of Usp11 mutation with neurological disorder, and highlights the importance of deubiquitination triggered protein stabilization in the developmental process."

"It is intriguing that Usp11 targets Sox11, but not its paralog Sox4, in the developing cortex."

"Last, using a cycloheximide-chase assay, we found that Usp11 knockdown decreased the stability of Sox11 (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 increases the amount of SOX11.
| 2
USP11 increases the amount of SOX11. 2 / 2
| 2

"Human USP11 also up-regulated SOX11 expression, demonstrating the evolutional conservation of the Usp11 and Sox11 axis."

"As expected, Usp11 knockdown decreased the expression of Sox11."
USP11 deubiquitinates SOX11.
| 2
USP11-R241Q leads to the deubiquitination of SOX11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Accordingly, the Usp11 R241Q mutant failed to reduce Sox11 ubiquitination level when overexpressed in cells (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 deubiquitinates SOX11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, we show that Usp11 deubiquitinates Sox11, which is critical for Sox11 stabilization during cortical development."
USP11 binds SOX11.
| 1
SOX11 binds USP11 and 293T. 1 / 1
| 1

"Purified Usp11 was capable of directly deubiquitinating Sox11 in vitro (XREF_FIG) and, last, Flag-Sox11 or endogenous Sox11 associated in a complex with endogenous Usp11 in 293T cells, N2a cells, and cells taken from developing mouse cortex (XREF_FIG, and fig."
| 5 5
| 2 5

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."

"The experimental protocol was as described above. (D) The interaction between USP11 and NP."

"USP11 was able to bind and deubiquitinate NP, thereby antagonizing viral replication [ xref ]."

"USP11 was able to bind and deubiquitinate NP, thereby antagonizing viral replication [XREF_BIBR]."
| 3

"USP11 specifically interacts with PB2, PA and NP. (A) The interaction of USP11 with singly expressed viral proteins."

"The co-immunoprecipitation results showed that USP11 interacts with PB2, PA and NP, respectively."

"Conversely, cellular deubiquitinase USP11 can interact with PB2, PA and NP, and thereby affect the function of RNP complex during RNA replication."
USP11 deubiquitinates Nucleoproteins.
| 3
USP11 deubiquitinates Nucleoproteins. 3 / 3
| 3

"The result showed that both USP10 and USP11 specifically co-precipitated with NP-HA (lanes 1, 3 and 4, lower panel), consistent with the published result, and NP could be deubiquitinated by only USP11 but not USP10 (lanes 3 and 4, upper panel)."

"(B) Deubiquitination of NP by cellular USP11 may lower its binding affinity to cRNA."

"These results combined suggest that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating NP."
USP11 affects H2AX
4 1 | 4
USP11 binds H2AX.
4 | 1
4 | 1

"Mechanistically, USP11 interacts with and deubiquitinates γH2AX [33]."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 deubiquitinates H2AX.
1 | 3
USP11 deubiquitinates H2AX. 4 / 4
1 | 3

"USP11 deubiquitinates H2AX, opposing the ubiquitinating activity of the RNF8 and RNF168 complex."

"USP11 also functions in DSB repair, wherein USP11 deubiquitinates H2AX to regulate the recruitment of RAD51 and 53BP1 to damage foci."

"Mechanistically, USP11 interacts with and deubiquitinates γH2AX [33]."
TP53 affects USP11
3 | 2 4
3 | 2 3

"Co-immunoprecipitation (coIP) was performed to verify the interaction between USP11 and p53, and the results demonstrated the binding of USP11 to p53 (Figure 3C)."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Co-immunoprecipitation (coIP) was performed to verify the interaction between USP11 and p53, and the results demonstrated the binding of USP11 to p53 ( xref C)."

"To better understand the regulation of p53, we tested the interaction between p53 and USP11 using co-immunoprecipitation."

"In concert with these results, silencing of USP11 is associated with transcriptional attenuation of the p53-responsive genes, such as p21 or Bax."

"To better understand the regulation of p53, we tested the interaction between p53 and USP11 using co-immunoprecipitation."

No evidence text available
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
SPRTN affects USP11
| 2 8
| 2 7

"We next confirmed SPRTN-USP11 interaction by immunoprecipitation in HEK 293T cells expressing either SFB-USP7, SAMHD1, or SPRTN."

"Moreover, we observe SPRTN interaction with USP11 in the absence and upon DNA damage."

"Based on our observation that SPRTN and USP11 interact ( xref and xref ) and because USP11 is a deubiquitinase ( xref , xref , xref ), we investigated whether SPRTN is a substrate for USP11 deubiquitinase."

"We observed a slight increase in SPRTN-USP11 interaction following treatment with etoposide (VP16), a TOP2 crosslinking agent ( xref D , xref ), camptothecin (CPT), TOP1 cross-linking agent, formaldehyde (nonspecific cross-linking agent), and hydroxyurea (non-cross-linking agent) ( xref )."

"To gain insight into the functional relevance of SPRTN-USP11 interaction, we first examined whether USP11 functions in response to DNA damage caused by DPC-inducing agents."

"Co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) of Myc-USP11 with SFB-SPRTN full-length (FL) or ΔSprT, ΔSH, ΔPIP, ΔUBZ, E112A catalytic inactive, and Y117C (SPRTN mutation identified in RJALS patients) mutant constructs showed that SPRTN-USP11 interaction was lost with deletion of the N-terminal SprT domain of SPRTN ( xref A )."

"VCPIP1 and USP11 interact weakly with SPRTN in co-immunoprecipitating experiments, but show no (VCPIP1) or only weak (USP11) preference for SPRTN-Ub (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."

"USP11 interacts with SPRTN and cleaves monoubiquitinated SPRTN in cells and invitro."

"USP11 interacts with SPRTN and cleaves monoubiquitinated SPRTN in cells and in vitro ."
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
VCP affects USP11
| 5 4
| 5 4

"The results revealed that USP11 can form a complex with VCP in HCT116 cells (Figure xref B)."

"USP11 might interact with and stabilize VCP."

"These findings suggested that USP11 could interact with VCP and prevent its degradation."

"These findings confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP."

"These findings confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP."

"The results revealed that USP11 can form a complex with VCP in HCT116 cells."

"The endogenous and exogenous Co-IP assays confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP in our research."

"The endogenous and exogenous Co-IP assays confirmed the interaction between USP11 and VCP in our research."

"These findings suggested that USP11 could interact with VCP and prevent its degradation."
USP11 affects RANBP9
3 1 | 2 3
3 1 | 2 3

"Interestingly, RanBP9 is associated with USP11, a DUB that prevents ubiquitination of targeted proteins. xref Therefore, we speculate that RanBP9 may promote deubiquitination of TSSC3 by recruiting USP11 to TSSC3."

"RanBPM is associated with USP11, which is generally involved in preventing ubiquitination of targeted proteins [ xref ]."

"By immunofluorescence assay, USP11 primarily was localized in the nucleus of non dividing cells, suggesting an association between USP11 and RanBPM in the nucleus."

"It has been demonstrated that USP11 interacts with RanBPM, a Ran-binding protein, which is required for correct microtubule nucleation (Ideguchi et al, 2002) ."

"Furthermore, the association between USP11 and RanBPM in vivo was confirmed not only by yeast two-hybrid assay but also by co-immunoprecipitation assays using exogenously expressed USP11 and RanBPM."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects PRC1
1 | 2 6
USP11 binds PRC1.
| 6
USP11 binds USP7 and PRC1. 6 / 6
| 6

"USP7 and USP11 are bound to chromatin and form part of the PRC1 complex."

"Both USP7 and USP11 interact with PRC1 [ xref ], and these USPs might form a complex [ xref ], suggesting possible inter-USP regulation, the implications of which would be interesting for USP biology."

"Our data strongly suggest that USP7 and USP11 bind directly to several components of the PRC1 complex, as confirmed using purified recombinant proteins."

"In humans, USP7 and USP11 physically interact with members of PRC1 in vivo , such as Mel18, Bmi1 and Ring1."

"USP7 and USP11 associate with other PRC1 components."

"To assess whether USP7 and USP11 associate with bona fide PRC1 complexes, nuclear extracts from FDFs ( xref ) and 293T cells (not shown) were subjected to size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 6 10/300 column, and individual fractions were analysed by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting."
USP11 deubiquitinates PRC1.
1 | 2
USP11 deubiquitinates PRC1. 3 / 3
1 | 2

"In some cancer types, PRC1 can be deubiquitinated by USP7, USP11 and USP26 [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."

"Lastly, USP7 and USP11 deubiquitinate PRC1, a protein found to contribute to cancer stemness [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 affects CDKN1A
1 | 5 3
USP11 binds CDKN1A.
1 | 1 3
1 | 1 3

"In the nucleus, USP11 binds to p21, catalyzes the removal of polyubiquitin chains conjugated onto p21, and stabilizes p21 protein."

No evidence text available

"In the nucleus, USP11 binds to p21, catalyzes the removal of polyubiquitin chains conjugated onto p21, and stabilizes p21 protein."

"Our findings provide the first evidence that ubiquitinated p21 in the cytoplasm can be recycled through USP11-mediated deubiquitination, and we identified the USP11-p21 axis in the cytoplasm as a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer control."

"Knockdown of USP11 results in the activation of DNA damage-response pathways, leading to hypersensitivity of cells to genotoxic stress ( xref ); (iii) in primary human fibroblasts knockdown of USP11 results in characteristics of senescence, including proliferative arrest and enlarged nucleoli ( xref ); and (iv) USP11 interacts with p21 to regulate cell cycle progression and DNA damage responses ( xref )."
USP11 deubiquitinates CDKN1A.
| 3
USP11 deubiquitinates CDKN1A. 3 / 3
| 3

"As a result, USP11 reverses p21 polyubiquitylation and degradation mediated by SCF SKP2, CRL4 CDT2, and APC/C CDC20 in a cell-cycle-independent manner."

"For instance, USP11 can reverse the ubiquitination and degradation of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, and hence mediate the DNA damage response and apoptosis."

"Deubiquitylation and stabilization of p21 by USP11 is critical for cell-cycle progression and DNA damage responses."
USP11 inhibits CDKN1A.
| 1
USP11 inhibits CDKN1A. 1 / 1
| 1

"Loss of USP11 causes the destabilization of p21 and induces the G1/S transition in unperturbed cells."
USP11 affects BMI1
3 | 5 1
USP11 binds BMI1.
3 | 2 1
3 | 2

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."

"In view of the co-precipitation and size fractionation data, it was of interest to know whether USP7 and USP11 interact directly with MEL18 and BMI1 or other PRC1 components."

No evidence text available
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
USP11 activates BMI1.
| 3
USP11 activates BMI1. 3 / 3
| 3

"Importantly, knockdown of either USP7 or USP11 reduces the total and chromatin bound pool of BMI1 and MEL18, and the effects can be mitigated by inhibiting proteasome function."

"Knockdown of USP7 or USP11 causes increased turnover of chromatin bound MEL18 and BMI1, whereas over-expression of the USPs reduces the levels of mono- and poly-ubiquitination of these proteins."

"Knockdown of USP7 or USP11 causes increased turnover of chromatin bound MEL18 and BMI1, whereas over-expression of the USPs reduces the levels of mono- and poly-ubiquitination of these proteins [XREF_BIBR]."
RANBP9 affects USP11
3 1 | 2 3
3 1 | 2 3

"Interestingly, RanBP9 is associated with USP11, a DUB that prevents ubiquitination of targeted proteins. xref Therefore, we speculate that RanBP9 may promote deubiquitination of TSSC3 by recruiting USP11 to TSSC3."

"RanBPM is associated with USP11, which is generally involved in preventing ubiquitination of targeted proteins [ xref ]."

"By immunofluorescence assay, USP11 primarily was localized in the nucleus of non dividing cells, suggesting an association between USP11 and RanBPM in the nucleus."

"It has been demonstrated that USP11 interacts with RanBPM, a Ran-binding protein, which is required for correct microtubule nucleation (Ideguchi et al, 2002) ."

"Furthermore, the association between USP11 and RanBPM in vivo was confirmed not only by yeast two-hybrid assay but also by co-immunoprecipitation assays using exogenously expressed USP11 and RanBPM."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
MiR-132-3p affects USP11
| 1 7
MiR-132-3p inhibits USP11.
| 1 2
MiR-132-3p inhibits USP11. 3 / 3
| 1 2

"Consistent with these reports, our study found USP11 reversed the anti-cancer function of miR-132-3p, indicating miR-132-3p could modulate colorectal cancer development by targeting USP11."

"Conclusion Circ_DOCK1 interference suppressed cell growth and metastasis , and increased apoptosis of colorectal cancer via decreasing USP11 by increasing miR-132-3p ."

"USP11 abundance was significantly decreased by miR-132-3p overexpression, and it was upregulated via addition of USP11 overexpression vector."
MiR-132-3p activates USP11.
| 3
MiR-132-3p activates USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP11 is targeted by miR-132-3p and regulated via circ_DOCK1 and miR-132-3p axis."

"These results suggested miR-132-3p overexpression could repress colorectal cancer development by targeting USP11."

"Then, we analyzed the downstream of miR-132-3p and firstly confirmed miR-132-3p could target USP11."
MiR-132-3p binds USP11.
| 2
USP11 binds miR-132-3p. 2 / 2
| 2

"A RIP kit (Geneseed, Guangzhou, China) was used to analyze the binding of miR-132-3p and USP11."

"We performed the bioinformatic analysis to predict the potential interaction between miR-132-3p and circ_DOCK1 or USP11."
EIF affects USP11
| 8
USP11 binds eIF. 8 / 8
| 8

"Moreover, phosphorylation of p70-RSK was noted to be reduced in ABC-, but not in GC-DLBCLs, upon either C75 treatment or FASN depletion, indicating that active p70-RSK may be driving the USP11-eIF4B interaction for sustained oncogene expression (Supplementary Figure  xref )."

"The interaction of USP11 with eIF4B, a protein that interacts and promotes the activity of eIF4A, implicated its role in regulating de novo peptide synthesis."

"One novel potential lymphoma-associated driver of eIF4B is fatty acid synthase (FASN) which stabilizes eIF4B and increase expression of oncoproteins such as MYC, BCL6 and MCL1 (a BCL2-related anti-apoptotic protein) via formation of a complex between eIF4B and the deubiquitinase USP11 in DLBCL cells [ xref ]."

"We previously reported that USP11, a bona fide eIF4B deubiquitinase, is phospho-modified by p70-S6Kinase and this post-translational event enhances USP11-eIF4B interactions( xref )."

"Finally, the interaction between eIF4B and USP11 is directly modulated by FASN-mediated S6Kinase activity (Fig.  xref )."

"Our previous report( xref ) noted that FASN activated PI3K signaling tethered USP11-eIF4B interactions."

"We showed before that fatty acid synthase is involved with DLBCL progression in part by inducing PI3K-Akt-S6Kinase signaling to enhance interactions a USP11-eIF4B complex xref ."

"In light of this apparently conflicting observation based on in vitro and cell-based deubiquitination assays, we next examined whether the interaction between USP11 and eIF4B was S6Kinase-dependent."
USP11 affects TCEAL1
7 | 1
7 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."
USP11 affects KLF2
| 5 3
USP11 inhibits KLF2.
| 1 2
USP11 inhibits KLF2. 3 / 3
| 1 2

"Collectively, USP11 inhibits KLF2 via upregulating p53, thus facilitating the ICH-induced neurological impairment and inflammation."

"A pro-inflammatory mediator USP11 enhances the stability of p53 and inhibits KLF2 in intracerebral hemorrhage."

"A pro-inflammatory mediator USP11 enhances the stability of p53 and inhibits KLF2 in intracerebral hemorrhage."
USP11 decreases the amount of KLF2.
| 3
USP11 decreases the amount of KLF2. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP11 stabilizes p53 by deubiquitination and inhibits KLF2 expression in microglial cells."

"The above results convinced us that USP11 could deubiquitinate and stabilize p53 in microglial cells to repress KLF2 transcription."

"As reflected by western blot and qRT-PCR assays, USP11 knockdown led to upregulated expression of KLF2, as well as downregulated levels of NF-κB (p65), its phosphorylation (p-p65), and downstream markers of the NF-κB pathway (cyclinD1, c-myc) in the brain tissues of rats with ICH-like symptoms; these effects of USP11 knockdown alone could be reversed by its combination with either p53 overexpression or KLF2 knockdown (Figure 5A)."
USP11 binds KLF2.
| 1
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
USP11 activates KLF2.
| 1
USP11 activates KLF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Also, the combination of USP11 knockdown and restoration of p53 or KLF2 knockdown elevated the mNSS value (Figure 5B) and brain water content (Figure 5C) reduced by USP11 knockdown alone in rats with ICH-like symptoms."
TCEAL1 affects USP11
7 | 1
7 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."
| 3 5
| 2 5

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."

"The experimental protocol was as described above. (D) The interaction between USP11 and NP."

"USP11 was able to bind and deubiquitinate NP, thereby antagonizing viral replication [ xref ]."

"USP11 was able to bind and deubiquitinate NP, thereby antagonizing viral replication [XREF_BIBR]."
| 3

"USP11 specifically interacts with PB2, PA and NP. (A) The interaction of USP11 with singly expressed viral proteins."

"The co-immunoprecipitation results showed that USP11 interacts with PB2, PA and NP, respectively."

"Conversely, cellular deubiquitinase USP11 can interact with PB2, PA and NP, and thereby affect the function of RNP complex during RNA replication."
Nucleoproteins deubiquitinates USP11.
| 1
Nucleoproteins deubiquitinates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"WSN H1N1 NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 through interacting with USP11, which is crucial for viral genome replication (Liao et al., 2010)."
Notch affects USP11
| 6
Notch inhibits USP11.
| 2
Notch inhibits USP11. 2 / 4
| 2

"We further showed that USP11 is transcriptionally repressed by the Notch effector Hey1."

"In line with this notion, we showed that mouse Usp11 was repressed by the Notch and Hes1 axis, as overexpression of an active form of Notch (Notch intracellular domain, referred to as NIC) or Hes1 in a neuroblastoma cell line N2a diminished Usp11 expression and the promoter activity of Usp11 gene."
Notch decreases the amount of USP11.
| 4
Notch decreases the amount of USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"However, it was recently demonstrated that Notch and Hey1 transcriptionally represses the expression of the PML deubiquitinase USP11, thereby down-regulating PML protein levels."

"Since our previous study found that human USP11 transcription is repressed by the Notch pathway, the up-regulation of Usp11 is likely a consequence of Notch inactivation upon the induction of neuronal differentiation."

"In line with this notion, we showed that mouse Usp11 was repressed by the Notch and Hes1 axis, as overexpression of an active form of Notch (Notch intracellular domain, referred to as NIC) or Hes1 in a neuroblastoma cell line N2a diminished Usp11 expression and the promoter activity of Usp11 gene."
Modified Notch decreases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Accordingly, overexpression of constitutively active Notch (Notch intracellular domain, referred as NIC) in U87 and U251 cells downregulated USP11 and PML expression (XREF_FIG)."
FK228 affects USP11
| 8
FK228 increases the amount of USP11.
| 5
FK228 increases the amount of USP11. 5 / 5
| 5

"Furthermore, FK228 treatment upregulated H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC expression and enhanced USP11 expression (Fig. 7f)."

"In addition, FK228 treatment upregulated H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC expression and enhanced USP11 expression."

"Furthermore, FK228 treatment upregulated H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC expression and enhanced USP11 expression."

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity by upregulating expression of the tumour suppressor USP11 in GBM cells."

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity against GBM by upregulating the expression of the tumour suppressor USP11."
FK228 decreases the amount of USP11.
| 3
FK228 decreases the amount of USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity by upregulating expression of the tumour suppressor USP11 in GBM cells."

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity against GBM by upregulating the expression of the tumour suppressor USP11."

"FK228 could enhance anti-tumour activity by upregulating expression of the tumour suppressor USP11 in GBM cells.Conclusions: EGFR-vIII mutation downregulates H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC, inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K/AKT-HDAC1/2 axis."
EIF4B affects USP11
2 | 6
2 | 6

"Significantly, it was established that USP11 is bonafide substrate of S6Kinase and phosphorylation of USp11 at Ser 453 regulates the recruitment of USP11 on cap complex as well as its interaction with eIF4B, thus increasing the eIF4B driven oncogenes expression."

No evidence text available

"USP11 interacts and deubiquitinates eIF4B."

"Fatty Acid Synthase induced S6Kinase facilitates USP11 and eIF4B complex formation for sustained oncogenic translation in DLBCL."

"In light of this apparently conflicting observation based on in vitro and cell based deubiquitination assays, we next examined whether the interaction between USP11 and eIF4B was S6Kinase dependent."

No evidence text available

"We showed before that fatty acid synthase is involved with DLBCL progression in part by inducing PI3K-Akt-S6Kinase signaling to enhance interactions a USP11-eIF4B complex ."

"Finally, the interaction between eIF4B and USP11 is directly modulated by FASN mediated S6Kinase activity."
BRCA2 affects USP11
4 | 1 1 2
4 | 1 1 2

No evidence text available

"BRCA2 is ubiquitinated in vivo and interacts with USP11, a deubiquitinating enzyme that exhibits prosurvival function in the cellular response to DNA damage."

"BRCA2 is ubiquitinated in vivo and interacts with USP11, a deubiquitinating enzyme that exhibits prosurvival function in the cellular response to DNA damage."

"Mitoxantrone, a PARPi that targets the USP11 key enzyme that interacts with BRCA2, has been shown to be 40- to 20,000-fold more potent than the current gemcitabine first-line treatment in 2 PDAC cell [MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"Another DUB, USP11, forms a complex with BRCA2."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SMAD6
2 | 1 2
2 | 1 1

"On the other hand, while SMAD6 also interacts with USP11 strongly, depletion of USP11 did not inhibit BMP signalling."

"On the other hand, while SMAD6 also interacts with USP11 strongly, depletion of USP11 did not inhibit BMP signalling."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
USP11 affects PPM1G
| 7
| 2

"We chose to further investigate the novel interactions of USP7 with DDX24 and DHX40, along with the poorly characterized interactions with USP11 and PPM1G."

"Like the DDX24 interaction, we showed that interactions with USP11 and PPM1G occurred predominantly through the USP7 TRAF domain."
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
USP11 affects NFkappaB
| 3 1
USP11 inhibits NFkappaB.
| 1
| 1

"NF-kappaB signaling is negatively regulated by USP11 or USP15 mediated removal of K48 linked ubiquitin chains from IkappaBalpha [XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 activates NFkappaB.
| 2
| 2

"USP11 is able to modulate TNF-alpha-induced NF-kappaB activation through regulation of nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor alpha (IkappaBalpha) stability."

"However, down-regulation of USP11 dramatically enhances NF-kappaB activity in response to tumor necrosis factor-alpha, indicating that IKKalpha does not require activation of NF-kappaB."
USP11 binds NFkappaB.
| 1
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
USP11 affects Flag
| 7
| 7

"To test our hypothesis, we performed exogenous reciprocal Co-IP assays by co-transfecting Flag-USP11 and Myc-VCP into HEK293T cells."

"The results showed that Myc‐NONO was found in FlagUSP11 precipitations but not present in IgG, and vice versa (Figure  xref )."

"Similarly, Flag-USP11 was also precipitated using an anti-Myc antibody (Figure xref A)."

"Previous studies have demonstrated that there is the possibility that USP11 and NONO may interact with each other. xref In order to ascertain the hypothesis, we transfected FlagUSP11 and Myc‐NONO into HEK293 cells, collected total proteins and used the antibodies against Flag/Myc and the isotype‐matched control IgGs to perform coimmunoprecipitation (co‐IP)."

"The results showed that Myc-VCP was precipitated with Flag-USP11 using an anti-Flag antibody."

"To elucidate the underlying mechanism by which USP11 regulates the protein levels of NONO, FlagUSP11 plasmid or control vector was introduced into SK‐Mel‐28 and A375, after 24 h, MG132 was added into the medium to inhibit the proteasome activity followed by the NONO examination."

"The NP-HA plasmid was replaced by PA-HA or PB2-HA, and visualized by immunoblot with anti-HA and anti-myc antibodies. (D) 293T cells were co-transfected with plasmids that can express NP-HA, Flag-USP10, Flag-USP11 and Myc-Ub as indicated."
| 7

"Thus, we hypothesized that USP11 could promote resistance to 5-Fu in colorectal cancer by inducing autophagy."

"In our study, the resistance to 5-Fu induced by USP11 can be weakened by VCP knockdown or autophagy inhibitors."

"Taken together these data, we hypothesized that USP11 might mediate resistance to 5-Fu by inducing autophagy in colorectal cancer cells and verified the hypothesis in follow-up experiments."

"The results showed that USP11 overexpression significantly enhanced the resistance of HCT8 cells to 5-Fu compared with the control group, whereas the opposite effect was observed in USP11 knockdown HCT116 cells (P < 0.05, Student 's t test)."

"The above experimental results have confirmed that USP11 could not only mediate the resistance to 5-Fu, but also induce autophagy in colorectal cancer cells."

"The experimental results showed that USP11 overexpression could enhance CRC cells resistance to 5-Fu, and knockdown of USP11 could result in CRC cells being more vulnerable to 5-Fu."

"USP11 promotes 5-Fu resistance through inducing autophagy dependent on VCP."
SMAD6 affects USP11
2 | 1 2
2 | 1 1

"On the other hand, while SMAD6 also interacts with USP11 strongly, depletion of USP11 did not inhibit BMP signalling."

"On the other hand, while SMAD6 also interacts with USP11 strongly, depletion of USP11 did not inhibit BMP signalling."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
RAE1 affects USP11
1 | 4 2
1 | 4 1

"Since knock-down of SPRYD3 or PAM in U2OS cells had no significant effect on cell proliferation, we chose to focus on the interaction between USP11 and its substrate RAE1."

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

"Since knock-down of SPRYD3 or PAM in U2OS cells had no significant effect on cell proliferation, we chose to focus on the interaction between USP11 and its substrate RAE1."

No evidence text available

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
PPM1G affects USP11
| 7
| 2

"We chose to further investigate the novel interactions of USP7 with DDX24 and DHX40, along with the poorly characterized interactions with USP11 and PPM1G."

"Like the DDX24 interaction, we showed that interactions with USP11 and PPM1G occurred predominantly through the USP7 TRAF domain."
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
LPAR1 affects USP11
| 2 4
| 2 3

"To develop small molecules specific for destabilization of LPA1, future studies will focus on drug throughput screening of small molecules to interrupt the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 interaction, thereby leading destabilization of LPA1 and lessening endotoxin induced inflammatory lung injury."

"LPA1 is associated with USP11 in quiescent cells, while LPA treatment triggers LPA1 dis-association with USP11 and in turn binding to Nedd4L. Knockdown or inhibition of USP11 reduces LPA1 stability, levels of LPA1, and LPA1-CD14 interaction complex; thereby diminishing both LPA- and LPS-induced inflammatory responses and lung injury in preclinical murine models."

"In contrast to the LPA increased in the association between LPA1 and Nedd4L, LPA treatment reduced the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 (XREF_FIG d)."

"To develop small molecules specific for destabilization of LPA1, future studies will focus on drug throughput screening of small molecules to interrupt the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 interaction, thereby leading destabilization of LPA1 and lessening endotoxin-induced inflammatory lung injury."

"In contrast to the LPA-increased in the association between LPA1 and Nedd4L, LPA treatment reduced the interaction between LPA1 and USP11 ( xref d)."
| 1

"An important discovery in this study is that a change of association of LPA1 with USP11 to Nedd4L is triggered by ligand binding."
Flag affects USP11
| 7
| 7

"To test our hypothesis, we performed exogenous reciprocal Co-IP assays by co-transfecting Flag-USP11 and Myc-VCP into HEK293T cells."

"The results showed that Myc‐NONO was found in FlagUSP11 precipitations but not present in IgG, and vice versa (Figure  xref )."

"Similarly, Flag-USP11 was also precipitated using an anti-Myc antibody (Figure xref A)."

"Previous studies have demonstrated that there is the possibility that USP11 and NONO may interact with each other. xref In order to ascertain the hypothesis, we transfected FlagUSP11 and Myc‐NONO into HEK293 cells, collected total proteins and used the antibodies against Flag/Myc and the isotype‐matched control IgGs to perform coimmunoprecipitation (co‐IP)."

"The results showed that Myc-VCP was precipitated with Flag-USP11 using an anti-Flag antibody."

"To elucidate the underlying mechanism by which USP11 regulates the protein levels of NONO, FlagUSP11 plasmid or control vector was introduced into SK‐Mel‐28 and A375, after 24 h, MG132 was added into the medium to inhibit the proteasome activity followed by the NONO examination."

"The NP-HA plasmid was replaced by PA-HA or PB2-HA, and visualized by immunoblot with anti-HA and anti-myc antibodies. (D) 293T cells were co-transfected with plasmids that can express NP-HA, Flag-USP10, Flag-USP11 and Myc-Ub as indicated."
Tat affects USP11
1 | 2 3
1 | 2 3

"Although we characterize the cellular interaction between SMYD5 with the viral protein Tat and the host protein USP11 and their effect on HIV-1 transcription, additional work is necessary to translate this into clinical application."

"In a large HIV-1:host protein interactome in HEK293T cells, the Tat protein associated with USP11 (Figure 6A)."

"SMYD5 levels increase in complex with Tat and the Tat cofactor USP11."

No evidence text available

"We confirmed the interaction of USP11 and Tat by co-immunoprecipitating endogenous USP11 with overexpressed Tat in HEK293T cells ( xref )."

"We confirmed the interaction of USP11 and Tat by co-immunoprecipitating endogenous USP11 with overexpressed Tat in HEK293T cells (Figure 6B)."
USP7 affects PRC1
| 6
USP11 binds USP7 and PRC1. 6 / 6
| 6

"USP7 and USP11 are bound to chromatin and form part of the PRC1 complex."

"Both USP7 and USP11 interact with PRC1 [ xref ], and these USPs might form a complex [ xref ], suggesting possible inter-USP regulation, the implications of which would be interesting for USP biology."

"Our data strongly suggest that USP7 and USP11 bind directly to several components of the PRC1 complex, as confirmed using purified recombinant proteins."

"In humans, USP7 and USP11 physically interact with members of PRC1 in vivo , such as Mel18, Bmi1 and Ring1."

"USP7 and USP11 associate with other PRC1 components."

"To assess whether USP7 and USP11 associate with bona fide PRC1 complexes, nuclear extracts from FDFs ( xref ) and 293T cells (not shown) were subjected to size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 6 10/300 column, and individual fractions were analysed by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting."
USP11 affects translation
| 6
| 6

"Overexpression of either eIF4B or USP11 significantly enhanced both cap dependent as well as IRES mediated translation in a dose dependent manner."

"Similarly, the Gartenhaus lab using both pharmacological and genetic approaches, reported that FASN induced S6Kinase signaling to phosphorylate USP11 enhancing its interaction and stability of eIF4B in DLBCL consequently promoting oncogenic translation(11)."

"Indeed, USP11 was noted to be phosphorylated by S6Kinase that increases its interaction with eIF4B and subsequently enhanced cancer promoting gene translation."

"USP11 stimulates translation."

"Ectopic expression of USP11 (W) or USP11 S453D, but not USP11 S453A, enhanced the overall mRNA translation in DLBCLs."

"We further demonstrated that USP11 activity stabilizes eIF4B protein levels and stimulates oncogenic translation."
USP11 affects tat
1 | 2 3
1 | 2 3

"Although we characterize the cellular interaction between SMYD5 with the viral protein Tat and the host protein USP11 and their effect on HIV-1 transcription, additional work is necessary to translate this into clinical application."

"In a large HIV-1:host protein interactome in HEK293T cells, the Tat protein associated with USP11 (Figure 6A)."

"SMYD5 levels increase in complex with Tat and the Tat cofactor USP11."

No evidence text available

"We confirmed the interaction of USP11 and Tat by co-immunoprecipitating endogenous USP11 with overexpressed Tat in HEK293T cells ( xref )."

"We confirmed the interaction of USP11 and Tat by co-immunoprecipitating endogenous USP11 with overexpressed Tat in HEK293T cells (Figure 6B)."
USP11 affects XPC
1 1 | 3 1
USP11 deubiquitinates XPC.
1 | 2
USP11 deubiquitinates XPC. 3 / 3
1 | 2

"Regulation of XPC deubiquitination by USP11 in repair of UV induced DNA damage."

"USP11 knockdown in HaCaT cells increased ubiquitination of XPC as compared to control cells, suggesting that USP11 is important in maintaining NER capacity, as USP11 mediates XPC deubiquitination at the chromatin following UVB damage [XREF_BIBR]."

"Regulation of XPC deubiquitination by USP11 in repair of UV-induced DNA damage"
USP11 binds XPC.
1 | 1 1
1 | 1 1

"In addition, UV radiation induces USP11 translocation to chromatin and USP11-XPC interaction in the XPC ubiquitination dependent manner."

No evidence text available

"In addition, UV irradiation induces both USP11 recruitment to the chromatin and USP11 interaction with XPC in an XPC-ubiquitination-dependent manner."
USP11 affects VGLL4
4 1 | 1
USP11 binds VGLL4.
4 |
4 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 deubiquitinates VGLL4.
1 |
USP11 deubiquitinates VGLL4. 1 / 1
1 |

"In this study, we identify deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 as a novel VGLL4 interactor."
USP11 activates VGLL4.
| 1
USP11 activates VGLL4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Studying the regulation of tumor suppressor Hippo cascade, Zhang et al. reported that USP11 stabilizes VGLL4 and may modulate VGLL4 and YAP-TEADs regulatory loop 59."
USP11 affects Ubiquitin
| 4 2
USP11 inhibits Ubiquitin.
| 2
| 2

"Finally, ubiquitin conjugation to RanBPM was inhibited in a dose dependent manner by the addition of recombinant USP11."

"USP44, USP17L2/DUB3, USP11, ZUFSP and POH1 loss promotes the excessive spreading of Ub at DSBs and concomitant excessive accumulation of 53BP1 [57–65]."
USP11 binds Ubiquitin.
| 2
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."

"The experiments revealed that the USP11 DU domains do not bind ubiquitin with detectable affinities (Figure S4, xref ) or affect the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme using ubiquitin-AMC as substrate (Figure xref )."
USP11 activates Ubiquitin.
| 2
| 2

"Since USP11 levels in AGS cells were restored by MG132 treatment, the difference in USP7 effects in the two cell lines might reflect different turnover rates of USP11 in the two cell backgrounds, such as could be caused by different levels of USP11 targeted ubiquitin ligases."

"USP11 upregulates IkappaB kinase alpha in a ubiquitin independent manner XREF_BIBR, while USP18 has been shown to negatively regulate interferon signalling through protein interactions that are independent of its isopeptidase activity XREF_BIBR."
USP11 affects USP15
1 | 1 4
USP11 binds USP15.
1 | 4
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal &quot;domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases&quot; (DUSP) and &quot;ubiquitin-like&quot; (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
1 |

No evidence text available
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
USP11 activates USP15.
| 1
USP11 activates USP15. 1 / 1
| 1

"We also confirmed that USP11 RNAi did not target USP15 and vice versa, confirming that the observed effects of USP11 on the TGFbeta pathway are likely to be due to USP11 (see the electronic supplementary material, figure S4)."
USP11 affects RNF4
1 | 1 4
USP11 binds RNF4.
1 | 4
1 | 4

"After RNF4-FLAG IP, we found that endogenous USP11 interacted specifically with RNF4, with no signal detectable in the control ( xref )."

"Additionally, a potential effect of the DNA damaging agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) on the interaction between RNF4 and USP11 was investigated, as MMS is known to cause disassembly of the nuclear bodies harboring RNF4 ( xref )."

"In agreement with the mass spectrometry findings, free SUMO was detected only in the total lysates, a direct result of the SENPs removing all SUMO from target proteins following lysis, indicating that the interaction between USP11 and RNF4 is SUMOylation-independent ( xref )."

No evidence text available

"There was no indication that the interaction between RNF4 and USP11 is disrupted upon treating the cells with MMS."
USP11 deubiquitinates RNF4.
| 1
USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of RNF4. 1 / 1
| 1

"Remarkably, USP11 was able to antagonize RNF4- and Roc1-Cul3-KLHL20-mediated PML ubiquitination in 293T cells and GBM cell line U87 (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY)."
USP11 affects MGL
| 6
USP11 binds MGL. 6 / 6
| 6

"These data indicate that USP11 interacts with Mgl-1, and Mgl-1 has multiple binding sites to USP11."

"Immunoprecipitation assay was performed with an anti-USP11 antibody and the result showed that interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1 was decreased in knockdown of RanBPM (Figure xref )."

"To address whether RanBPM can mediate interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1, we used RanBPM knockdown cells."

"This result indicates that RanBPM mediates the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"In this study, we demonstrated a direct interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"In the present study, we identified the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."
USP11 affects E7
2 | 3 1
USP11 binds E7.
2 | 2 1
2 | 2 1

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Lastly, in what is perhaps an attempt to counter the host’s efforts to destroy it, E7 also interacts with the cellular DUB USP11, which leads to the stabilization of E7 (Lin et al., 2008)."

"Both in vitro and in vivo, USP11 binds E7 and reduces the extent of poly-ubiquitination."

"Lastly, in what is perhaps an attempt to counter the host 's efforts to destroy it, E7 also interacts with the cellular DUB USP11, which leads to the stabilization of E7."
USP11 activates E7.
| 1
USP11 activates E7. 1 / 1
| 1

"Over expression of USP11 increases the half-life of E7 while siRNA knockdown of USP11 enhanced E7 degradation with a concomitant loss of E7 transforming activity in CaSki cells."
USP11 affects E2F1
1 | 2 3
USP11 binds E2F1.
| 1 2
| 1 2

"Results from co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays demonstrated that USP11 interacted with E2F1 and maintained E2F1 protein stability by removing its ubiquitin."

"Additionally, it has also been reported that GSK3β increases the interaction of E2F1 with USP11, which results in the deubiquitination and stabilization of E2F1, which in turn activates PEG10 expression to promote proliferation in A549 [ xref ]."

"Results from co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays demonstrated that USP11 interacted with E2F1 and maintained E2F1 protein stability by removing its ubiquitin."
USP11 deubiquitinates E2F1.
1 | 1
USP11 deubiquitinates E2F1. 2 / 2
1 | 1

"Phosphorylated E2F1 is stabilized by nuclear USP11 to drive Peg10 gene expression and activate lung epithelial cells"

"Additionally, it has also been reported that GSK3β increases the interaction of E2F1 with USP11, which results in the deubiquitination and stabilization of E2F1, which in turn activates PEG10 expression to promote proliferation in A549 [33]."
USP11 increases the amount of E2F1.
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of E2F1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Our earlier study revealed that USP11 regulates E2F1 stability. xref Further, Qiao L, et al. reported that E2F1 increases USP11 transcription. xref The effect of USP11 on E2F4 stability has not been revealed."
PRC1 affects USP7
| 6
USP11 binds USP7 and PRC1. 6 / 6
| 6

"USP7 and USP11 are bound to chromatin and form part of the PRC1 complex."

"Both USP7 and USP11 interact with PRC1 [ xref ], and these USPs might form a complex [ xref ], suggesting possible inter-USP regulation, the implications of which would be interesting for USP biology."

"Our data strongly suggest that USP7 and USP11 bind directly to several components of the PRC1 complex, as confirmed using purified recombinant proteins."

"In humans, USP7 and USP11 physically interact with members of PRC1 in vivo , such as Mel18, Bmi1 and Ring1."

"USP7 and USP11 associate with other PRC1 components."

"To assess whether USP7 and USP11 associate with bona fide PRC1 complexes, nuclear extracts from FDFs ( xref ) and 293T cells (not shown) were subjected to size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 6 10/300 column, and individual fractions were analysed by SDS–PAGE and immunoblotting."
PCGF2 affects USP11
3 | 2 1
3 | 2

No evidence text available

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."

No evidence text available

"In view of the co-precipitation and size fractionation data, it was of interest to know whether USP7 and USP11 interact directly with MEL18 and BMI1 or other PRC1 components."

No evidence text available
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
MGL affects USP11
| 6
USP11 binds MGL. 6 / 6
| 6

"These data indicate that USP11 interacts with Mgl-1, and Mgl-1 has multiple binding sites to USP11."

"Immunoprecipitation assay was performed with an anti-USP11 antibody and the result showed that interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1 was decreased in knockdown of RanBPM (Figure xref )."

"To address whether RanBPM can mediate interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1, we used RanBPM knockdown cells."

"This result indicates that RanBPM mediates the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"In this study, we demonstrated a direct interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."

"In the present study, we identified the interaction between USP11 and Mgl-1."
H2AX affects USP11
4 | 1
4 | 1

"Mechanistically, USP11 interacts with and deubiquitinates γH2AX [33]."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
BMI1 affects USP11
3 | 2 1
3 | 2

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."

"In view of the co-precipitation and size fractionation data, it was of interest to know whether USP7 and USP11 interact directly with MEL18 and BMI1 or other PRC1 components."

No evidence text available
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
| 6
5-formyluracil inhibits USP11.
| 3

"The results showed that overexpression of VCP inhibited reduced cell viability caused by USP11 knockdown when treated with 5-Fu."

"To investigate whether USP11 is related to autophagy, rapamycin and 5-Fu were used to stimulate USP11 knockdown and overexpressing cells."

"In this study, we found that the autophagy of colorectal cancer cells with overexpression of USP11 was significantly enhanced after treated with 5-Fu, while the autophagy of colorectal cancer cells with knockdown of USP11 was significantly weakened after treated with 5-Fu."
5-formyluracil increases the amount of USP11.
| 2
5-formyluracil increases the amount of USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"What 's more, 5-Fu treatment could increase the expression level of USP11 but had no effect on VCP."

"After 48 hours of treatment with different concentrations of 5-Fu, we found that 5-Fu dramatically upregulated USP11 expression in a dose dependent manner in HCT8 cells."
5-formyluracil activates USP11.
| 1

"In this study, we found that the autophagy of colorectal cancer cells with overexpression of USP11 was significantly enhanced after treated with 5-Fu, while the autophagy of colorectal cancer cells with knockdown of USP11 was significantly weakened after treated with 5-Fu."
USP15 affects USP11
1 | 4
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal &quot;domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases&quot; (DUSP) and &quot;ubiquitin-like&quot; (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
1 |

No evidence text available
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
USP11 affects viral RNA replication
| 5
USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication. 5 / 5
| 5

"In addition , USP11 also can interact with viral PB2 and PA protein , thereby inhibiting viral RNA replication ."

"USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating on K184 of NP ."

"This result further supports the conclusion that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating NP ."

"These results combined suggest that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating NP ."

"When cellular USP11 was knocked down , the amounts of vRNA and cRNA of the wild-type virus increased by about 2.5-fold ( Figure 7A , lane 1 versus lanes 2 and 3 ) , indicating that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication as previously mentioned ; with the mutant virus defective in NP ubiquitination ( K184R ) , however , there was no significant difference in viral RNA synthesis between USP11 knockdown and control cells ( Figure 7A , lanes 4-6 ) ."
USP11 affects ferroptosis
| 1 4
| 1 4

"Interestingly, upregulating the expression of USP11 also appeared to increase the production of autophagosomes and to cause substantial autophagic flux, a potential mechanism through which USP11 may enhance ferroptosis."

"The decreased autophagy markedly weakened the ferroptosis mediated by USP11 and autophagy induction had a synergistic effect with USP11."

"Knockdown of USP11 in vitro and KO of USP11 in vivo (USP11 -/Y ) significantly decreased neuronal cell ferroptosis."

"Overexpression of USP11 significantly ameliorate oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis, thus relieving IVDD by increasing Sirt3."

"Interestingly , upregulating the expression of USP11 also appeared to increase the production of autophagosomes and to cause substantial autophagic flux , a potential mechanism through which USP11 may enhance ferroptosis ."
USP11 affects TRIP12
1 | 4
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TCEAL4
5 |
5 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SPRYD3
1 | 3 1
1 | 3

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

No evidence text available

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
| 5

"USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating on K184 of NP."

"When cellular USP11 was knocked down, the amounts of vRNA and cRNA of the wild-type virus increased by about 2.5-fold ( Figure 7A, lane 1 versus lanes 2 and 3) , indicating that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication as previously mentioned; with the mutant virus defective in NP ubiquitination (K184R), however, there was no significant difference in viral RNA synthesis between USP11 knockdown and control cells ( Figure 7A, lanes 4-6) ."

"Conversely, overexpression of USP11 specifically inhibited viral genomic RNA replication, and this inhibition required the deubiquitinase activity."

"Significantly, USP11 can cleave single ubiquitin from NP, and thereby inhibit the RNA replication efficiency ( Figure 8B )."

"This result further supports the conclusion that USP11 inhibits viral RNA replication through deubiquitinating NP.Ubiquitination is a posttranslational modification, in which ubiquitin chains or single ubiquitin molecules are linked to target proteins, giving rise to poly-or monoubiquitination (Weissman, 2001) ."
USP11 affects PTEN
| 3 2
USP11 binds PTEN.
| 1 2
| 1 2

"co-immunoprecipitation assays were performed to assess the influence of lnc-DILC overexpression or knockdown in the interaction of PTEN and USP11, and the results demonstrated a promotive effect of lnc-DILC on PTEN-USP11 association (Fig. 6d, e)."

"Notably, wild-type (WT) USP11 deubiquitinated PTEN in vivo and in vitro, whereas the catalytically inactive USP11 C318S (CS) mutant, which could still bind to PTEN, exerted a dramatically diminished ability to deubiquitinate PTEN, and even exhibited a more heavy ubiquitinating effect (Fig.  xref and Supplementary Fig.  xref )."

"Taken together, these results suggest that PTEN-PI3K/AKT-FOXO and USP11-PTEN integrate into a PTEN feedforward signaling network (Fig.  xref )."
USP11 deubiquitinates PTEN.
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates PTEN. 2 / 2
| 2

"Mechanistically, USP11 deubiquitinates PTEN to increase its stability, which promotes the inhibition of PI3K signalling 50."

"Furthermore, depletion of USP11 by siRNAs attenuated the lnc-DILC-induced deubiquitination of PTEN (Fig. 6c)."
USP11 affects PPP1CA
| 5
USP11 activates PPP1CA.
| 3
USP11 activates PPP1CA. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP11 promoted tumor growth and metastasis in CRC via the ERK and MAPK pathway by stabilizing PPP1CA, suggesting USP11 is a potential prognostic marker."

"USP11 is involved in the development and progression of multiple tumors XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, and we have found that USP11 could promote CRC by stabilizing PPP1CA through deubiquitination XREF_BIBR."

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."
USP11 binds PPP1CA.
| 2
| 2

"The USP11/PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway (Sun et al., 2019)."

"Moreover, the USP11 and PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK and MAPK signaling pathway."
USP11 affects PB2
| 5
| 3

"USP11 specifically interacts with PB2, PA and NP. (A) The interaction of USP11 with singly expressed viral proteins."

"The co-immunoprecipitation results showed that USP11 interacts with PB2, PA and NP, respectively."

"Conversely, cellular deubiquitinase USP11 can interact with PB2, PA and NP, and thereby affect the function of RNP complex during RNA replication."
USP11 binds PB2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated and then visualized by immunoblot with anti-myc and anti-HA antibody. (B) The interaction between USP11 and PB2."

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."
USP11 affects KCTD6
1 | 3 1
1 | 3

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."

No evidence text available
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
USP11 affects DDX24
| 5
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
TRIP12 affects USP11
1 | 4
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
1 |

No evidence text available
TCEAL4 affects USP11
5 |
5 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
SPRYD3 affects USP11
1 | 3 1
1 | 3

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

No evidence text available

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
RNF4 affects USP11
1 | 4
1 | 4

"After RNF4-FLAG IP, we found that endogenous USP11 interacted specifically with RNF4, with no signal detectable in the control ( xref )."

"Additionally, a potential effect of the DNA damaging agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) on the interaction between RNF4 and USP11 was investigated, as MMS is known to cause disassembly of the nuclear bodies harboring RNF4 ( xref )."

"In agreement with the mass spectrometry findings, free SUMO was detected only in the total lysates, a direct result of the SENPs removing all SUMO from target proteins following lysis, indicating that the interaction between USP11 and RNF4 is SUMOylation-independent ( xref )."

No evidence text available

"There was no indication that the interaction between RNF4 and USP11 is disrupted upon treating the cells with MMS."
PRMT1 affects USP11
| 5
PRMT1 methylates USP11. 4 / 4
| 4

"Indeed, the finding that the methylation of USP11 catalysed by PRMT1 was completely abolished by the R433K mutation strongly implies that at least in vitro, this is the sole residue targeted by PRMT1."

"Given that some PRMT-interacting proteins are cofactors rather than substrates , we conducted in vitro methylation assays and confirmed that GST-PRMT1 can directly methylate recombinant human USP11 (Fig. 1b)."

"USP11 is methylated by PRMT1."

"Methylated USP11 then promotes PRMT1 activity towards MRE11 that enables DNA end-resection and RPA loading (Fig. 7g)."
PRMT1 methylates USP11 on R433. 1 / 1
| 1

"PRMT1 methylates USP11 at R433."
PPM1G affects DDX24
| 5
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
PI3K affects USP11
| 5
PI3K decreases the amount of USP11.
| 3
PI3K decreases the amount of USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Emerging evidence has shown that the PI3K and AKT pathway can inhibit USP11 transcription and translation."

"Emerging evidence has shown that the PI3K/AKT pathway can inhibit USP11 transcription and translation."

"e, h PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition upregulated the transcription and translation of USP11 in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells."
PI3K activates USP11.
| 2
PI3K activates USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"LY294002 was used to treat U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells, and PI3K and AKT pathway inhibition resulted in the transcriptional and translational upregulation of USP11."

"LY294002 was used to treat U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells, and PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition resulted in the transcriptional and translational upregulation of USP11 (Fig. 5e, h)."
PB2 affects USP11
| 5
| 3

"USP11 specifically interacts with PB2, PA and NP. (A) The interaction of USP11 with singly expressed viral proteins."

"The co-immunoprecipitation results showed that USP11 interacts with PB2, PA and NP, respectively."

"Conversely, cellular deubiquitinase USP11 can interact with PB2, PA and NP, and thereby affect the function of RNP complex during RNA replication."
USP11 binds PB2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated and then visualized by immunoblot with anti-myc and anti-HA antibody. (B) The interaction between USP11 and PB2."

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."
PALB2 affects USP11
2 | 2 1
2 | 1 1

"Conversely, PALB2 also associates with the Deubiquitinase (DUB) USP11 which can antagonize RNF168 ubiquitylation at chromatin and promote PALB2 interaction with BRCA1, which is essential for proper HR to occur at DNA damage sites ."

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Conversely, PALB2 also associates with the Deubiquitinase (DUB) USP11 which can antagonize RNF168 ubiquitylation at chromatin and promote PALB2 interaction with BRCA1, which is essential for proper HR to occur at DNA damage sites xref ."
USP11 binds PALB2 and G1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11 turns over rapidly in G1 cells and interacts poorly with PALB2 in this phase of the cell cycle (XREF_FIG)."
KEAP1 affects USP11
3 | 2
KEAP1 binds USP11.
3 | 1
3 | 1

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"KEAP1 physically interacts with USP11 22, a deubiquitylase that also interacts with BRCA2 23 and PALB2 (XREF_FIG)."
KEAP1 inhibits USP11.
| 1
KEAP1 inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Likewise, depletion of CUL3 or KEAP1 reversed the gene conversion defect of USP11 depleted cells (XREF_FIG)."
KCTD6 affects USP11
1 | 3 1
1 | 3

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"Independent reciprocal IPs using Flag- and hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged versions of the proteins transiently expressed in 293T cells, confirmed the interaction between USP11, RAE1, SPRYD3 and KCTD6 (XREF_FIG)."

No evidence text available
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
HDAC2 affects USP11
| 5
HDAC2 inhibits USP11. 5 / 5
| 5

"The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells (Fig. 5f, i)."

"In our study, the concurrent inhibition of HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 and induced G1/S transition arrest in GBM cells in vitro and in vivo."

"f, i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cellsFig."

"f, i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells performed and showed that USP11 expression was downregulated at the mRNA and protein levels in U87, U251 and N9 cells upon the activation of EGFR-vIII (Fig. 5c, d) ."

"The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells."
HDAC1 affects USP11
| 5
HDAC1 inhibits USP11. 5 / 5
| 5

"In our study, the concurrent inhibition of HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 and induced G1/S transition arrest in GBM cells in vitro and in vivo."

"The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells."

"The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells (Fig. 5f, i)."

"f, i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cellsFig."

"f, i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells performed and showed that USP11 expression was downregulated at the mRNA and protein levels in U87, U251 and N9 cells upon the activation of EGFR-vIII (Fig. 5c, d) ."
E7 affects USP11
2 | 2 1
2 | 2 1

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"Lastly, in what is perhaps an attempt to counter the host’s efforts to destroy it, E7 also interacts with the cellular DUB USP11, which leads to the stabilization of E7 (Lin et al., 2008)."

"Both in vitro and in vivo, USP11 binds E7 and reduces the extent of poly-ubiquitination."

"Lastly, in what is perhaps an attempt to counter the host 's efforts to destroy it, E7 also interacts with the cellular DUB USP11, which leads to the stabilization of E7."
DDX24 affects USP11
| 5
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
CDKN1A affects USP11
1 | 1 3
1 | 1 3

"In the nucleus, USP11 binds to p21, catalyzes the removal of polyubiquitin chains conjugated onto p21, and stabilizes p21 protein."

No evidence text available

"In the nucleus, USP11 binds to p21, catalyzes the removal of polyubiquitin chains conjugated onto p21, and stabilizes p21 protein."

"Our findings provide the first evidence that ubiquitinated p21 in the cytoplasm can be recycled through USP11-mediated deubiquitination, and we identified the USP11-p21 axis in the cytoplasm as a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer control."

"Knockdown of USP11 results in the activation of DNA damage-response pathways, leading to hypersensitivity of cells to genotoxic stress ( xref ); (iii) in primary human fibroblasts knockdown of USP11 results in characteristics of senescence, including proliferative arrest and enlarged nucleoli ( xref ); and (iv) USP11 interacts with p21 to regulate cell cycle progression and DNA damage responses ( xref )."
AKT affects USP11
| 5
AKT decreases the amount of USP11.
| 3
AKT decreases the amount of USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Emerging evidence has shown that the PI3K/AKT pathway can inhibit USP11 transcription and translation."

"Emerging evidence has shown that the PI3K and AKT pathway can inhibit USP11 transcription and translation."

"e, h PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition upregulated the transcription and translation of USP11 in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells."
AKT inhibits USP11.
| 2
AKT inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"LY294002 was used to treat U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells, and PI3K and AKT pathway inhibition resulted in the transcriptional and translational upregulation of USP11."

"LY294002 was used to treat U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells, and PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition resulted in the transcriptional and translational upregulation of USP11 (Fig. 5e, h)."
4 |
Valproic acid decreases the amount of USP11. 4 / 4
4 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
VGLL4 affects USP11
4 |
4 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
Ubiquitin affects USP11
| 2 2
Ubiquitin binds USP11.
| 2
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."

"The experiments revealed that the USP11 DU domains do not bind ubiquitin with detectable affinities (Figure S4, xref ) or affect the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme using ubiquitin-AMC as substrate (Figure xref )."
Ubiquitin activates USP11.
| 2
| 2

"However, USP11 FL features a ' burst ' phase (XREF_SUPPLEMENTARY), indicating that, in contrast to USP4 FL and USP15 FL, slow ubiquitin off-rates limit USP11 activity but the DUSP-Ubl domain is not able to promote ubiquitin release or is not efficient in doing so, in agreement with a recent publication XREF_BIBR."

"Furthermore, the ubiquitin levels of eIF4B were noted to be minimally enhanced in TMD8 cells overexpressing USP11 and treated with C75 compared to either GFP infected or USP11 CS infected corresponding treated cells."
USP11 affects cell cycle
| 4
USP11 inhibits cell cycle.
| 2
| 2

"Deng and his colleagues found that the deubiquitinase USP11 could inhibit cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase though stabilizing P21 [XREF_BIBR]."

"Deng and his colleagues found that the deubiquitinase USP11 could inhibit cell cycle progression from G1 to S phase though stabilizing P21 [25]."
USP11 activates cell cycle.
| 2
| 2

"The highest affinity USP11 peptide binder fused to a cellular delivery sequence induced significant nuclear localization and cell cycle arrest in S phase, affecting the viability of different mammalian cell lines."

"Our data indicated that the Usp11 deficiency increased cell cycle length of NPCs at E12.5 (XREF_FIG)."
| 1 3
| 1 1

"In addition, the combination treatment inhibition of USP11 and autophagy enhanced the apoptosis of HCC cells and inhibited the tumor growth in mice more effective than either treatment alone."

"* P < 0.05 MiR-132-3p constrains cell growth and metastasis and increases apoptosis by decreasing USP11 in colorectal cancer cells To study the function of miR-132-3p / USP11 axis on colorectal cancer progression , HCT116 and SW480 cells were transfected with miR-NC , miR-132-3p mimic , miR-132-3p mimic + pcDNA , or USP11 overexpression vector ."
| 2

"Furthermore, elevated USP11 levels exacerbate blood-brain barrier damage, brain edema, and neurobehavioral impairment and cause apoptosis induction through Pkm2 upregulation."

"In conclusion, our findings show that USP11 exacerbates injury in TBI through PKM2 and causes neurological impairment and neuronal apoptosis through the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway."
USP11 affects TGFbeta receptor
| 4
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFbeta receptor.
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates TGFbeta receptor. 2 / 2
| 2

"For example, the closely related DUBs USP4, USP11 and USP15 have been reported to modulate TGFbeta signalling by deubiquitylating the type I TGFbeta receptor ALK5 [XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR]."

"USP11 interacts with and deubiquitylates the type I TGFbeta receptor (ALK5), resulting in enhanced TGFbeta induced gene transcription."
USP11 binds TGFbeta receptor.
| 1
USP11 binds TGFbeta receptor. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with and deubiquitylates the type I TGFbeta receptor (ALK5), resulting in enhanced TGFbeta induced gene transcription."
USP11 activates TGFbeta receptor.
| 1
USP11 activates TGFbeta receptor. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11, a ubiquitous protein in various human cells, has been shown to enhance TGFbeta receptor (ALK5) stability and regulate DNA repair."
USP11 affects PEG10
| 4
USP11 increases the amount of PEG10.
| 3
USP11 increases the amount of PEG10. 3 / 3
| 3

"A study suggests that phosphorylated E2F1 is stabilized by nuclear USP11 to drive Peg10 gene expression and activate proliferation of lung epithelial cells [54]."

"The data suggest that GSK3beta and USP11 act in concert to modulate E2F1 abundance and PEG10 expression in lung epithelial cells to affect cell wound healing."

"Phosphorylated E2F1 is stabilized by nuclear USP11 to drive Peg10 gene expression and activate lung epithelial cells."
USP11 decreases the amount of PEG10.
| 1
USP11 decreases the amount of PEG10. 1 / 1
| 1

"Downregulation of USP11 increases E2F1 ubiquitination and reduces E2F1 stability and protein levels, thereby decreasing Peg10 mRNA levels."
USP11 affects PARP1
| 2 1
USP11 inhibits PARP1.
| 1
USP11 inhibits PARP1. 1 / 2
| 1

"As shown in XREF_FIG A & B, we observed that elevated expression of wild-type USP11, but not DUB deficient mutant USP11, significantly inhibits activation of caspase-3 and caspase -9, cleavage of PARP1 and anoikis in mammary gland epithelial cells."
USP11 binds PARP1.
| 1 1
| 1 1

"The synthetic lethal interaction between USP11 and PARP uncovered by this work illustrates the potential of proteases as critical players in maintaining cancer cell viability and highlights the special relevance of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in this regard."

"The synthetic lethal interaction between USP11 and PARP uncovered by this work illustrates the potential of proteases as critical players in maintaining cancer cell viability and highlights the special relevance of the ubiquitin–proteasome system in this regard."

"The rescue experiments revealed that IGF2BP3 overexpression could effectively reverse the decrease in cell proliferation, migration, and invasion caused by USP11 knockdown."

"Furthermore, our results show that knockdown of USP11 promotes cell growth, migration, and invasion in a YAP dependent manner."
| 2

"USP11 promotes HCC cell survival, invasion, and metastatic potency in vitro and in vivo."

"Moreover, in vitro and in vivo experiments confirmed that USP11 could promote the migration and invasion of HCC cell."
USP11 affects MSX1
| 4
| 4

"Thus, we investigated the functional consequences, particularly related to osteogenic differentiation of the USP11 interaction with MSX1 in hMSCs."

"Our results showed that HA-USP11 co-immunoprecipitated with Myc-MSX1 and vice-versa ( xref c), indicating that USP11 interacts with MSX1 protein."

"We next sought to determine whether USP11 interacts with MSX1 protein within the cells."

"Likewise, we cross-confirmed the interaction between USP11 and MSX1 by ectopically transfecting HA-USP11 and Myc-MSX1 in HEK293 cells."
USP11 affects KEAP1
3 | 1
3 | 1

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"KEAP1 physically interacts with USP11 22, a deubiquitylase that also interacts with BRCA2 23 and PALB2 (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects ILF3
| 1 3
USP11 activates ILF3.
| 1 1
USP11 activates ILF3. 2 / 2
| 1 1

"Moreover , the effect of USP11 on promoting HCC cells proliferation and metastasis was dependent on NF90 , and USP11 expression was positively correlated with NF90 expression in human HCC tissues , as demonstrated via immunohistochemistry ."

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."
USP11 deubiquitinates ILF3.
| 1
USP11 deubiquitinates ILF3. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively, the present findings indicated that USP11 binded to and deubiquitinated NF90, thereby stabilizing the protein expression level and promoting HCC cell proliferation and metastasis."
USP11 binds ILF3.
| 1
| 1

"Collectively, the present findings indicated that USP11 binded to and deubiquitinated NF90, thereby stabilizing the protein expression level and promoting HCC cell proliferation and metastasis."
USP11 affects FAM126A
| 4
USP11 activates FAM126A. 4 / 4
| 4

"25 , 26 , 27 Recently, USP11 was shown to promote HCC development, 28 but the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in this pathogenic process remain poorly understood.In this study, we used a proteomic approach to identify KLF4‐interacting DUBs and firstly discovered that USP11 was responsible for deubiquitinating KLF4 in HCC cells."

"We also provide mechanistic insights into KLF4 degradation and show that USP11 depletion inhibits growth and chemoresistance of HCC cells by enhancing KLF4 stability."

"USP11 promotes HCC cell survival, invasion, and metastatic potency in vitro and in vivo."

"Our functional results provide evidence for the crosstalk between KLF4 and USP11 in hepatic diseases; in particular, they show how USP11 enhances HCC tumorigenesis and steatosis through KLF4 inhibition."
USP11 affects CHUK
| 1 1 1
USP11 activates CHUK.
| 1
USP11 activates CHUK. 1 / 2
| 1

"Inhibition of USP11 expression reduces p53 levels and IKKalpha expression , as well as increasing the response of the NF-kappaB pathway to TNFalpha ( 197 ) ."
USP11 increases the amount of CHUK.
| 1
Modified USP11 increases the amount of CHUK. 1 / 1
| 1

"Inhibition of USP11 expression reduces p53 levels and IKKalpha expression, as well as increasing the response of the NF-kappaB pathway to TNFalpha."
USP11 binds CHUK.
| 1
| 1

"USP15 stabilizes IκBα, whereas USP11 interacts with the inhibitor IKKα upon TNFα induction [ xref , xref ]."
USP11 affects BRCA1
| 1 3
| 1 2

"The interaction between BRCA1 and USP-11 has not been investigated yet; however a recent study reported that the DSB repair function of USP-11 were independent of the BRCA1 localization [ xref ]."

"MYC was able to bind USP11, but unable to promote association of USP11 with BRCA1 ( xref )."

"The interaction between BRCA1 and USP-11 has not been investigated yet; however a recent study reported that the DSB repair function of USP-11 were independent of the BRCA1 localization [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
TRIP12 affects PPM1G
| 4
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
PTEN affects USP11
| 2 2
PTEN binds USP11.
| 1 2
| 1 2

"co-immunoprecipitation assays were performed to assess the influence of lnc-DILC overexpression or knockdown in the interaction of PTEN and USP11, and the results demonstrated a promotive effect of lnc-DILC on PTEN-USP11 association (Fig. 6d, e)."

"Notably, wild-type (WT) USP11 deubiquitinated PTEN in vivo and in vitro, whereas the catalytically inactive USP11 C318S (CS) mutant, which could still bind to PTEN, exerted a dramatically diminished ability to deubiquitinate PTEN, and even exhibited a more heavy ubiquitinating effect (Fig.  xref and Supplementary Fig.  xref )."

"Taken together, these results suggest that PTEN-PI3K/AKT-FOXO and USP11-PTEN integrate into a PTEN feedforward signaling network (Fig.  xref )."
PTEN increases the amount of USP11.
| 1
PTEN increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"PTEN activates the transcription of USP11 by the PI3K/FOXO pathway to enhance its own stability in prostate cancer cell line [26]."
PPM1G affects TRIP12
| 4
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
MSX1 affects USP11
| 4
| 4

"Thus, we investigated the functional consequences, particularly related to osteogenic differentiation of the USP11 interaction with MSX1 in hMSCs."

"Our results showed that HA-USP11 co-immunoprecipitated with Myc-MSX1 and vice-versa ( xref c), indicating that USP11 interacts with MSX1 protein."

"We next sought to determine whether USP11 interacts with MSX1 protein within the cells."

"Likewise, we cross-confirmed the interaction between USP11 and MSX1 by ectopically transfecting HA-USP11 and Myc-MSX1 in HEK293 cells."
EGFR affects USP11
| 4
EGFR decreases the amount of USP11.
| 3
EGFR decreases the amount of USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Bioinformatics analysis showed that EGFR negatively regulated USP11, SELK, HIP1R, CYFIP2, and ALAD expression."

"To demonstrate that USP11 is downregulated upon EGFR-vIII activation, Western blotting and RT-qPCR were Fig. 4 EGFR negatively regulated USP11 expression."

"4: EGFR negatively regulated USP11 expression."
EGFR activates USP11.
| 1
EGFR activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"These results indicated that activation of EGFR/EGFR-vIII might promote the malignant progression of GBM through downregulating USP11, SELK, HIP1R, CYFIP2 and ALAD.USP11 is a deubiquitinase that binds several substrates maintains their stability though their deubiquitination [44]."
E2F1 affects USP11
| 2 2
E2F1 binds USP11.
| 1 2
| 1 2

"Results from co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays demonstrated that USP11 interacted with E2F1 and maintained E2F1 protein stability by removing its ubiquitin."

"Additionally, it has also been reported that GSK3β increases the interaction of E2F1 with USP11, which results in the deubiquitination and stabilization of E2F1, which in turn activates PEG10 expression to promote proliferation in A549 [ xref ]."

"Results from co-immunoprecipitation and ubiquitination assays demonstrated that USP11 interacted with E2F1 and maintained E2F1 protein stability by removing its ubiquitin."
E2F1 increases the amount of USP11.
| 1
E2F1 increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Further, Qiao L, et al. reported that E2F1 increases USP11 transcription."
DDX24 affects TRIP12
| 4
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
BRCA1 affects USP11
| 1 3
| 1 2

"The interaction between BRCA1 and USP-11 has not been investigated yet; however a recent study reported that the DSB repair function of USP-11 were independent of the BRCA1 localization [ xref ]."

"MYC was able to bind USP11, but unable to promote association of USP11 with BRCA1 ( xref )."

"The interaction between BRCA1 and USP-11 has not been investigated yet; however a recent study reported that the DSB repair function of USP-11 were independent of the BRCA1 localization [XREF_BIBR]."
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
Knockout HDAC1 HDAC2 affects USP11
| 3
Knockout HDAC1 HDAC2 activates USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"f , i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII , U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells performed and showed that USP11 expression was downregulated at the mRNA and protein levels in U87 , U251 and N9 cells upon the activation of EGFR-vIII ( Fig. 5c , d ) ."

"The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII , U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells ( Fig. 5f , i ) ."

"f , i The knockout of both HDAC1 and HDAC2 upregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII , U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells Fig. 6 : EGFR-vIII enhanced USP11 promoter silencing through downregulating H3K27AC and H2AZK4 / 7AC in the USP11 promoter area ."
XPC affects USP11
1 | 1 1
1 | 1 1

"In addition, UV radiation induces USP11 translocation to chromatin and USP11-XPC interaction in the XPC ubiquitination dependent manner."

No evidence text available

"In addition, UV irradiation induces both USP11 recruitment to the chromatin and USP11 interaction with XPC in an XPC-ubiquitination-dependent manner."
USP7 affects PPM1G
| 3
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
USP4 affects USP15
| 3
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal &quot;domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases&quot; (DUSP) and &quot;ubiquitin-like&quot; (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
USP11 affects replication
| 1 2
USP11 inhibits replication. 3 / 3
| 1 2

"Furthermore, RNAi screening identified a host DUB USP11 that inhibits IAV RNA replication."

"One recent study showed that the cellular DUB USP11 restricts influenza A virus replication XREF_BIBR."

"We observed that downregulation of a cellular deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 resulted in enhanced virus production, suggesting that USP11 could inhibit influenza virus replication."

"USP11, together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites, bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins."

"USP11, together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites, bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16 INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins."
USP11 bound to p-tolyl beta-D-glucuronide activates p-tolyl beta-D-glucuronide. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11, together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites, bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins."
USP11 affects melanoma cells
| 3
USP11 activates melanoma cells. 3 / 3
| 3

"Furthermore , we demonstrate that USP11 mediates the proliferation of melanoma cells via NONO because the effect of USP11 knockdown on melanoma cells could be rescued by introducing NONO ."

"Similar results were yielded from a CCK-8 assay ( Figure 5B ) , indicating that USP11 mediated the proliferation of melanoma cells through NONO ."

"We also demonstrated that USP11 promoted the melanoma cells proliferation and tumorigenesis via NONO ."

"This suggests that USP11 may modulate the LPS pathway through regulating LPA1 stability and levels of LPA1 and CD14 complex."

"To investigate whether USP11 modulates LPS induced signaling, USP11 expression was down-regulated by usp11 shRNA transfection."

"3.6 USP11 Modulates the LPS Pathway by Increasing LPA1-CD14 Complex Levels."
USP11 affects influenza A virus RNA replication
| 3
USP11 inhibits influenza A virus RNA replication. 3 / 3
| 3

"Taken together , the result indicated that USP11 primarily inhibits influenza A virus RNA replication through its deubiquitinating enzyme activity ."

"Our results have shown that USP11 inhibited influenza A virus RNA replication and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein that can be deubiquitinated by USP11 specifically ."

"We further dissected the mechanism of inhibition of influenza A virus RNA replication by USP11 ."
USP11 affects cell growth
| 3
| 3

"Furthermore, down‐regulation of USP11 significantly suppressed HepG2 cell growth (Figure 4C) and chemoresistance (Figure 4D), and clonogenic assay showed that USP11 silencing greatly suppressed the colony‐forming ability of these HCC cells (Figure 4E)."

"Furthermore, our results show that knockdown of USP11 promotes cell growth, migration, and invasion in a YAP dependent manner."

"USP11 suppresses tumor cell growth via the regulation of Mgl-1, and the suppression requires RanBPM expression."
USP11 affects USP15, and USP4
| 3
USP11 binds USP15 and USP4. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP4 can form stable homodimers and can also interact with USP11 and USP15 ( Fig. 4 )."

"USP15 forms a subfamily with USP4 and USP11 related through a shared presence of N-terminal &quot;domain present in ubiquitin specific proteases&quot; (DUSP) and &quot;ubiquitin-like&quot; (UBL) domains (DU subfamily)."

"Human deubiquitinase Usp15 forms a small subfamily with its close relatives Usp11 and Usp4, which all share a common domain architecture."
USP11 affects UHRF1
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SPRTN auto-proteolysis
| 3
USP11 inhibits SPRTN auto-proteolysis. 3 / 3
| 3

"USP11 depletion impairs SPRTN deubiquitination and promotes SPRTN auto-proteolysis in response to formaldehyde-induced DPCs ."

"Depletion of USP11 increased SPRTN auto-proteolysis and sensitized cells to DPC-inducing agents leading to increased accumulation of DPCs ."

"Depletion of USP11 leads to increased SPRTN auto-proteolysis , an accumulation of unrepaired DPCs , and sensitizes cells to DPC-inducing agents ."
USP11 affects SNAI1
1 | 2
USP11 deubiquitinates SNAI1.
| 2
USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of SNAI1. 2 / 2
| 2

"Our results revealed that USP11 promoted EMT in ovarian cancer by deubiquitinating Snail, and USP11 may be a novel therapeutic target for ovarian cancer treatment."

"Upregulation of USP11 promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by deubiquitinating Snail in ovarian cancer."
USP11 binds SNAI1.
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SMURF2
| 2 1
USP11 leads to the ubiquitination of SMURF2. 3 / 3
| 2 1

"USP15 appears to target key residues within the HECT domain of SMURF2 thereby limiting the catalytic activity of SMURF2 towards it 's substrates, while USP11 appears to increase overall SMURF2 ubiquit[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"

"USP11 enhanced SMURF2 ubiquitination, indicating that the effect of USP11 on SMURF2 function is indirect ( xref )."

"USP11 enhanced SMURF2 ubiquitination, indicating that the effect of USP11 on SMURF2 function is indirect (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects RELB
1 1 |
1 1 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects PRMT1
| 3
USP11 deubiquitinates PRMT1. 3 / 3
| 3

"We also find that USP11 deubiquitylates PRMT1 and that this correlates with an increase in the methylation of the PRMT1 substrate MRE11."

"More interestingly, we did indeed identify USP11 as a PRMT1 DUB because knockdown of USP11 increased PRMT1 ubiquitylation, whilst ectopic overexpression suppressed ubiquitylation in a USP11 catalytic-dependent manner (Fig. 7b and Supplementary Fig. 5b)."

"USP11 deubiquitylation of PRMT1 regulates methyltransferase activity."
USP11 affects MYCBP2
1 | 2
1 | 2

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

No evidence text available
USP11 affects MTOR
| 3
USP11 inhibits MTOR.
| 2
USP11 inhibits MTOR. 2 / 2
| 2

"The E2F1 and USP11 positive feedback loop promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and inhibits autophagy by activating ERK and mTOR pathway."

"Moreover, E2F1 and USP11 inhibited autophagy by regulating ERK and mTOR pathway."
USP11 decreases the amount of MTOR.
| 1
USP11 decreases the amount of MTOR. 1 / 1
| 1

"After being treated with 5-Fu, knockdown of USP11 in HCT116 cells increased the phosphorylation levels of Akt and mTOR but decreased the phosphorylation level of AMPK."
USP11 affects MRE11
1 | 2
USP11 methylates MRE11.
| 2
USP11 methylates MRE11. 2 / 2
| 2

"We found that depletion of USP11 significantly decreased MRE11 methylation (Fig. 6a and Supplementary Fig. 4c)."

"We also show that PRMT1 is a ubiquitylated protein that it is targeted for deubiquitylation by USP11, which regulates the ability of PRMT1 to bind to and methylate MRE11."
USP11 binds MRE11.
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects ERK
| 3
USP11 inhibits ERK.
| 2
USP11 inhibits ERK. 2 / 2
| 2

"Moreover, E2F1 and USP11 inhibited autophagy by regulating ERK and mTOR pathway."

"The E2F1 and USP11 positive feedback loop promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis and inhibits autophagy by activating ERK and mTOR pathway."
USP11 activates ERK.
| 1
USP11 activates ERK. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."
USP11 affects CRC
| 3
USP11 bound to PPP1CA activates CRC. 2 / 2
| 2

"Moreover, the USP11 and PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK and MAPK signaling pathway."

"The USP11/PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway (Sun et al., 2019)."
USP11 activates CRC. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 is involved in the development and progression of multiple tumors XREF_BIBR - XREF_BIBR, and we have found that USP11 could promote CRC by stabilizing PPP1CA through deubiquitination XREF_BIBR."
USP11 affects CBX8
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects AMOT
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 CS affects USP11
| 3
USP11 CS activates USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Reciprocally, upon overexpression of USP11, but not USP11 CS, we demonstrated an overall decrease in protein levels of eIF4B dependent tumor suppressor genes."

"Examining protein turnover using classical cyclohexamide treatment, we noted that overexpression of USP11 (wt) but not USP11 CS or GFP expression vector (Figs."

"Reciprocally, upon overexpression of USP11, but not USP11 CS, we demonstrated an overall increase in protein levels of eIF4B dependent genes."
UHRF1 affects USP11
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
TNF affects USP11
| 3
TNF inhibits USP11.
| 2
TNF inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"To determine the role of USP11 on the regulation of TNFalpha induced IL-6 gene expression, total RNAs were extracted from the control and USP11 knockdown HeLa cell lines treated with TNFalpha for the time points indicated."

"In this assay, the control and USP11 knockdown HeLa cells were treated with TNFalpha at the time periods indicated and subsequently lysed."
TNF increases the amount of USP11.
| 1
TNF increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Finally, the TNFalpha and JNK pathway induced USP11 expression and maintained cIAP2 stability, suggesting an alternative TNFalpha dependent cell survival pathway."
SOX11 affects USP11
| 3
SOX11 activates USP11.
| 2
SOX11 activates USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"In particular, we intended to test whether Sox11 overexpression rescues the phenotypes of Usp11 deficiency."

"It is intriguing that Usp11 targets Sox11, but not its paralog Sox4, in the developing cortex."
SOX11 binds USP11.
| 1
SOX11 binds USP11 and 293T. 1 / 1
| 1

"Purified Usp11 was capable of directly deubiquitinating Sox11 in vitro (XREF_FIG) and, last, Flag-Sox11 or endogenous Sox11 associated in a complex with endogenous Usp11 in 293T cells, N2a cells, and cells taken from developing mouse cortex (XREF_FIG, and fig."
RELB affects USP11
1 1 |
1 1 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
PPM1G affects USP7
| 3
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
PB2 affects Nucleoproteins
| 3
| 3

"USP11 specifically interacts with PB2, PA and NP. (A) The interaction of USP11 with singly expressed viral proteins."

"The co-immunoprecipitation results showed that USP11 interacts with PB2, PA and NP, respectively."

"Conversely, cellular deubiquitinase USP11 can interact with PB2, PA and NP, and thereby affect the function of RNP complex during RNA replication."
NOTCH1 affects USP11
1 | 2
NOTCH1 increases the amount of USP11.
| 1
NOTCH1 increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore, depletion of Notch1 by two independent siRNAs also increased USP11 and PML expression (XREF_FIG)."
NOTCH1 binds USP11.
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
NOTCH1 activates USP11.
| 1
NOTCH1 activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of NIC in each GIC reduced USP11 and PML (XREF_FIG), whereas gamma-secretase inhibitor or Notch1 siRNA increased USP11 and PML (XREF_FIG)."
MYCBP2 affects USP11
1 | 2
1 | 2

"We show here that USP11 also binds, directly or indirectly, to SPRYD3, RAE1, PAM and KCTD6."

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."

No evidence text available
H3K27Ac affects USP11
| 3
H3K27Ac binds USP11.
| 2
| 2

"When EGFR-vIII was activated, the binding of H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC at USP11 promoter regions was reduced, which led to USP11 inhibition."

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."
H3K27Ac activates USP11.
| 1
H3K27Ac bound to USP11 activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"When EGFR-vIII was activated, the binding of H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC at USP11 promoter regions was reduced, which led to USP11 inhibition."
H2AZK4/7AC affects USP11
| 3
H2AZK4/7AC binds USP11.
| 2
USP11 binds H2AZK4/7AC. 2 / 2
| 2

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."

"When EGFR-vIII was activated, the binding of H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC at USP11 promoter regions was reduced, which led to USP11 inhibition."
H2AZK4/7AC increases the amount of USP11.
| 1
H2AZK4/7AC increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"These results demonstrated that H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC synergistically enhanced USP11 expression in U87 cells."
EGFR-vIII mutation affects USP11
| 3
EGFR-vIII mutation inhibits USP11. 3 / 3
| 3

"Conclusions : EGFR-vIII mutation downregulates H2AZK4 / 7AC and H3K27AC , inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K / AKT-HDAC1 / 2 axis ."

"EGFR-vIII mutation can downregulate H2AZK4 / 7AC and H3K27AC , inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K / AKT-HDAC1 / 2 axis ."

"We demonstrated that the EGFR-vIII mutation downregulated H2AZK4 / 7AC and H3K27AC , inhibiting USP11 expression though the PI3K / AKT-HDAC1 / 2 axis ."
DDX24 affects USP7
| 3
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
CBX8 affects USP11
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
AMOT affects USP11
3 |
3 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

No evidence text available

"USP11, together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites, bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins."

"USP11, together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites, bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16 INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins."
Doxycycline affects USP11
| 2
| 2

"Supporting this, the addition of MG132 only marginally increased PRMT1 ubiquitylation (Supplementary Fig. 5a), whilst protein levels of PRMT1 in two different breast cancer cell lines were unchanged after doxycycline-induced depletion or overexpression of USP11 (Fig. 7e)."

"Supporting this, doxycycline-inducible knockdown of USP11 and re-expression of methyl-deficient USP11 resulted in impaired clearance of 53BP1 foci in late S/G2 cells indicating persistent and unrepaired DSBs (Fig. 4c and Supplementary Fig. 2a)."
D EGFR-VIII affects USP11
| 1 1
D EGFR-VIII inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 1 1

"c , d EGFR-VIII downregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII , U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells ."

"c, d EGFR-VIII downregulated USP11 at the mRNA and protein levels in U87-vIII, U251-vIII and N9-vIII cells."
USP7 affects TRIP12
| 2
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
USP4 affects TNFAIP3
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects resistance 5-Fu
| 2
USP11 activates resistance 5-Fu. 2 / 2
| 2

"Taken together these data , we hypothesized that USP11 might mediate resistance to 5-Fu by inducing autophagy in colorectal cancer cells and verified the hypothesis in follow-up experiments ."

"USP11 promotes 5-Fu resistance through inducing autophagy dependent on VCP The above experimental results have confirmed that USP11 could not only mediate the resistance to 5-Fu , but also induce autophagy in colorectal cancer cells ."
USP11 affects resistance 5-Fluorouracil
| 2
USP11 activates resistance 5-Fluorouracil. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 induce resistance to 5-Fluorouracil in Colorectal Cancer through activating autophagy by stabilizing VCP ."

"USP11 induce resistance to 5-Fluorouracil in Colorectal Cancer through activating autophagy by stabilizing VCP Chemotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of patients with colorectal cancer ( CRC ) ."

"Results form mass spectrometry , co-immunoprecipitation , and ubiquitination assays demonstrated that USP11 interacted with nuclear factor 90 ( NF90 ) and promoted its deubiquitination , thereby stabilizing it in HCC cells ."

"100 A recent study indicated that USP7 stabilizes the Hippo pathway by deubiquitinating the transcriptional coactivator Yorkie , promoting HCC growth.101 Further , USP7 participates in lipogenesis-associated HCC progression by promoting stabilization and transcription of zinc-finger protein 638.102 USP11 is upregulated in HCC and is correlated with shorter survival in HCC patients.103 ,104 USP11 promotes HCC cell survival , invasion , and metastatic potency in vitro and in vivo.103 ,104 Mechanistically , USP11 interacts with nuclear factor 90 ( NF90 ) and promotes its deubiquitination , thereby stabilizing it in HCC cells.103 Consistent with this , USP11 expression positively correlates with NF90 expression in human HCC tissues.103 Similar to USP11 , elevated USP13 in HCC patients is associated with a poor prognosis ."
USP11 affects migration
| 2
USP11 activates migration. 2 / 2
| 2

"Mechanism studies showed that USP11 depletion suppressed migration via RhoA-mediated pathway and inhibited growth and survival likely via Ras-mediated pathway ."

"In contrast , USP11 depletion significantly inhibited gastric cancer growth , migration and survival , and augmented chemotherapeutic drug 's efficacy ."
USP11 affects miR-132-3p
| 2
USP11 binds miR-132-3p. 2 / 2
| 2

"A RIP kit (Geneseed, Guangzhou, China) was used to analyze the binding of miR-132-3p and USP11."

"We performed the bioinformatic analysis to predict the potential interaction between miR-132-3p and circ_DOCK1 or USP11."
USP11 affects melanoma cell
| 2
USP11 activates melanoma cell. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 promotes melanoma cell proliferation via NONO ."

"Functionally , USP11 mediated melanoma cell proliferation via the regulation of NONO levels because ablation of USP11 inhibits the proliferation which could be rescued by ectopic expression of NONO protein ."
| 2
| 2

"Furthermore, we revealed that ERK1/2 phosphorylated USP11 at the Ser905 site, which promoted the cytoplasmic localization of USP11."

"The highest affinity USP11 peptide binder fused to a cellular delivery sequence induced significant nuclear localization and cell cycle arrest in S phase, affecting the viability of different mammalian cell lines."
USP11 affects influenza virus replication
| 2
USP11 inhibits influenza virus replication. 2 / 2
| 2

"We observed that downregulation of a cellular deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 resulted in enhanced virus production , suggesting that USP11 could inhibit influenza virus replication ."

"Further , a USP14 inhibitor was found to inhibit the replication of Dengue viruses ( Nag and Finley , 2012 ) , whereas USP11 can interact with NP protein to inhibit influenza virus replication ( Liao et al ., 2010 ) ."
USP11 affects influenza virus RNA replication
| 2
USP11 inhibits influenza virus RNA replication. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 inhibits influenza virus RNA replication ."

"Therefore , we concluded that the inhibition of influenza virus RNA replication by USP11 depended on its deubiquitinating enzyme activity ."

"The data provided evidence that USP11 positively regulated p53 expression to aggravate the ICH-induced neurological impairment and inflammation."

"Taken together, it could be concluded that USP11 knockdown blocked microglial cell activation and inhibited the production of inflammation mediators in rats with ICH."

"We show that Sox11 overexpression rescues the defects in RGC differentiation and neuronal migration caused by Usp11 deficiency, which supports the contribution of Sox11 stabilization to the effects of Usp11 on cortical development."

"Additionally, differentiation studies revealed reduced calcification and alkaline phosphatase activity in USP11-depleted cells, while overexpression of USP11 enhanced the differentiation potential of hMSCs."
USP11 affects USP
| 2
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
USP11 affects UL83
| 2
USP11 phosphorylates UL83.
| 1
USP11 leads to the phosphorylation of UL83. 1 / 1
| 1

"As reflected by western blot and qRT-PCR assays, USP11 knockdown led to upregulated expression of KLF2, as well as downregulated levels of NF-κB (p65), its phosphorylation (p-p65), and downstream markers of the NF-κB pathway (cyclinD1, c-myc) in the brain tissues of rats with ICH-like symptoms; these effects of USP11 knockdown alone could be reversed by its combination with either p53 overexpression or KLF2 knockdown (Figure 5A)."
USP11 dephosphorylates UL83.
| 1
USP11 leads to the dephosphorylation of UL83. 1 / 1
| 1

"As reflected by western blot and qRT-PCR assays, USP11 knockdown led to upregulated expression of KLF2, as well as downregulated levels of NF-κB (p65), its phosphorylation (p-p65), and downstream markers of the NF-κB pathway (cyclinD1, c-myc) in the brain tissues of rats with ICH-like symptoms; these effects of USP11 knockdown alone could be reversed by its combination with either p53 overexpression or KLF2 knockdown (Figure 5A)."
USP11 affects UBC
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TNFAIP3
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
USP11 affects TNF
| 1
USP11 activates TNF. 1 / 2
| 1

"In addition to those effects, USP11 knockdown also repressed neutrophil infiltration and the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α, indicative of an anti-inflammatory potency of silencing USP11."
USP11 affects TGFBR
| 1
USP11 activates TGFBR. 1 / 2
| 1

"In breast cancer, USP11 promotes the TGF-β-induced epithelial–mesenchymal transition via altering the stability of TGFβ receptor type II [47]."
USP11 affects SUMO-ubiquitin chains
| 2
USP11 deubiquitinates SUMO-ubiquitin chains. 2 / 2
| 2

"USP11 also deubiquitinates SUMO-ubiquitin chains from PML, while the sumolytion of LPA1 has not been discovered."

"USP11 can deubiquitinate hybrid SUMO-ubiquitin chains to counteract RNF4."
USP11 affects SPRTN deubiquitination
| 2
USP11 activates SPRTN deubiquitination. 2 / 2
| 2

"Similarly , USP11 depletion in HCT116 inhibited SFB-SPRTN deubiquitination ( Fig. 5B , lane 4 ) compared with negative control ( Fig. 5B , lane 2 ) upon formaldehyde treatment , suggesting that USP11 depletion inhibits SPRTN deubiquitination upon DPC induction ."

"USP11 depletion impairs SPRTN deubiquitination and promotes SPRTN auto-proteolysis in response to formaldehyde-induced DPCs ."
USP11 affects SMAD2
| 2
USP11 phosphorylates SMAD2. 2 / 2
| 2

"Consistent with this, we were able to show that the decrease in TGFbeta induced SMAD2 phosphorylation by USP11 depletion is abrogated by proteasomal inhibition (20 muM MG132, 3 h before TGFbeta stimulation)."

"As expected, SMAD7 expression resulted in significant inhibition of TGFbeta induced phosphorylation of SMAD2, which was partially rescued by USP11 (XREF_FIG a)."
USP11 affects SIRT3
| 1 1
| 1 1

"In conclusion, the current study emphasized the importance of the interaction of USP11 and Sirt3 in the pathological process of IVDD via regulating oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis, and USP11-mediated oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis is identified as a promising target for treating IVDD."

"In conclusion, the current study emphasized the importance of the interaction of USP11 and Sirt3 in the pathological process of IVDD via regulating oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis, and USP11-mediated oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis is identified as a promising target for treating IVDD."
USP11 affects SETX
| 2
USP11 increases the amount of SETX.
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of SETX. 1 / 1
| 1

"Loss of USP11 decreases SETX steady-state levels and reduces R-loop dissolution."
USP11 decreases the amount of SETX.
| 1
USP11 decreases the amount of SETX. 1 / 1
| 1

"Loss of USP11 decreases SETX steady-state levels and reduces R-loop dissolution."
USP11 affects SETDB1
1 1 |
1 1 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects RNF2
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects PSD4
| 1 1
| 1 1

"To test whether USP11 can directly interact with the TIC, we next performed cap pulldown assays using cap-binding m 7 GTP immobilized beads."

"To test whether USP11 can directly interact with the TIC, we next performed cap pulldown assays using cap binding m 7 GTP immobilized beads."
USP11 affects PA
| 2
USP11 binds PA. 2 / 2
| 2

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."

"(C) The interaction between USP11 and PA."
USP11 affects MYCN
| 2
| 2

"Recruitment of BRCA1 requires the ubiquitin-specific protease USP11, which binds specifically to MYCN when MYCN is dephosphorylated at Thr58."

"Binding of USP11 to MYCN was enhanced by a Thr58/Ser62 double alanine substitution ( xref ) and by individual substitutions of Ser62 and Thr58 ( xref )."
USP11 affects MIER2
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
USP11 affects IL6
| 1 1
USP11 inhibits IL6.
| 1
USP11 inhibits IL6. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition , USP11 also inhibited IL-6 degradation by affecting IL-6 ubiquitination ."
USP11 deubiquitinates IL6.
| 1
USP11 leads to the deubiquitination of IL6. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition, USP11 also inhibited IL-6 degradation by affecting IL-6 ubiquitination."
USP11 affects IKK_complex
| 2
| 2

"USP11 positively regulates IkappaB kinase alpha (IKKalpha)."

"USP11 upregulates IkappaB kinase alpha in a ubiquitin independent manner XREF_BIBR, while USP18 has been shown to negatively regulate interferon signalling through protein interactions that are independent of its isopeptidase activity XREF_BIBR."
USP11 affects H3K27Ac
| 2
| 2

"When EGFR-vIII was activated, the binding of H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC at USP11 promoter regions was reduced, which led to USP11 inhibition."

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."
USP11 affects H2AZK4/7AC
| 2
USP11 binds H2AZK4/7AC. 2 / 2
| 2

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."

"When EGFR-vIII was activated, the binding of H2AZK4/7AC and H3K27AC at USP11 promoter regions was reduced, which led to USP11 inhibition."
USP11 affects GST
| 2
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to Myc‐NONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
USP11 affects FN1
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of FN1. 1 / 2
| 1

"USP11 promotes TGFbeta-1-induced phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 and the expression of FN and SMA."
USP11 affects DNA repair
| 2
| 2

"More interestingly, whilst expression of USP11 rescued the defect in DNA repair induced by USP11 depletion, confirming the specificity of our siRNA sequences, expression of USP11-R433K could not, implying that methylation is required for USP11 to effectively function in the repair of olaparib-induced lesions (Fig. 4a, b)."

"Additionally, USP11 depletion led to increased sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease following IR when compared to controls, and therefore may be able to modulate DNA repair factor access to chromatin as well [137]."

"We have shown that USP11 could promote colorectal cancer , then we wondered whether USP11 is involved in chemotherapy resistance in CRC patients ."

"We have proved that USP11 could promote colorectal cancer through stabilizing PPP1CA in our previous study 21 ."
| 2
| 2

"USP11 promotes HCC cell survival, invasion, and metastatic potency in vitro and in vivo."

"The results showed that overexpression of VCP inhibited reduced cell viability caused by USP11 knockdown when treated with 5-Fu."
USP11 affects Cebpb
| 2
| 2

"A reciprocal TAP-MS analysis of SFB-USP11 expressed in HEK 293T cells immunoprecipitated SPRTN in addition to USP7, which is a known USP11 interactor ( xref B and xref )."

"USP7 is a known interactor of USP11, while SAMHD1 and SPRTN were identified in SFB-USP11 TAP-MS analysis ( xref B )."
| 2

"Our functional results provide evidence for the crosstalk between KLF4 and USP11 in hepatic diseases; in particular, they show how USP11 enhances HCC tumorigenesis and steatosis through KLF4 inhibition."

"Collectively, these findings suggest that USP11, as KLF4-binding partner, is an important mediator of hepatic tumorigenesis that functions via degradation of KLF4 and is a potential treatment target for liver diseases."
USP11 affects CRLF3
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
USP11 affects CASP3
| 1
USP11 inhibits CASP3. 1 / 2
| 1

"As shown in XREF_FIG A & B, we observed that elevated expression of wild-type USP11, but not DUB deficient mutant USP11, significantly inhibits activation of caspase-3 and caspase -9, cleavage of PARP1 and anoikis in mammary gland epithelial cells."
USP11 affects ATXN3
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
USP11 affects ATF2
| 1 1
USP11 inhibits ATF2. 2 / 2
| 1 1

"According to XREF_FIG, it appeared that RBMS1, NONO, PSMF1, TIA1, ID2, PLOD2, TFE3 activate ATF2; whereas RNASEH1, PTOV1, C11orf9, TEAD4, GLS, USP11, TNPO1, and PAWR inhibit ATF2."

"According to xref , it appeared that RBMS1, NONO, PSMF1, TIA1, ID2, PLOD2, TFE3 activate ATF2; whereas RNASEH1, PTOV1, C11orf9, TEAD4, GLS, USP11, TNPO1, and PAWR inhibit ATF2."
USP affects USP11
| 2
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
UBC affects USP11
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
TRIP12 affects USP7
| 2
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
TNFAIP3 affects USP4
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
SIRT3 affects USP11
| 1 1
| 1 1

"In conclusion, the current study emphasized the importance of the interaction of USP11 and Sirt3 in the pathological process of IVDD via regulating oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis, and USP11-mediated oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis is identified as a promising target for treating IVDD."

"In conclusion, the current study emphasized the importance of the interaction of USP11 and Sirt3 in the pathological process of IVDD via regulating oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis, and USP11-mediated oxidative stress-induced ferroptosis is identified as a promising target for treating IVDD."
SETDB1 affects USP11
1 1 |
1 1 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
RNF2 affects USP11
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
RNAi affects USP11
| 2
RNAi activates USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"Next, we investigated the impact of RNAi mediated depletion of USP11 on TGFbeta signalling."

"Clearly, RNAi mediated USP11 depletion by multiple siRNAs in both mouse and human cells show the same inhibitory effects on TGFbeta induced phosphorylation of SMAD2 as well as EMT."
PSD4 affects USP11
| 1 1
| 1 1

"To test whether USP11 can directly interact with the TIC, we next performed cap pulldown assays using cap-binding m 7 GTP immobilized beads."

"To test whether USP11 can directly interact with the TIC, we next performed cap pulldown assays using cap binding m 7 GTP immobilized beads."
PPP1CA affects USP11
| 2
| 2

"The USP11/PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway (Sun et al., 2019)."

"Moreover, the USP11 and PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK and MAPK signaling pathway."
PARP1 affects USP11
| 1 1
| 1 1

"The synthetic lethal interaction between USP11 and PARP uncovered by this work illustrates the potential of proteases as critical players in maintaining cancer cell viability and highlights the special relevance of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in this regard."

"The synthetic lethal interaction between USP11 and PARP uncovered by this work illustrates the potential of proteases as critical players in maintaining cancer cell viability and highlights the special relevance of the ubiquitin–proteasome system in this regard."
PA affects USP11
| 2
USP11 binds PA. 2 / 2
| 2

"Furthermore, we showed that USP11 interacted with PB2, PA, and NP of viral RNA replication complex, and that NP is a monoubiquitinated protein and can be deubiquitinated by USP11 in vivo."

"(C) The interaction between USP11 and PA."
MYCN affects USP11
| 2
| 2

"Recruitment of BRCA1 requires the ubiquitin-specific protease USP11, which binds specifically to MYCN when MYCN is dephosphorylated at Thr58."

"Binding of USP11 to MYCN was enhanced by a Thr58/Ser62 double alanine substitution ( xref ) and by individual substitutions of Ser62 and Thr58 ( xref )."
MIER2 affects USP11
2 |
2 |

No evidence text available

No evidence text available
KLF4 affects USP11
| 2
| 2

"39 , 43 Interestingly, we also found that KLF4/USP11 interaction occurred mainly in the nucleus."

"Since USP11 has been previously reported as an oncogene in HCC, but its underlying molecular mechanisms in hepatic disease are not entirely understood, we decided to further explore its activity as KLF4‐binding partner.We started by assessing the interaction between KLF4 and USP11 through co‐immunoprecipitation (co‐IP) analysis in transfected HEK293 cells."
GST affects USP11
| 2
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to Myc‐NONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
EGFR-vIII activation affects USP11
| 2
EGFR-vIII activation inhibits USP11. 2 / 2
| 2

"IHC staining showed that EGFR-vIII activation significantly upregulated the expression of P-AKT , HDAC1 and HDAC2 and downregulated H2AZK4 / 7AC , H3K27AC and USP11 expression ( Fig. 7e ) ."

"E EGFR-vIII activation significantly upregulated the expression of P-AKT , HDAC1 and HDAC2 and downregulated H2AZK4 / 7AC , H3K27AC and USP11 expression ."
DDX24 affects PPM1G, TRIP12, USP11, and USP7
| 2
| 2

"On the other hand, USP7 is bound by DDX24, USP11, PPM1G, and TRIP12 via its TRAF domain. xref Another study used affinity purification in conjunction with mass spectrometry for profiling USP7 interaction on FLAG-tagged USP7 expressed in AGS gastric carcinoma cells."

"Using USP7 binding pocket mutants, we show that USP11, PPM1G, TRIP12 and DDX24 bind USP7 through its TRAF domain binding pocket, while DHX40 interacts with USP7 through a distinct binding pocket in the Ubl2 domain."
DDX24 affects PPM1G, TRIP12, and USP11
| 2
| 2

"To determine which binding pocket was used to mediate the interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40, DDX24 and TRIP12, we repeated the myc-USP7 co-IP experiments in CNE2Z cells, using USP7 mutants with D164A,W165A mutations to disrupt the TRAF binding pocket (referred to as DW) or D762R,D764R mutations to disrupt the Ubl2 pocket (referred to as Ubl2)."

"Comparison of protein recoveries with individual DW and Ubl2 USP7 mutants showed that interactions with PPM1G, USP11, DDX24 and TRIP12 were greatly affected by the DW mutation and much less affected by the Ubl2 mutation, indicating that these proteins all interact predominantly bind USP7 through the TRAF binding pocket."
Cebpb affects USP11
| 2
| 2

"A reciprocal TAP-MS analysis of SFB-USP11 expressed in HEK 293T cells immunoprecipitated SPRTN in addition to USP7, which is a known USP11 interactor ( xref B and xref )."

"USP7 is a known interactor of USP11, while SAMHD1 and SPRTN were identified in SFB-USP11 TAP-MS analysis ( xref B )."
CRLF3 affects USP4
| 2
| 2

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (17, 26, 54) ."

"cDNAs encoding Myc-tagged forms of USP4, USP11, Ataxin-3 and A20 were gifts from Dr P.J. Lehner (University of Cambridge, UK) (51), Dr J. Yang (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) (52), Dr E.A. Fon (Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada) (23) and Dr K. Li (University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, USA) (53), respectively."
Wobble mutations affects USP11
| 1
Wobble mutations inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Significantly , when the shUSP11-5-expressing cells were transfected with pCI-USP11s , which can express an USP11 form that is resistant to shUSP11 suppression because of the wobble mutations , the influenza A virus titer dropped to the same level as in the wild-type cells ( Figure 2D ) ."
1 |
Progesterone increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available

"USP7 and USP11 bind directly to multiple PcG proteins."
Methylmercury chloride increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Methyl methanesulfonate increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Methoxyacetic acid increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
1 |
Hsa-miR-10a-5p decreases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Hexane affects USP11
1 |
Hexane methylates USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Gamma-secretase inhibitor affects USP11
| 1
Gamma-secretase inhibitor inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of NIC in each GIC reduced USP11 and PML (XREF_FIG), whereas gamma-secretase inhibitor or Notch1 siRNA increased USP11 and PML (XREF_FIG)."
Event affects USP11
| 1
Event inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"This event reduces USP11 expression and promotes ubiquitin-mediated PTEN degradation to sustain the feedforward PI3K activation that can drive malignant growth ."
1 |

No evidence text available
| 1
| 1

"Cells transfected with shRNA against USP11 were treated with cycloheximide (CHX), and we found that Mgl-1 was shown to have a half-life of less than 6 hrs in control cells, whereas the degradation of Mgl-1 in USP11 depleted cells was faster than that of the control."
1 |
Cobalt dichloride increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Cisplatin affects USP11
1 |
Cisplatin increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
1 |
Carbon nanotube decreases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Caffeine affects USP11
1 |
Caffeine increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
BznB affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"An NGPD approach was applied to the identification of USP11 ligands as schematically depicted in xref B . A randomized linear peptide library fused to the gpVIII protein was used to isolate peptides that interact with the USP11 N-terminal DU domains (DUSP and UBL domains in tandem; USP11_DU; xref A )."
Bisphenol A affects USP11
1 |
Bisphenol A increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
1 |
Aflatoxin B1 demethylates USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
Acetamide affects USP11
1 |
Acetamide increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
XRCC5 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
WRNIP1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
WP1130 affects USP11
| 1
WP1130 inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example , 8-mercapto-N - ( ( tetrahydro-3-furanyl ) methyl ) -4 - quinoline carboxamide , LND-57444 , VLX1570 , ML323 , ( ADC-01 , ADC-03 , HBX41108 , HBX19818 , P5091 , P22077 ) , 9 - ( ethoxyimino ) -9 H-indeno ( 1,2 - b ) pyrazine-2 ,3 - dicarbonitrile , WP1130 , Mitoxantrone and GSK2643943A are able to inhibit PSMD14 , UCHL1 , UCHL5 and USP14 , USP1 , USP7 , USP8 , USP9X , USP11 and USP20 , respectively ."
1 |

No evidence text available
VCPIP1 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"VCPIP1 and USP11 interact weakly with SPRTN in co-immunoprecipitating experiments, but show no (VCPIP1) or only weak (USP11) preference for SPRTN-Ub ( xref )."
Ubiquitin affects TCEAL1
| 1
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."

"USP7 and USP11 bind directly to multiple PcG proteins."
USP7 affects PCGF2
| 1
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
USP15 affects SMAD6
| 1
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
USP13 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"PTEN and DUBs were readily co-immunoprecipitated with each other; however, USP11, USP13, and OTUD3 were not associated with each other (Supplementary Fig.  xref )."
USP11 affects vRNA cRNA synthesis
| 1
USP11 inhibits vRNA cRNA synthesis. 1 / 1
| 1

"The result indicated that USP11 inhibited vRNA and cRNA synthesis , but USP11mt did not ."
USP11 affects ubiquitination degradation IkappaBalpha
| 1
USP11 inhibits ubiquitination degradation IkappaBalpha. 1 / 1
| 1

"However , Sun et al. found no interaction between USP15 and IkappaBalpha , and proposed that USP11 inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of IkappaBalpha in the early stage , whereas USP15 functions at a later time point in the TNFalpha-induced NF-kappaB activation50 ."
USP11 affects ubiquitination degradation Ikappa Balpha
| 1
USP11 inhibits ubiquitination degradation Ikappa Balpha. 1 / 1
| 1

"However , Sun et al. found no interaction between USP15 and Ikappa Balpha , and proposed that USP11 inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of Ikappa Balpha in the early stage , whereas USP15 functions at a later time point in the TNFalpha - induced NF-kappa B activation 50 ."
USP11 affects tumor resistance treatment
| 1
USP11 activates tumor resistance treatment. 1 / 1
| 1

"Ubiquitin-specific protease 11 ( USP11 ) was reported to induce tumor resistance to treatment through stabilizing downstream proteins by deubiquitination 20 ."
USP11 affects stabilization
| 1
USP11 activates stabilization. 1 / 1
| 1

"As a result , USP11 catalyzed the removal of polyubiquitin chains bound to cytoplasmic p21 and resulted in its stabilization ."
USP11 affects serum TGF-beta1
| 1
USP11 activates serum TGF-beta1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Our results showed that USP11 deficiency effectively decreased serum TGF-beta1 level , suppressed alpha-SMA expression and mitigated pulmonary fibrosis ."
USP11 affects sensitizes cells
| 1
USP11 inhibits sensitizes cells. 1 / 1
| 1

"Depletion of USP11 leads to increased SPRTN auto-proteolysis , an accumulation of unrepaired DPCs , and sensitizes cells to DPC-inducing agents ."
USP11 affects sensitized cells
| 1
USP11 inhibits sensitized cells. 1 / 1
| 1

"Depletion of USP11 increased SPRTN auto-proteolysis and sensitized cells to DPC-inducing agents leading to increased accumulation of DPCs ."
USP11 affects sensitize gastric cancer chemotherapy
| 1
USP11 inhibits sensitize gastric cancer chemotherapy. 1 / 1
| 1

"Our work highlights the important role of USP11 in gastric cancer and therapeutic value of inhibiting USP11 to sensitize gastric cancer to chemotherapy ."
USP11 affects response NF-kappaB pathway TNFalpha
| 1
USP11 inhibits response NF-kappaB pathway TNFalpha. 1 / 1
| 1

"Inhibition of USP11 expression reduces p53 levels and IKKalpha expression , as well as increasing the response of the NF-kappaB pathway to TNFalpha ( 197 ) ."
USP11 affects resistance poly ADP-ribose polymerase PARP1 Ubiquitination tumor metabolism regulation Ubiquitination mTORC1 signaling pathway
| 1
USP11 inhibits resistance poly ADP-ribose polymerase PARP1 Ubiquitination tumor metabolism regulation Ubiquitination mTORC1 signaling pathway. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 is often overexpressed in cancer and induces resistance to poly ( ADP-ribose ) polymerase 1 ( PARP1 ) inhibitors.124 Ubiquitination in tumor metabolism regulation Ubiquitination in the mTORC1 signaling pathway As an important nutrient and key environmental stimulus , amino acids play a critical role in the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 ( mTORC1 ) signaling pathway ."
USP11 affects resistance 5-fluorouracil
| 1
USP11 activates resistance 5-fluorouracil. 1 / 1
| 1

"Our study investigated the role of ubiquitin-specific protease 11 ( USP11 ) in CRC chemotherapy and found that USP11 could induce resistance to 5-fluorouracil by activating autophagy ."
USP11 affects repair DNA-protein cross-links
| 1
USP11 activates repair DNA-protein cross-links. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 mediates repair of DNA-protein cross-links by deubiquitinating SPRTN metalloprotease DNA-protein cross-links ( DPCs ) are toxic DNA lesions that interfere with DNA metabolic processes such as replication , transcription , and recombination ."
USP11 affects removal polyubiquitin chains bound
| 1
USP11 activates removal polyubiquitin chains bound. 1 / 1
| 1

"As a result , USP11 catalyzed the removal of polyubiquitin chains bound to cytoplasmic p21 and resulted in its stabilization ."
USP11 affects regulation tumour locus p16INK4A
| 1
USP11 inhibits regulation tumour locus p16INK4A. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 , together with USP7 are recruited at chromatin sites , bind PcG and contribute to the regulation of the tumour suppressor gene locus p16INK4A by modulating the ubiquitylation status of PcG proteins ."

"USP7 and USP11 bind directly to multiple PcG proteins."
USP11 affects poly-ubiquitination
| 1
USP11 inhibits poly-ubiquitination. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacted with NONO and reversed its poly-ubiquitination ."
USP11 affects p21 instability
| 1
USP11 inhibits p21 instability. 1 / 1
| 1

"A 2018 study demonstrated that the loss of USP11 may cause p21 instability and induce G1 / S transition in cells ; in addition , the accumulation of p21 due to DNA damage was completely eliminated in cells lacking USP11 , which led to the abolition of the G2 checkpoint and the induction of apoptosis ( 41 ) ."
USP11 affects nuclear factor 90
| 1
USP11 activates nuclear factor 90. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."

"Taken together, it could be concluded that USP11 knockdown blocked microglial cell activation and inhibited the production of inflammation mediators in rats with ICH."
USP11 affects layer neuron
| 1
USP11 activates layer neuron. 1 / 1
| 1

"Here , we show that mouse Usp11 is expressed highly in embryonic cerebral cortex , and Usp11 deficiency impairs layer 6 neuron production , delays late-born neuronal migration , and disturbs cognition and anxiety behaviors ."
| 1

"Specifically, USP11, A20, and OUTLIN contribute to immune response through NF-kappaB pathway, whereas USP25 regulates innate immunity by deubiquitylation of the adaptor protein TRAF3."

"During S/G2, USP11 expression is upregulated, counteracting KEAP1-dependent ubiquitylation of PALB2, enabling a reversal of complex inhibition and effective HR repair in the correct stage of the cell cycle ."
USP11 affects hepatic tumorigenesis
| 1
USP11 activates hepatic tumorigenesis. 1 / 1
| 1

"Collectively , these findings suggest that USP11 , as KLF4-binding partner , is an important mediator of hepatic tumorigenesis that functions via degradation of KLF4 and is a potential treatment target for liver diseases ."
USP11 affects growth survival likely
| 1
USP11 activates growth survival likely. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanism studies showed that USP11 depletion suppressed migration via RhoA-mediated pathway and inhibited growth and survival likely via Ras-mediated pathway ."
USP11 affects epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition cell metastasis ovarian cancer breast cancer
| 1
USP11 activates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition cell metastasis ovarian cancer breast cancer. 1 / 1
| 1

"Moreover , previous evidences suggested USP11 could promote epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition to increase cell metastasis in ovarian cancer and breast cancer [ 35 , 36 ] ."
USP11 affects chemotherapeutic drug efficacy
| 1
USP11 inhibits chemotherapeutic drug efficacy. 1 / 1
| 1

"In contrast , USP11 depletion significantly inhibited gastric cancer growth , migration and survival , and augmented chemotherapeutic drug 's efficacy ."

"USP11 knockdown did not cause senescence in these cells, despite the up-regulation of mutant p16 INK4a, implying that the effects of USP11 knockdown are p16 INK4a dependent (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects cells being more 5-Fu
| 1
USP11 inhibits cells being more 5-Fu. 1 / 1
| 1

"The experimental results showed that USP11 overexpression could enhance CRC cells resistance to 5-Fu , and knockdown of USP11 could result in CRC cells being more vulnerable to 5-Fu ."
USP11 affects bznB
| 1
| 1

"An NGPD approach was applied to the identification of USP11 ligands as schematically depicted in xref B . A randomized linear peptide library fused to the gpVIII protein was used to isolate peptides that interact with the USP11 N-terminal DU domains (DUSP and UBL domains in tandem; USP11_DU; xref A )."

"The result indicated that USP11 inhibited vRNA and cRNA synthesis, but USP11mt did not."
USP11 affects autophagy marker P62
| 1
USP11 inhibits autophagy marker P62. 1 / 1
| 1

"We found that USP11 knockdown significantly increased the expression of autophagy marker P62 and the LC3B-II / I ratio was reduced compared with the control group , while opposite trend was observed in HCT8-USP11 cells compared with HCT8-EV cells ( Figure 2A ) ."
USP11 affects anti-cancer function miR-132-3p
| 1
USP11 inhibits anti-cancer function miR-132-3p. 1 / 1
| 1

"Consistent with these reports , our study found USP11 reversed the anti-cancer function of miR-132-3p , indicating miR-132-3p could modulate colorectal cancer development by targeting USP11 ."
USP11 affects activation downstream senescent-related signaling pathway
| 1
USP11 activates activation downstream senescent-related signaling pathway. 1 / 1
| 1

"Inhibition or knockdown on Usp11 attenuated Ang-II-induced elevation in Tgfbr2 level , and attenuated the activation of downstream senescent-related signaling pathway and as well as cell senescence ."
USP11 affects accumulation unrepaired DPCs cellular hypersensitivity
| 1
USP11 inhibits accumulation unrepaired DPCs cellular hypersensitivity. 1 / 1
| 1

"Loss of USP11 causes an accumulation of unrepaired DPCs and cellular hypersensitivity to treatment with DPC-inducing agents ."
USP11 affects XRCC5
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects WRNIP1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects VCPIP1
| 1
| 1

"VCPIP1 and USP11 interact weakly with SPRTN in co-immunoprecipitating experiments, but show no (VCPIP1) or only weak (USP11) preference for SPRTN-Ub ( xref )."
| 1

"USP7 and USP11 bind directly to multiple PcG proteins."
USP11 affects USP15 functions later point NF-kappaB activation50
| 1
USP11 inhibits USP15 functions later point NF-kappaB activation50. 1 / 1
| 1

"However , Sun et al. found no interaction between USP15 and IkappaBalpha , and proposed that USP11 inhibits the ubiquitination and degradation of IkappaBalpha in the early stage , whereas USP15 functions at a later time point in the TNFalpha-induced NF-kappaB activation50 ."
USP11 affects USP13
| 1
| 1

"PTEN and DUBs were readily co-immunoprecipitated with each other; however, USP11, USP13, and OTUD3 were not associated with each other (Supplementary Fig.  xref )."
USP11 affects USP domain
| 1
USP11 binds PML and USP domain. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects UBE2Q1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TRIM25
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TP53BP1
| 1
| 1

"USP44, USP17L2/DUB3, USP11, ZUFSP and POH1 loss promotes the excessive spreading of Ub at DSBs and concomitant excessive accumulation of 53BP1 [57–65]."
USP11 affects TCF4
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TCEAL2
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects TBL3
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects Sun
| 1
USP11 bound to PPP1CA activates Sun. 1 / 1
| 1

"The USP11/PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway (Sun et al., 2019)."
USP11 affects SSX2IP
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SPTA1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SPECC1
| 1
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
USP11 affects SORT1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SMAD4
| 1
USP11 deubiquitinates SMAD4. 1 / 1
| 1

"UCHL37, USP11, and USP15 de-ubiquitinate TbetaRI, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR, XREF_BIBR while USP15, CYLD, and USP9X target SMAD4 or SMAD7."
USP11 affects SMAD2_3
| 1
Modified USP11 leads to the dephosphorylation of SMAD2_3. 1 / 1
| 1

"Overexpression of USP11 reduces TbetaRII ubiquitination and increases TbetaRII stabilization, thereby elevating phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 and the ultimate expression of FN and SMA."
USP11 affects SMA
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of SMA. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes TGFbeta-1-induced phosphorylation of SMAD2/3 and the expression of FN and SMA."
USP11 affects SM therapeutic resistance
| 1
USP11 activates SM therapeutic resistance. 1 / 1
| 1

"Another report showed that overexpression of ubiquitin-specific protease 11 ( USP11 ) led to stabilization of cIAP2 and promoted SM therapeutic resistance [ 86 ] ."
USP11 affects SIRT7
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SIPA1L1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SF3A1
| 1
USP11 activates SF3A1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We demonstrate the utility of this approach by generating low nanomolar fibronectin type III (FN3) monobodies to five human proteins : ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 R1 (CDC34), COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5), mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 5 (MAP2K5), Splicing factor 3A subunit 1 (SF3A1) and ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 11 (USP11)."
USP11 affects SEC23A
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects SATB2
| 1
USP11 activates SATB2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore, Usp11 knockdown decreased the arrival of Satb2 + neurons to the superficial layers, an indication of a migration defect (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects RPA
| 1
USP11 activates RPA. 1 / 1
| 1

"Methylated USP11 then promotes PRMT1 activity towards MRE11 that enables DNA end-resection and RPA loading (Fig. 7g)."
USP11 affects RNF8
| 1
USP11 inhibits RNF8. 1 / 1
| 1

"36 Although we do n't provide evidence in this study to show whether USP11 could resist the effects of FBW7 or/and RNF8 on NONO, we speculated that the cellular levels of NONO may depend on the fine regulation among USP11, FBW7 and RNF8."
USP11 affects REST
| 1
USP11 inhibits REST. 1 / 1
| 1

"However, neither USP4 nor USP11 depletion reduced REST in the initial screen; in fact, both these DUBs fell at the opposite end of the ranked data set (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects RELA
| 1
USP11 leads to the dephosphorylation of RELA. 1 / 1
| 1

"As reflected by western blot and qRT-PCR assays, USP11 knockdown led to upregulated expression of KLF2, as well as downregulated levels of NF-κB (p65), its phosphorylation (p-p65), and downstream markers of the NF-κB pathway (cyclinD1, c-myc) in the brain tissues of rats with ICH-like symptoms; these effects of USP11 knockdown alone could be reversed by its combination with either p53 overexpression or KLF2 knockdown (Figure 5A)."
USP11 affects REG1A
| 1
USP11 activates REG1A. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 overexpression in T EFF cells enhanced the activation of the TGF-beta pathway and promoted T REG or T H 17, but not Th1, cell differentiation in vitro and in vivo, an effect abrogated by USP11 gene silencing or the inhibition of enzymatic activity."
USP11 affects RAPGEF2
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects RAD50
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects R1
| 1
TGFB binds USP11 and R1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Despite its interaction with SMAD7, we found that USP11 enhanced TGFbeta signalling and bound the TGFbeta R1 receptor (ALK5)."
USP11 affects Phosphatase
| 1
| 1

"More importantly, the emerging evidence suggests that USP11 can promote the development of colorectal cancer by protecting protein phosphatase 1 via deubiquitination to activate mitogen activated protein kinase pathway [XREF_BIBR]."
USP11 affects PRRC2B
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects PROM1
| 1
USP11 activates PROM1. 1 / 1
| 1

"A non-metabolic function of hexokinase 2 in small cell lung cancer: promotes cancer cell stemness by increasing USP11-mediated CD133 stability."
USP11 affects POLR2E
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects POLR1C
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects PKM
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of PKM. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition, we hypothesized that pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) is a potential USP11 target and experimentally confirmed that upregulation of Usp11 increased Pkm2 expression."
USP11 affects PAM
| 1
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
USP11 affects OTUD5
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects OTUD3
| 1
| 1

"PTEN and DUBs were readily co-immunoprecipitated with each other; however, USP11, USP13, and OTUD3 were not associated with each other (Supplementary Fig.  xref )."
USP11 affects OTUD1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects OSBPL10
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects Notch
| 1
USP11 activates Notch. 1 / 1
| 1

"These findings support the idea that Hey1 induced USP11 and PML downregulation mediates the chemoresistant effect of Notch."

"Significantly, USP11 can cleave single ubiquitin from NP, and thereby inhibit the RNA replication efficiency ( Figure 8B )."
USP11 affects NXF1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects NOTCH1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB
| 1
USP11 binds NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example, USP11 acts as an upstream regulator of an IKKalpha-p53 signaling pathway 7 and interacts with the NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB."
USP11 affects NET1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects NEDD4L
| 1
| 1

"An important discovery in this study is that a change of association of LPA1 with USP11 to Nedd4L is triggered by ligand binding."
USP11 affects Mono-ubiquitination LPA1
| 1
USP11 inhibits Mono-ubiquitination LPA1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mono-ubiquitination of LPA1 is reversed by USP11 , a deubiquitinase , which stabilizes LPA1 ."
USP11 affects MPHOSPH9
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects MLF1
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
USP11 affects MDC1
| 1
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
USP11 affects MAPT
| 1
USP11 leads to the dephosphorylation of MAPT on S579. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, USP11 knockdown also decreases phosphorylation of tau at serine 262, another pathological modification of tau in disease."
USP11 affects MAPK14
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects MAPK
| 1
USP11 activates MAPK. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."
| 1
USP11 bound to PPP1CA activates MAPK cascade. 1 / 1
| 1

"The USP11/PPP1CA complex promoted CRC progression by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway (Sun et al., 2019)."
USP11 affects MAP2K5
| 1
USP11 activates MAP2K5. 1 / 1
| 1

"We demonstrate the utility of this approach by generating low nanomolar fibronectin type III (FN3) monobodies to five human proteins : ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 R1 (CDC34), COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5 (COPS5), mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 5 (MAP2K5), Splicing factor 3A subunit 1 (SF3A1) and ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 11 (USP11)."
USP11 affects MAP1LC3C
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects M
1 |
USP11 binds M. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects LPA
| 1
| 1

"LPA treatment disassociates LPA1 and USP11, while it enhances LPA1 association with Nedd4L [62]."
USP11 affects LCK
| 1
USP11 deubiquitinates LCK. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 forms a complex with USP7 to deubiquitinate the oncogenic lymphocyte cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK) and enhance its activity."
USP11 affects LC3B-II
| 1
USP11 inhibits LC3B-II. 1 / 1
| 1

"We found that USP11 knockdown significantly increased the expression of autophagy marker P62 and the LC3B-II / I ratio was reduced compared with the control group , while opposite trend was observed in HCT8-USP11 cells compared with HCT8-EV cells ( Figure 2A ) ."
USP11 affects KIAA0930
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects Infections
| 1
| 1

"USP11 inhibits influenza virus infection [39] , while USP14 augments replicability of a panel of viruses, including norovirus, encephalomyocarditis virus, Sindbis virus, and La Crosse virus [40] ."
USP11 affects INK4a
| 1
USP11 inhibits INK4a. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP7 and USP11 affect the ability of Bmi1 to repress INK4a."
USP11 affects IL1B
| 1
USP11 inhibits IL1B. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition to those effects, USP11 knockdown also repressed neutrophil infiltration and the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α, indicative of an anti-inflammatory potency of silencing USP11."
USP11 affects IL17RB
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
USP11 affects IGF2BP3
| 1
USP11 activates IGF2BP3. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes colorectal cancer growth and metastasis by stabilizing PPP1CA, activating the ERK/MAPK pathway, and insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) signaling (151), and interacting with nuclear factor 90 (NF90) to promote HCC proliferation and metastasis (152)."
USP11 affects IFT43
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects ICH-like symptoms
| 1
USP11 inhibits ICH-like symptoms. 1 / 1
| 1

"Also, the combination of USP11 knockdown and restoration of p53 or KLF2 knockdown elevated the mNSS value (Figure 5B) and brain water content (Figure 5C) reduced by USP11 knockdown alone in rats with ICH-like symptoms."
| 1

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
USP11 affects HSPH1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects HSPA5
| 1
USP11 activates HSPA5. 1 / 1
| 1

"The deubiquitinase USP11 promotes ovarian cancer chemoresistance by stabilizing BIP."
USP11 affects HPV-16E7
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of HPV-16E7. 1 / 1
| 1

"Our results indicate that the USP11 can greatly increase the steady state level of HPV-16E7 by reducing ubiquitination and attenuating E7 degradation."
USP11 affects HIV1gp5
1 |
USP11 binds HIV1gp5. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects HBEpCs
| 1
Modified USP11 activates HBEpCs. 1 / 1
| 1

"Over-expression of USP11-HA enhanced LPA induced IL-8 gene expression in HBEpCs (XREF_FIG b)."
USP11 affects H9C2
| 1
USP11 inhibits H9C2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore, rescue experiments revealed that TRAF3 overexpression reversed the protection of silencing USP11 on H/R-induced H9C2 cell injury."
USP11 affects H4R3me2a
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of H4R3me2a. 1 / 1
| 1

"Using this ex vivo approach, we found that depletion of USP11 reduced H4R3me2a levels (Supplementary Fig. 3c), whilst overexpression increased H4R3me2a (Supplementary Fig. 3d)."
USP11 affects H3K27AC
| 1
USP11 binds H3K27AC. 1 / 1
| 1

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."
USP11 affects GTSE1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects GIGYF2
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects GEM
| 1
USP11 inhibits GEM. 1 / 1
| 1

"Interestingly, USP11 silencing in PDA cells also enhanced sensitivity to GEM."
USP11 affects GARS1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects G1
| 1
USP11 binds PALB2 and G1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11 turns over rapidly in G1 cells and interacts poorly with PALB2 in this phase of the cell cycle (XREF_FIG)."
USP11 affects G1 S transition cells
| 1
USP11 inhibits G1 S transition cells. 1 / 1
| 1

"A 2018 study demonstrated that the loss of USP11 may cause p21 instability and induce G1 / S transition in cells ; in addition , the accumulation of p21 due to DNA damage was completely eliminated in cells lacking USP11 , which led to the abolition of the G2 checkpoint and the induction of apoptosis ( 41 ) ."
USP11 affects FlaG
| 1

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
USP11 affects Fibrosis
| 1
| 1

"Deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 promotes renal tubular cell senescence and fibrosis via inhibiting the ubiquitin degradation of TGF-β receptor II."
USP11 affects FOXP3
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects FOXJ3
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects FBXW7
| 1
USP11 inhibits FBXW7. 1 / 1
| 1

"36 Although we do n't provide evidence in this study to show whether USP11 could resist the effects of FBW7 or/and RNF8 on NONO, we speculated that the cellular levels of NONO may depend on the fine regulation among USP11, FBW7 and RNF8."
USP11 affects FBXO45
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects FARSA
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects FAF1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects ESPL1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects ELOB
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects DSB repair proteins
| 1
USP11 activates DSB repair proteins. 1 / 1
| 1

"The loss of USP11 caused impaired recruitment of a subset of DSB repair proteins such as RAD51 and 53BP1 to the repair foci XREF_BIBR."

"Here, we identify the deubiquitylating enzyme USP11 as a previously uncharacterised PRMT1 substrate, and demonstrate that the methylation of USP11 promotes DNA end-resection and the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) by homologous recombination (HR), an event that is independent from another USP11-HR activity, the deubiquitylation of PALB2."
USP11 affects DCAF8
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
USP11 affects Caspase
| 1
| 1

"As shown in XREF_FIG A & B, we observed that elevated expression of wild-type USP11, but not DUB deficient mutant USP11, significantly inhibits activation of caspase-3 and caspase -9, cleavage of PARP1 and anoikis in mammary gland epithelial cells."
USP11 affects CYS1
| 1
| 1

"Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated and then visualized by immunoblot with anti-HA antibody or anti-NP antibody, respectively. (B) 293T cells were co-transfected with plasmids that can express NP-HA, USP11, USP11-cys mutant and Myc-Ub as indicated."
USP11 affects CUL1
1 |
1 |

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USP11 affects CTNNA1
1 |
1 |

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USP11 affects CS
1 |
1 |

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USP11 affects CRY2
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects CRY1
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects CRL3KEAP1 dependent ubiquitylation PALB2
| 1
USP11 inhibits CRL3KEAP1 dependent ubiquitylation PALB2. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 can reverse CRL3KEAP1 dependent ubiquitylation of PALB2 [ 116 ] ."
USP11 affects CLK3
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects CD36
| 1
USP11 increases the amount of CD36. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 knockdown decreased the CD36 protein expression and pre-treatment with 10 μg/mL MG132 significantly maintained the CD36 level from USP11 knock down."
USP11 affects BUB3
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects BECN1
| 1
USP11 activates BECN1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Importantly, USP11 promotes autophagy activation by stabilizing Beclin 1, thereby leading to ferroptosis."
USP11 affects B4URF7
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects Akt mTOR pathway stabilizing
| 1
USP11 activates Akt mTOR pathway stabilizing. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore , the present study revealed that USP11 could promote AMPK / Akt / mTOR pathway through stabilizing VCP expression in CRC ."
USP11 affects Aging
| 1
USP11 activates Aging. 1 / 1
| 1

"Deubiquitinating enzyme USP11 promotes renal tubular cell senescence and fibrosis via inhibiting the ubiquitin degradation of TGF-β receptor II."
USP11 affects ATG10
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
USP11 affects 5-Fu resistance
| 1
USP11 activates 5-Fu resistance. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 promotes 5-Fu resistance through inducing autophagy dependent on VCP The above experimental results have confirmed that USP11 could not only mediate the resistance to 5-Fu , but also induce autophagy in colorectal cancer cells ."
USP11 affects 293T
| 1
SOX11 binds USP11 and 293T. 1 / 1
| 1

"Purified Usp11 was capable of directly deubiquitinating Sox11 in vitro (XREF_FIG) and, last, Flag-Sox11 or endogenous Sox11 associated in a complex with endogenous Usp11 in 293T cells, N2a cells, and cells taken from developing mouse cortex (XREF_FIG, and fig."
USP affects SPRTN
| 1
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
USP affects PML
| 1
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
USP domain affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds PML and USP domain. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain (XREF_FIG)."
UBE2Q1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
TRIM25 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
TP53 affects NFkappaB
| 1
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
TGFbeta receptor affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds TGFbeta receptor. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with and deubiquitylates the type I TGFbeta receptor (ALK5), resulting in enhanced TGFbeta induced gene transcription."
TGFBR2 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Taken together, these results suggest that USP11 interacts and stabilizes TbetaRII."
| 1

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
TGFB affects USP11
| 1
TGFB binds USP11 and R1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Despite its interaction with SMAD7, we found that USP11 enhanced TGFbeta signalling and bound the TGFbeta R1 receptor (ALK5)."
TCF4 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
TCEAL2 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
TCEAL1 affects Ubiquitin
| 1
| 1

"After removal of DNA, all four ssDNA binding proteins were no longer enriched, while binding to USP11, TCEAL1, and ubiquitin was not affected."
TBL3 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SULT4A1 affects USP11
| 1
SULT4A1 activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"However our study demonstrates that USP-11 has an independent prognostic impact in patients treated with NST."
SSX2IP affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SPTA1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SPRYD3 affects RAE1
| 1
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
SPRTN affects USP, and USP11
| 1
USP11 binds SPRTN and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Co-IP experiments of SFB-SPRTN with Myc-USP11 FL, C318S catalytic inactive, ΔDUSP, and ΔUSP mutant constructs showed that SPRTN interacts with the C-terminal USP domain of USP11 ( xref B )."
SPECC1 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
SOX11 affects 293T
| 1
SOX11 binds USP11 and 293T. 1 / 1
| 1

"Purified Usp11 was capable of directly deubiquitinating Sox11 in vitro (XREF_FIG) and, last, Flag-Sox11 or endogenous Sox11 associated in a complex with endogenous Usp11 in 293T cells, N2a cells, and cells taken from developing mouse cortex (XREF_FIG, and fig."
SORT1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SNAI1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SMAD6 affects USP15
| 1
| 1

"The association of USP11 and USP15 with SMAD6 implied a possible role for these DUBs in the BMP pathway."
SIRT7 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SIPA1L1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
SEC23A affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
Radiation affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Here we found that radiation activated USP11 in vivo and in vitro ."
RSL3 affects USP11
| 1
RSL3 inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition, RSL3 was able to directly bind to USP11, a recently identified de-ubiquitinase of NRF2, and inactivate USP11 protein to induce NRF2 protein ubiquitination and degradation in KLK LUAD cells."
RAPGEF2 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
RAE1 affects SPRYD3
| 1
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
RAD50 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
R1 affects USP11
| 1
TGFB binds USP11 and R1. 1 / 1
| 1

"Despite its interaction with SMAD7, we found that USP11 enhanced TGFbeta signalling and bound the TGFbeta R1 receptor (ALK5)."
PRRC2B affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
POU6F1 affects USP11
1 |
POU6F1 decreases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
POLR2E affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
POLR1C affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
PML-IV affects USP11
| 1
PML-IV inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Furthermore, PML-IV overexpression suppressed both Hey1 driven and USP11 shRNA driven tumour growth and prolonged survival (XREF_FIG)."
PML affects USP, and USP11
| 1
USP11 binds PML and USP. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain-mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain ( xref )."
PML affects USP domain, and USP11
| 1
USP11 binds PML and USP domain. 1 / 1
| 1

"Domain mapping analysis revealed that USP11 bound PML through its USP domain (XREF_FIG)."
PCGF2 affects USP7
| 1
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
PAM affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
PALB2 affects G1
| 1
USP11 binds PALB2 and G1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11 turns over rapidly in G1 cells and interacts poorly with PALB2 in this phase of the cell cycle (XREF_FIG)."
OTUD5 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
OTUD3 affects USP13
| 1
| 1

"PTEN and DUBs were readily co-immunoprecipitated with each other; however, USP11, USP13, and OTUD3 were not associated with each other (Supplementary Fig.  xref )."
OTUD1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
OSBPL10 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
NXF1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
NONO affects MYC
| 1
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
NFkappaB affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
NF90 affects USP11
| 1
NF90 increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Aberrant USP11 expression regulates NF90 to promote proliferation and metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma."
NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB. 1 / 1
| 1

"For example, USP11 acts as an upstream regulator of an IKKalpha-p53 signaling pathway 7 and interacts with the NF-kappaB transcription factor RelB."
NET1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
NEDD4L affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"An important discovery in this study is that a change of association of LPA1 with USP11 to Nedd4L is triggered by ligand binding."

"The proteasomal inhibitor MG132 negated the effect of USP11 knockdown on both ubiquitylation and SMAD phosphorylation indicating a central role for proteasomal degradation in USP11-TGFbeta pathway modulation."
MiR-132-3p affects USP11
| 1
MiR-132-3p activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"MiR-132-3p targeted USP11, and circ_DOCK1 could regulate USP11 level by miR-132-3p."
MYC affects NONO
| 1
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
MRE11 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
MPHOSPH9 affects USP11
1 |

No evidence text available
MLF1 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
MDC1 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
MAPK14 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
MAP1LC3C affects USP11
1 |

No evidence text available
M affects USP11
1 |
USP11 binds M. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
LPAR1 affects NEDD4L, and USP11
| 1
| 1

"An important discovery in this study is that a change of association of LPA1 with USP11 to Nedd4L is triggered by ligand binding."
LPA affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"LPA treatment disassociates LPA1 and USP11, while it enhances LPA1 association with Nedd4L [62]."
KLF2 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Herein, our study focused on the roles and interaction of USP11, p53, KLF2, and NF-κB in neurological function and inflammatory response in the ICH rat model, so as to find neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory targets against ICH."
KIAA0930 affects USP11
1 |

No evidence text available
KCTD6 affects SPRYD3
| 1
USP11 binds KCTD6, SPRYD3, RAE1, and PAM. 1 / 1
| 1

"USP11 interacts with RAE1, SPRYD3, KCTD6 and PAM."
Infections affects USP11
| 1
Infections increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Infection with lentivirus-expressing short hairpin RNA (shRNA) sh-USP11 successfully reduced the USP11 protein expression and consequently downregulated the protein expression of p53 (Figure 3B)."
ILF3 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Collectively, the present findings indicated that USP11 binded to and deubiquitinated NF90, thereby stabilizing the protein expression level and promoting HCC cell proliferation and metastasis."
IL17RB affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
IFT43 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
| 1

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
HSPH1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
HIV1gp5 affects USP11
1 |
USP11 binds HIV1gp5. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
H3K27AC affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds H3K27AC. 1 / 1
| 1

"The results showed that the USP11 promoter area specifically bound H3K4me3, H3K27AC and H2AZK4/7AC."
GTSE1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
GST affects NONO
| 1
GST binds USP11, MYC, and NONO. 1 / 1
| 1

"To analyse whether USP11 and NONO interacts with each other directly, purified recombinant USP11 protein was generated and GST‐pulldown assays results showed that recombinant GSTUSP11, but not the GST control, could bind to MycNONO protein expressed in HEK293 cells (Figure  xref )."
GIGYF2 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
GARS1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
G1 affects USP11
| 1
USP11 binds PALB2 and G1. 1 / 1
| 1

"We observed that USP11 turns over rapidly in G1 cells and interacts poorly with PALB2 in this phase of the cell cycle (XREF_FIG)."
FlaG affects USP11
| 1

"FLAG-ALK5 interacted with HA-USP11, and this interaction was only slightly enhanced in the presence of over-expressed SMAD7 ( xref a )."
FOXP3 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
FOXJ3 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
FK228 treatment affects USP11
| 1
FK228 treatment activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"In addition , FK228 treatment upregulated H2AZK4 / 7AC and H3K27AC expression and enhanced USP11 expression ."
FBXO45 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
FASN affects USP11
| 1
FASN phosphorylates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Similarly, the Gartenhaus lab using both pharmacological and genetic approaches, reported that FASN induced S6Kinase signaling to phosphorylate USP11 enhancing its interaction and stability of eIF4B in DLBCL consequently promoting oncogenic translation(11)."
FARSA affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
FAF1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
ESPL1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
ELOB affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
DDX24 affects PPM1G, USP11, and USP7
| 1
| 1

"We also reveal the mechanisms of USP7 interactions with USP11, PPM1G, DHX40 and DDX24, including the development of USP7-binding point mutants of USP11 and DDX24 that will be useful for function studies."
DCAF8 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Since MLF1 is highly related to MLF2, we demonstrated that MLF1 also interacts with DCAF8 and USP11, suggesting that CRL4 DCAF8 and USP11 may also regulate the expression of MLF1."
CYS1 affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"Immunoprecipitated proteins were separated and then visualized by immunoblot with anti-HA antibody or anti-NP antibody, respectively. (B) 293T cells were co-transfected with plasmids that can express NP-HA, USP11, USP11-cys mutant and Myc-Ub as indicated."
CYLD affects OTUB1, SMAD, UCHL5, USP11, USP15, and USP4
| 1
| 1

"Numerous studies have implicated the potential of DUBs to regulate the TGF-β signaling pathway including USP4, USP11, USP15, CYLD, OTUB1, and UCHL5, which interact with Smads to regulate TGF-β signaling [ xref , xref – xref ]."
CUL1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CUL affects USP11
| 1
CUL inhibits USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Mechanistically, while multi- and poly-ubiquitylation of PALB2 on N-terminus lysine residues (K20, K25 and K30) by KEAP1-Culliin3-RBX1 E3 ligase in G1 disrupt the BRCA1 interaction with PALB2, USP11 w[MISSING/INVALID CREDENTIALS: limited to 200 char for Elsevier]"
CTNNA1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CS affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CRY2 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CRY1 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CLK3 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
CHUK affects USP11
| 1
| 1

"USP15 stabilizes IκBα, whereas USP11 interacts with the inhibitor IKKα upon TNFα induction [ xref , xref ]."
BUB3 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
BTK affects USP11
| 1
BTK activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Structures of two compounds which inhibit USP9x (and other DUBs) and a structurally related BTK inhibitor.Structures inhibitors of USP10/13 and USP11."
BRCA1 affects SPECC1
| 1
| 1

"Moreover, our interactome analysis revealed that NSP5 associates with several well-studied DNA damage proteins, MDC1, BRCA1, and USP11 (Figure 2 )."
BMI1 affects USP7
| 1
BMI1 binds USP11, USP7, and PCGF2. 1 / 1
| 1

"Although the co-precipitation data implied that both USP7 and USP11 can interact with MEL18 and BMI1, they did not address whether this occurred within the context of a canonical PRC1 complex."
B4URF7 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
Ala-Gly-Ser affects USP11
| 1
Ala-Gly-Ser increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"Consistent with the USP7 silencing and knockout experiments, the USP7 inhibitor resulted in decreased levels of DDX24, DHX40 and TRIP12 in all three cell lines, whereas PPM1G and USP11 levels were only decreased by the inhibitor in AGS cells."
ATG10 affects USP11
1 |
1 |

No evidence text available
| 1

"After 48 hours of treatment with different concentrations of 5-Fu , we found that 5-Fu dramatically upregulated USP11 expression in a dose-dependent manner in HCT8 cells ( Figure 1C ) ."
5-Fu treatment affects USP11
| 1
5-Fu treatment activates USP11. 1 / 1
| 1

"What 's more , 5-Fu treatment could increase the expression level of USP11 but had no effect on VCP ( Figure 1C , D and S1 ) ."
4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide increases the amount of USP11. 1 / 1
1 |

No evidence text available
293T affects USP11
| 1
SOX11 binds USP11 and 293T. 1 / 1
| 1

"Purified Usp11 was capable of directly deubiquitinating Sox11 in vitro (XREF_FIG) and, last, Flag-Sox11 or endogenous Sox11 associated in a complex with endogenous Usp11 in 293T cells, N2a cells, and cells taken from developing mouse cortex (XREF_FIG, and fig."

No evidence text available